Tuesday, July 31, 2012

21 months old

Happy 21 months old my lil boy...kat fb mama g update status 19 pulak...another 3 months to complete our BF journey...

1) Still minum susu ibu and still minum 100ml per feeding
    - But as skrg bulan puasa..ermm sangat susah mama nak recover daily consumption at nursery..sgt sedey but mama xkan putus asa...mama bagi 3 * 100ml but nk recover smpi tgh malam pya session pn xtentu dpt recover that such amount..stock dh getting reduced..
2) KAROOT KOMEDIA adalah his current favourite..akan menari2 bila drg stat bdikir barat :)
3) Sekarang dah boleh sebut banyak perkataan..kalau di ajar la..kalau biar dia cakap sendiri mmg bahasa german dia la lagi kan..sbb main word "maaa" n "nak"...perkataan lain
   - Atok...as atisss
   - Opah..as ermmpahhh
   - Babah
   - Pak Su
  - I ada ajar sebut nama his other cousins like kak yong dina..kak ngan mia..abang hariz n hannah..lupa cousin baru sarah...and the best thing he can says it with the pelat accent..
   - Air..as aissss
   - Bus...lorry..
4) Boleh ngan bunyi pelatnya..few type of animals..like bird as "cit cit"..cat as "meowww"..dog as "gong gong"..lion/tiger as " aummm"...and if mama ask where is the bird..dia akan tunjuk atas as bird is flying..
5) BEST thing is my lil boy can show me his part of his body - NOSE, EYES, TEETH (buat gaya nk gosok gigi), TONGUE (sambil keluarkan lidah with the sound of aaaa), CHEEKS, HANDS, FINGERS, LEGS and TUMMY ( smbl bukak baju)...and now mama tgh train untuk ear and hair..hehehe..
6) Dah kurang main bola..mayb sbb there were time mama sorokkkan bola..so dia dh jadi malas..so dia skrg nak main pn vroom vroom dia..no other toys..toys smua smpn bawah tangga..
8) As no other toys..skrg main mainan dia adalah IPOD...
9) Gigi dh ada BANYAK..yeaaa...skrg tgh nk tumbuh geraham yang after the main 4 gigi tengah atas bawah..
10) Makan leh tahan n no hal makan pedas...tp xde la cili api..setakat kopok cicah sos..lauk2 kurma yang agak pedas..akan mntk air tp nak makan lagi...but still xmo makan campur..like nasi+ayam in skali suapan..kalau nk skali pn setakat telur, ikan or something yang leh dilenyekkan sekali..
11) Poopoo leh dikatakan everyday..and if poopoo keras..berpeluh2 n menangis..tp once done, rilek je main..but when i asked him whether if he is poopoo, dia akan tunjuk bontot..and datang n suruh check...
12) Kalau takat nk suruh amikkan remote or put her dirty clothes in the laundry bag..mmg dh terer...boleh siap merajuk lagi if suruh amik remote tp atok sorokkan bawah badan atok..hehehe..and new things kalau minum air tumpah, mula dtg kat kita n sebut.."ummpahhh"...
13) Pampers - Huggies total protection size L
14) Berat = 13kg * akan double check sket arini sbb xmo naik atas weighing scale! huh*
15) Tinggi : --cm *to check*

Gaya Senyum + Muka Kejung :p

Monday, July 30, 2012

His Current Addiction

Si kecik skrg peminat setia ipod..smpi xboleh nak facetime ngan babah dah.. T_T

if i accept babah nk facetime, dia akan either tekan "End" or press the main button so xnmpk la muka en suamiku itu..if mama amik dia jerit..dush dush..

but im feeling so lucky coz si kecik skrg..since dh besar ni..he can choose wisely..dia xmo layan utube..xde dah layan girls generation or 2pm..no more kpop..dah mmg xlarit ngan video2..and he will choose his kids applications..such as nursery rhymes..and mama paling bangga dia suka tgk flash card app...lagi2 bila those app siap keluarkan bunyi :)

melayan flash card smbl tgh makan...

i made 1 folder to store all the applications..n si kecik dh pandai pilih n cari apa yang dia nak..if games pn mcm pilih yang keluarkn bunyi yang mama slalu main suka2...ada game baru yang dia main yang ala2 puzzle/match the animals..tp leh match kan up to 3 pairs je..lain kena purchase..tp untuk his age..ok la kot..hehehe..

Later once dia dh pandai number..akan mama ajar math plk..which i downloaded it previously yang if my cousin or niece i melayan ipod..i suruh drg wat benda tu..xkasi main game..hehehe...

So mommies out there...any applications yang best untuk anak2? maybe boleh share ke..

mama ni sangat malas nk download..seriously..and dah la babah xmo jailbreak so smua benda kena beli..so lagi la malas..but if any free applications yang sangat useful..please share ek..

maybe ibarat his name FAROUQ..which means membezakan yang benar and salah..so bila mkin besar harap he can use this technologies to the max..bukan main game..layan cartoon or wat so eva..kat rumah sangat susah nk distract as bukak la channel cartoon sekuat mana pn volume..ada dia kisah..xkisah pun..ikut mood but what mayb 10% je kot dia akan terlarit..huhu...

$$$$ for Raya

Erm...last year pun lebey kurang je expenses nya..but mayb sbb i tak claim semua dari en suami..so xnampakla banyaknya..

just now i baru kira duit raya...duit tempah baju..baju2 me n baju2 melayu for my heroes...n duit belanja for baju2 RF and me menumpang beli kasut2 raya...nasib en suami jenis tak berkira

terasa banyak nya..lebey dari sbulan nye saving..or sbulan nya gaji la jgk..ni belum i demand nak handbag baru..apa smua..tailor pn hantar yang biasa2 je..xde la smpi 5digit pn..tapi....mayb sbb campur duit raya kot..and en suami harus kasi lebey dekat me + RF..his parents n my parents..so kat situ banyak habisnya..

and saya hanya sediakan duit raya untuk side my family je..but en suami both families kena kasi duit..hehehe..cousin2 i akan dapat duit 2 sampul la..but sbb dapat 2 sampul amaun dia lebey kurang je dari yang i kasi satu sampul..hehehe..tp lebey sket la sbb min kasi pn dh rm5 kan..pakcik yang keje obesea xkan kedekut..ahakss..

so harapnya raya kali ni akan membawa seribu satu makna...sbb si kecik dah pandai berlari melompat..membebel smua :) apa2 pun kita sudahkan puasa dulu ek...

Selamat berpuasa semua..nak keluarkan duit nk tukar duit raya ni :) tq en suami! luv ya...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #7

Bakal pemain bola yang kidal :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

His 1st experience to PA.RAM

Mayb ada orang xtau what is PA.RAM...its referring to PAsar RAmadhan uollss.. hehe

So smlm hari pertama bekerja di bulan puasa indah ini..and alhamdullilah everything went well...

As usual our office hour ends at 4.30pm..so sometimes akan fetch my mum..and yesterday we arrived at 5.10pm and harus la si kecik x amik lagi..not bad at all..and sampai2 je rumah..akan solat asar..pump for my 4th session of the day..

Actually i planned to go to param 1st before fetch my lil boy..as his nursery close at 6.30pm..so dlm 5.45pm bwk kereta nk ingat nk parking nearby..yes malas nk bjalan to param then kena balik amik kereta then baru amik si kecik..while searching for a parking but sekali jammed plk smpi la area his nursery..and terstop pulak kt depan nursery as im giving way to others...so cikgu pn dh nampak and TERPAKSA la fetch my lil boy... :)

So planning to param harus diteruskan ke tidak..ermm..after few seconds, i just rasa should be ok kot bawak si kecik n i just grabbed his shoes and just bring him along to the param..bjalan dalam 10langkah then mahu dukung..haha...ok si kecik sudah berat..then i called my bro to join us..then dia la kena dukung! wakaka..pembulian berjaya di situ..

owhh while waiting for my bro to arrive..i dah menerjah almost half param itu and guess what..he was pointing at most of the foods and drinks...nasib tunjuk2 je..kalau kuar skali "nakkkk"..mmg malu mama di situ..hahaha..

Done with his param experience..mama lenguh ok tangan hari ni..hehehe..

buli paksu..yeaaa yeaaa...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ayah's 58th Birthday Celebration

We had a small dinner for ayah's birthday..last day before terawih started..as it was on weekdays..so makan dekat2 je la..

So we went to the Kedai Arab nearby (Al amin food corner)..our 1st visit after few people suggest to go there specially ayah's frens..so we decided to bring the whole family there..kakak belanja! hooyeeahhh...

comments : 
- not bad...kari ayam + kambing sedap..nasi pn ok..just xde side dishes as others arabian restaurants la..macam tawook ke..shawarma ke..dessert2 ke..but ok la if nk pekena nasi mandy!
- And yang xbest..baby seat xde safety belt! so anak i itu awal2 duduk diam but as boleh bangun then jangan harap la nk duduk balik..saya agak anti la baby seat yang xde safety belt ni..huhu

Enjoying the soup while waiting for others to arrive..

Kanak2 gembira..
Left : terpaksa membawa mereka keluar bjalan tgk cat..
Top Right : Hannah
Bottom Right : Si anak jantan main bawah meja! farouq main bawah meja sbb sng dtg n cium hannah..mak pening!

Nasi Mandy and its condiments

Side dish : Roti arab + Kari Ayam
Kari Kambing

A slice of cake to celebrate the birthday and they are selling books too!

Menu..ada set and so senang order! :)


p/s : macam susah je nk makan beramai2 ni skrg..cukup dua anak jantan..nasib baik anak2 dara yg besar tu kat US..hahaha...paksu as usual.."lepas ni makan kt rumah je"..

kedai makan ni located kt greenwood..belakang shell.. :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Ramadhan and all our plans ruined!

After ding dong ding dong…we come to a final decision! Semua citer pasal raya….

En suami planned to come home a week after raya..coz we planned to have a quality time together2..mayb cuti2 msia ke…

So as that was our initial plans…so me la kena g brunei beraya kt sana…so that means en suami tak akan pulang during fasting month..so below were our plans :

1) Me n farouq datang ke brunei during fasting month – cancelled as dipikir2 kos mahal almost rm1k…
2) Me n farouq datang brunei n beraya sana - cancelled jgk
3) En suami balik msia a week after raya - cancelled
4) Cuti2 malaysia which we were planning to go to redang via berjaya airlines n by any of their packages - cancelled as no (3) cancelled

So we had a heart to heart conversation last nite..nasib baik mama xbeli flite tiket raya lagi...kalau tak hangus tbakar ha..so if im in his bos position pn akan buat the same thing..so i do understand what is happening there if en suami request to apply raya holiday a week after that...so his bos came out wit two options :

1) Balik raya 3 hari sebelum raya and back to work on 2nd raya
2) Balik raya a day before raya..and back to work on friday.

When the bos said start working on that particular day..so bukan balik pagi that day itself..so pagi2 kena dh ada kat opis/site...so en suami n i think semua orang mesti request naik RBA sbb ada flite malam..

And i know eventho his bos kasi pn cuti..i dont think its fair to others..lagi2 en suami macam ala2 orang key person kat sana..i xtau dia ala2 or saja2 buat2 bz ke apa..but en suami learnt a LOT from current project compared his previous project at Doha, Qatar..sampai cakap leh bukak business dah..but not now..and ramai of subcon offer him a job..jadi partner la..

This all happened as his boss learnt from last raya  holiday..bila most of married staff balik beraya..while bujang2 balik after raya..so while bosses smua kat msia beraya..yang bujang2 g holiday eventho drg patut keje..raya kan..harus la xkeje..so drg ke labuan la..kk la..n by the time bosses balik on sunday..si bujang2 sabtu balik msia..so nampak clash kat situ n site almost 2 weeks xjalan...

so his boss was giving them only two options..by friday 5th raya..the whole team dah masuk keje..n site leh bjalan seperti biasa...mood raya pn dh habis kot...so if en suami next week nya baru nk balik..tinggalkan site..waduss...harus la akan dikata n dicop nanti.."mesti ampu bos"..so if i jadi project manager pn i akan decide mcm tu..only 2 options available..choose any of it or just beraya kat brunei..

so kami memilih 2nd options..and mmg akan pack tu...melaka : : kuala selangor : : perak : : banting : : melaka :: gombak : :

so hope my both families will understand..yang kami akan rush during hubby's raya home trip..

Anyway..esok 1st Ramadhan...di sini saya mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada sesiapa yang membaca blog saya yang xseberapa ini..maaf kalau ada menyinggung mana2 pihak..semoga ramadhan kali ini akan memberi kebaikan dan keinsafan kepada kita..insyaAllah..sama2 la kita membuat kebaikan dan memperbanyakkan membaca Al-Quran..

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #6


*ye saya tau..puasa pn x lagi* :)

enjoy our last year raya piccas

1st raya @ Langkap, Perak

Excited as our 1st raya bertiga! 

2nd Raya @ Perak

3rd Raya @ Perak and otw to Kuala Selangor

4th Raya
my heroes recyle baju 1st day of raya *sempat basuh dl ok*..and me recycle baju last two years kot..as we were having a "so called-family reunion"..so smua harus berbaju melayu and si kecik ada sehelai tu jela..so recyle la smua :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bukit Tinggi : April 2012

now dh July ok mama...giler lama tperuk..sorry all..kt fb i dah update lamaaaa ok..

so this trip/photoshoot during babah's home trip on April...time kami bz ke bandung tu..so on sunday we attended a wedding - SG Gurls..then dengan pantas baju dh ada spare..kami ke bukit tinggi..as tu je place yang nearby pun..genting should be lagi dekat la but macam sejuk..n we all cari tmpt yang cozy n not crowded..thanks babah melayan kerenah mama ni..hehehe...after the photoshoot..which finished dlm kul 6++..harus turun dari genting sempah sblm gelap but still gelap jgk by the time sampai tol gombak...we went to MidV and had our dinner and babah usha lense yang dibeli last trip tu..esoknya mama keje dah..cukup2 la cuti g bandung before tu..

during this trip si kecik baru mengenal itu bubble..so that was y la mama brought it along..tp dapat kat dia..habis dipukul2 ke jalan..hehehe...

So enjoy the pics k...

TQ mama bawak farouq jalan2..chayang mama..owh xlupa tq babah jugak sbb amik gmbr...

my lil hero!

Mother & Son 1 with black swan

Mother & Son 2

Father & Son

1 Happy family at Bukit Tinggi :p

Monday, July 16, 2012

:: Harith :: Aliya :: Harith ::

Last weekend i had 2 events for harith & harith..and since im going to kajang, i visited baby aliya *satu taman n lorong belakang pn*

Luckily the events are not clashed..1 during lunch hour n 1 in the evening..so no rush la..lama dh kot x travel jauh2 n lama2 berdua ni..selalu g mall je..

HARITH - Aqiqah

The event held at Wangsa Maju. Got direction and x sesat pn :) my first time met eira..usually chatting/messaging/active in fb je..as both of us ni wife2 yang ditnggalkan lelaki..our husband both working in brunei..

Harith is 22months dah kot..hehehe..the mother said xde budget nk wat aqiqah n this was sponsored by the harith's grandparent..it was quite meriah jgk.got a very nice mini pelamin/backdrop..but no buaian la as the boy pn dh besar panjang kot..

Farouq was kinda well behaved...main kt pelamin tu..try bukak2 ada manik besar melekat kt bantal tu and mama leh la amik makanan kt luar few times..hehe..and paling best mama makan dia amik pinggan..and main sudu n garfu n buat bsepah..so keje mama mengikut nasi2 yang dia main tu..but i dont know why as he didnt eat at all when he was with me..usually nasi beriani ke apa dia suka..but this time xmakan langsung..even sesuap...*mama risau*...

Me n eira dh bjumpa..so asyik mengutuk hubby kutuk benda baik as drg tu kan bz je..anak ada aqiqah pn boss xkasi balik..even weekend..coz eira's father dh nk sponsor tiket but still xboleh balik..so money is not the issue here..they are so occupied with their jobs..and that weekend ada leadership training apa la..

So i enjoyed eating that day..despite xdapat makan percal and cake..hukhuk

Farouq dlm cubaan merosakkan harta benda orang :)

: Me with eira :: 

Candy Buffet


Khadijah Aliyah

She is now 3months old..and x bkesempatan n visit as the mummy n baby berpantang di terengganu..so alang2 dh ke taman sutera kajang..and satu taman with diana..so i visited baby aliya..but abang ali tgh tido.. ('_')

So i freshen up my lil boy kejap kt umah my fren...basahkan badan n tukar pampers n baju...and as he just woke up and i did bfed him before that..but mayb penat so dia cranky sekejap..semua benda xkena..asked my fren to make him a cup of milo..dia kan xmakan before that..just had a light bfast..nasi goreng ada la 5 suap je..so milo at least leh kenyangkn sket..n at first malu2 nk makan keropok..lepas tukar baju..g ikut amik kt dapur..hehehe..

Baby aliya dh besar! suka senyum bila agah dia..as her mummy said dia mmg suka orang main dengan dia..such a good lil gurl..be good k..dont be noty2

Baby Aliya..and farouq tgh dlm cubaan utk kiss baby aliya!

Harith - 1st Birthday

Diana was my junior when we were back in hillcrest..and harith is such a cute lil boy..he has an adorable eyes..mata kaler light coklat.. :) and he is such a good boy..xde nangis2 pn..and i met melissa and khayla as well! 

Farouq? sangat la bsronok as there were so many balloons...sepak la apa lagi kan..hehehe..and xmo makan lagi..dush dush..and odw back..he was sleeping peacefully in his carseat..but before that mama upah susu dulu..and harus la mengamuk sbb nk main stereng n marah duduk dlm carseat..but like do i care..hahaha..so nak taknak..baik tido kot! :)

The theme was safari/animals..i managed to find a suitable tops for me to be part of the theme and cannot find any for my lil boy *i will try my best to follow any theme when there was an event..as much i want people to do the same thing whenever i organize any events soon*..and when we arrived, they were done with the cake cutting session..xdapat nyanyi birthday song for birthday boy...the foods was awesome..siap ada rojak buah lagi..semua homemade!

Deco :: Candy Buffet :: Birthday Cake

Farouq & Birthday Boy & lil khayla

Happy 1st birthday Harith!

Goodie Bags..smua pn mama yang makan! :)

p/s : sampai rumah mama bgegas masak nasi goreng for my lil boy..and makan sgt banyak..ada la separuh pinggan..asyik with his "nakkk" je la..lapar kn farouq? :p

Friday, July 13, 2012

Home Trip : Jun 2012

Babah came home on 23rd of June..eventho farouq been hospitalized on 21st..coz babah mmg plan nya balik to take care of home during his operation n post op (recovery)..and since mama can handle my lil boy kt apsh..so i suruh je babah balik on sat as planned.

Saja nak citer what happened during the trip :

Saturday : 23/06/2012
Me + Farouq still at APSH...and babah from the airport direct to the hospital and reached at 11.30pm

Sunday : 24/06/2012
Discharged..and since farouq nk admitted on tuesday, and i mentioned that farouq nya pyjamas dh almost ketat..and ada dlm a few je..so discharged around 2pm..then kami without telling my parents..direct to KLCC..apsh klcc ikut akleh..ala 10mins je..so trus ke Mothercare..hehehe..but agak kecewa sbb xbanyak design..smua pyjamas yg 2 pieces mmg farouq tgh ada/pakai...mmg dh xkisah pn nk beli lagi yang sama..but size plk xde..so at the end..kami beli sleepsuit je..

and we bought present for lil Sarah (farouq's cousin) and lil princess of Has. Then layan subway..layan Garret..beli powder kat MAC..reached home almost magrib..ahakss..my mom knew we went to KLCC after that and bising sebentar sbb farouq kan baru baik..hehehe

Monday : 25/06/2012
Unpack  (apsh) + Repack (Hukm) and do the laundry..so most of the time babah take care of farouq la..patut babah tidokan farouq..mama naik tgk babah dh tido..farouq tgh main iphone..haha...

both heroes were asleep...mama do the packing
Tuesday : 26/06/2012
Breakfast and at 10.30am we went to HUKM..and bermula la episod...RF being examined by anesthetist smua..before we "check in"...kami g lunch dulu :)

Wednedsay : 27/06/2012
The Operation day..and chose to be discharged on the same day..as the recovery can be done at home je..so for wat stay kan..after doc review after the op..so kami pn discharge after tunggu bill ready smua..reached home at 11pm...

Thursday - Friday : 28/06/2012 - 29/06/2012
All of us just lepak stay at home...but babah on thursday went to bank..half day morning..and friday after breakfast around 10am++ went to the office..Jadi interviewer la plk..ada candidate utk post supervisor for him jgk pun..and alhamdulillah i can handle my lil boy..despite time babah ada xmo berak banyak..time mama jaga la nk berak banyak..ishhh..kena buli babah patutnya..x aci la..hehehe...

Saturday : 30/06/2012
Babah and farouq had their breakfast at mamak..just two of them ok! mama kena tinggal...cit! lagipun mama nk pack barang nk balik melaka..so around 3pm we all off to midV+Gardens..before off to melaka..so babah shopping habis kat sini..shopping lense (RM3k) then had early dinner at tony romas..then patutnya nak beli jersey spain kt gardens..skali ada kedai machines plk! jersey xbest..skali tanya2 ada plk stok imac yang retina tu..so g rembat trus..plus la protection etc..habis almost 10k..phewww...sehari punya shopping! and kami smpi melaka at 12am jgk kot..dah tu almost 10pm baru gerak dari gardens..hehehe

Tony Romas...yummy
Top Left : Kicking Shrimp, Onion Loaf
Bottom Left : three type of steak medallions + Burger watsoeva xingat nama

His new gadgets!

Our 1st polaroid pic
Courtesy Adidas, MidValley :p

Sunday : 01/07/2012
Aqiqah for lil Sarah...so babah as usual bz..pagi2 kena bentang karpet..vakum smua..hehehe..with another 3 of them  la..his 2 lil brothers and the in laws..so everything went well..so kami went home same day jgk sbb monday ada checkup..after dah kemas2 rumah smua..around 9pm jgk kot gerak..n singgah USIM..sent my bro in law..n i drove the car from melaka to nilai..about 60km kot and jammed almost 30km! *%&^$&....

After sending my bro in law..kami straight pulang ke gombak..babah's turn to drive plk.. but farouq while mama driving dia tido..bila mama baru nk rilek dia dh bangun..ishh..kena la bfeed him n tido je la atas riba..malas nk tfer to the carseat :)


Sarah wit her mummy

The happy RF...
babah stat guna his new lense...

Smua wit anak..sarah and the cute lil boys :)

Monday : 02/07/2012
Breakfast..mama wat nasi goreng je..then around 10am we went to Hukm..wat checkup..and to set a date for next operation next month..around 12pm settled...then went to HQ for Canon at subang..as it will took about 30mins to 1hr time for them to service the camera..so we went to Citta Mall to had our lunch..around 3pm dh kot..so we chose bubba gump..then back to canon..and harus pulang laju2 balik gombak but singgah to melawati..signed our Loan Document..yeaaa.rumah tu dh almost nk settle..kunci pn mana2 yang dh fully disbursed loan dh started dpt kunci..so us kena tggu Loan document stamping..bank release the loan amount.and insyaAllah dpt kunci jugak ...

ye la as babah nk packing..his flite tomm morning..has to leave home 3.30am..

Tuesday : 03/07/2012
So mama la yang anta to KL sentral pun..before farouq tido..bfore mama bfeed him..dah suruh babah cium sayang n gomol mama si kecik...sbb 3.30am nnti konfim dia dh tido kan..so babah just give him a goodbye kiss at the cheek pn..and ask my parents to take care of rf while i sending my hubby...and babah smpi je brunei..colleague dia amik..bfast kejap.balik rumah letak bag tukar baju keje..terus masuk keje ok!


so the end of this home trip..next? raya la nmpknya..we have plan for his coming home trip..but dont want to share it yet la since smua pn xkonfim lagi..later la ye..but its gonna be twice la me n farouq akan naik flite in 2 weeks time :) patutnya 3 times in a month..but....cancelled la pulak trip time fasting month ni..i will explain y la..but of coz sbb mahal la main reason nya kan..hahaha..

k yang..miss u already! see u raya nnti!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 vs 3 vs 20

so between 2 3 and 20 sapa menang? mesti la 20 kan?

but for this case..2 yang menang?

Kenapa 2 menang? sbb demand banyak...sbb production pn banyak..

citer pasal apa ni? pasal EBM....

Jangan stress...20months tu dah more than what i planned.never tot that i can exclusively bfeed my son..so my target until he turns 24months aka 2 years old...if ada rezeki lebey..insyaAllah..akan myusu la mcm mama dia ni dulu smpi umur 4 years ++....

Currently kat my dept ada 3 mummies...
1) yang baru masuk keje meaning baby baru 2m++ : 1st child
2) 2nd baby and now the baby is 3m++
3) and me...my lil RF is 20m++ :)

Next 2months akan ada sorang lagi..sbb baru delivered last monday..owhh me akan lebey tensen..ahakss...

Current situation :)
*sila abaikan en tuna
2 months ++
total i think around 32oz++ with 3 sessions

total i think around 17oz++ with 2 sessions

Yours truly...20months++
total i think around 4oz with 2 sessions

Me such a loser kan? ahaks...but smlm xdpt recover 0.5feeding..arini pn mcm tu jgk je gayanya..hehehe..total my lil boy consumed daily during his stays at the nursery dlm 10.5oz...so this morning dh dpt 2oz..plus at the office 4oz..plus before masuk rumah pump dl...mayb dpt lagi 2oz..so dpt la 8oz..so kena rajin sket malam nnti pump lagi :) becoz nowadays i kena pump at least 6times per day..sbb per session dpt la 2oz++..so if 5th session xdpt..so tu yang terkurang nk recover tu...

but mama will do my best ok for u my lil RF :)

Monday, July 9, 2012


18days kot saya menghilang..kemana? 

On 27th of June...my lil boy had his 3rd operation (1st stage)..which supposed to be the 2nd stage la..but due to ada incomplete as i believed incomplete tu bukan sbb doctor buat xbetul..but once dh recover baru nmpk ada lagi yang xcomplete..during his 1st and 2nd operation rasanya doc pn xmo take the risk la buat for the things yang drg xnampak kan..

Sepatutnya stat cuti on 25th sbb kena admit a day before for anesthetist check dulu kan..but on thursday a week before that..i brought him sbb dada dia wheezing..and mmg kalau bawak akan kena admit punya la..sbb a month before that pn dh kena but recovered as i kasi antibiotic je...doc suruh admit i xmo..hehehe..

so sbb gap sebulan dtg balik wheezing..so i decided better i g kamis so that leh stat cuti trus la..so on thursday tu..kemas2 bilik dulu..lawakan n wangikan..sbb i knew babah akan straight datang hospital and we will go home sama2..so kalau xkemas dulu mau pengsan babah balik tgh bilik..hahaha...so lps lunch baru kami melawat doc..and doc pn suruh admit je..so stat la hari2 ku..4D3N...and babah balik on saturday and smpi pun kul 11pm..so can consider babah balik ari ahad la kan..hehehe.

So during his stays due to bronchitis ni..mama la jaga farouq sorang2..dah la kena puasa kan..and nasib baik si kecik nak duduk dlam stroller..and satu hospital ktrg pusing..puasa and kena wat physio + suction..twice per day..so in total he had around 5 times kot..kamis tu xsempat rasanya..hehehe..xingat dah..but as next tuesday nk operate..and his paed pn dh aware..so ubat smua kasi ikut drip and during last day tangan dh bengkak so kasi cucuk kat peha je..ye la si kecik ni kan susah makan ubat! hehehehe..kena sihat if not mmg opera

Moody xmo stay in his baby cot

Happy dpt main kt play area..

Process tawaf bmula..

Happy opah came and suap makan

After 2 hours of fasting..excited makan roti! :p

Yeaaa...babah is here...

So tugas babah la showerkan..basuh poopoo..
Then after that..discharged on sunday..lepak2 dulu, basuh baju..and malam esoknya trus packing balik..untuk di admit for operation plk..owhh btw bronchitis tu kt ampang puteri and operation tu kt hukm...and since nothing to be monitored and recovery pn leh wat kat rumah..so kami bmalam 1 hari je..and a few hours after the op..kami pn mahu keluar and pulang ke rumah..hehehe..

btw pity si kecik...last minum SI, 4am..kalau minum formula 2am last..sbb formula milk kan lambat hadam...and last minum plain water kul 6am...the operation scheduled at 10am...but then op tu at 1pm..uwaaa....mmg both of us bgilir makan breakfast..and we brought him to the play area je la..pusing2 naik stroller smpi tertido pn ada...biler i dukung2 pusing wad and that time was lunch meals time..so ada air atas meja other patients..the word that he keep on saying was?? "Nakkk..Air...."

Sedey but when i said NO..*lemah lembut*..dia dh stat meraung..so kena pujuk2 balik..so when they call to get him ready..owhh mama harus dh sedih..babah yang siapkan smua..but mama dukung and then babah yang sent to the OT and tunggu in the recovery room..and once dia sudah bangun..mmg i dah bawak sebotol plain water..and kasi sket..but nurse suruh puasa sekejap sbb dia muntah once dia sedar tu..but dia asyik menangis mntk air.. T_T

so mama pun kasi la jgk sket..and bila dh smpi kat katil..babah yang comfort kan and tepuk2 nk kasi tido..and nurse kasi drip air je la kasi badan jgn dihydrate..but still mintak air n babah said yang kena drip tu air la..but sbb sedey kasi air jgk dalam sudu..bagi 1 n nk lagi..and 30mins after that doc dh dtg wat visit n cakap leh je kasi air..n kasi susu pn xpe..so kasi air dlm botol minum xmo lepas...sian anak mama...

Play area sgt best! smpi verangan nk ada play area kt rumah nnti..hahaha

even 1 tgn pn bjaya!

while waiting for the operation..fasting but still nk main..but bila boring mula dtg kt mama mintak susu...
my heroes!

Mama sayangggg farouq! be strong.... menangis
so how was the recovery? alhamdulillah..babah was around..babah la yang taking care of him a lot..mandi..merawat n memantau tmpt operation..TQ yang :)

And now he is doing well...and 1st day tadi i sent him to the nursery..kawan2 smua dah sorak2 panggil his name..and dia xnangis pn sbb yang amik dia tadi pn "mama" dia...get well soon my lil boy..be strong k..as if 1st stage ni successful..mama n babah will alwiz by ur side and support u for ur next operation...pray for him *smbl tulis mata berair*