Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Mood Raya Sudah Tiba
Friday, August 19, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Rezeki @ Ramadhan

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Our future

Monday, August 8, 2011
Im not going to comment or give any review on the series of supermak ok... *but ada orang cakap RF macam sibaby yang nasha pegang tu..ye ke? xkan? *
I just want to share on how i survived with baby without hubby beside me. And im glad i was successfully survived during my pregnancy and delivery..checkup sndr2...drive sndr2..teringin sndr2 and delivered w/o hubby...*but ada 1 mengidam yang xdapat lagi...makan seafood kat melaka... :(*
But now i nk share on how i managed to travel berdua...with my son...of coz yang g mall tu xkira la..coz selain dekat, dah biasa kot..ni yang long distance pya travel la..
1st when he was 3months..fetch babah @LCCT...1st time nk travel jauh...huhuhu..as i anta dia until his nursery which around 200meters je...agak nervous la jgk!so babah being scheduled to arrive around 1pm++ and i decided to leave home during his nap time which is around 9-10...wat i did, after he woke up around 7, i dont let him sleep..try to play with him until he tired...then i gave to my mum n i getting ready and fed him before we leave
at 1st he's doing good..but kat traffic lite baru kuar SG, leh lak dia nangis...time ni i put his carrier infront means next to me coz at least i can monitor and give him bootle (EBM)...so time ni dah giveup, takut n nk uturn dah...but then i tepuk2 dia..selawat sket...n dia tido sampai la LCCT!!!
yesss i did it!! once babah landed, he called and asked whether i'm with the little boy or not..and of coz i cakap TAK bawak kan...n mmg la babah tu..dia kuar sgt LAMBAT!!!n when tanya, dia cakap buat apa kuar awal2 sbb awak xbawak pun sikecik...hehehe...bila dia kuar n nmpk sikecik laju ok tolak beg..trus amik pic ngan muka xcited :) *this will be his 1st hometrip after my delivery..meaning last jumpa his son when he was 2 weeks n at that time RF already 3months..2bulan xjumpa*

Monday, August 1, 2011
Selamat menyambut ramadhan

Us @ Ikea n sorry for the bad quality of d pic