Happy New Year All...
Today is my 1st day for year 2011..and mayb to most of us la kot kan...
After bercuti for 2weeks, kalau ikut hari = 18days n sbb tu xupdate blog..hehehe...so ari ni as usual la..masa utk keje..n paling xbest biler :
1) Si kecik xmnum susu from botol..i tried to give him..but dia refused..tarik2 muka..ada skali dia mnum tp dia sedut then dia luah...OMG..habis basah baju
2) Si kecik xmo makan sgt..im not sure why..sbb mama kasi bubur yg sama je ke? not really..sbb mama ada masak nasi lembik2 wit soup...then ada skali soup ikan haruan *sbb jahit operation tbukak* ..n ada try kasi nasi wit kicap n ikan...but his appetite like merudum!!!
3) Si kecik jadinya xmo orang sangat...n macam biasa adegan tarik menarik tudung tadi of coz la jadi kan..hehehe...
4) Alhamdulillah as MEDELA ku bcuti for 2weeks, but production hari ini adalah seperti selalu..100ml (subuh), 150ml(11am) and 150ml(5pm) which leh recover stok yang di hantar ke nursery :) *currently using stok Oct2011*
Hasil subuh :) |
2 * 150ml @ Office |
And babah also came back for the longest period for year 2011 i guess (9days)..sangat happy!! wat me managed did...
1) Celebrating our 2nd year of anniversary @ Prime Le Meridien...should i tell u how much he spent for that dinner...*next entry with the piccas ok
2) Taking care of RF the whole period at the hospital and after the operation..even ada sesi mengalir airmata sbb mama sdey ngan babah..but tell it later la jgk :)
3) We went to Villa park and discussed with management regarding the defect items *dh nk dekat 2thn xbuat2 lg ok defect items*, to settle about the renovation and good news..they can find a tenant to rent the house..yeaa yeaaa
4) get the Letter Offer for our 2nd house @ Rawang tu...at last, approved sudah..n we managed to get the unit that they offeref previously...
5) Sent the LO to the developer and babah for the 1st time, tgk location rumah tu...babah ada bunyi2 macam rasa jauh la rumah tu..n kawasan dia xmbangun lagi...like jalan xbesar lagi..but its ok babah..we just wait and hope for a better development at that area k
Seriusly banyak benda nk bcrita...but bz wit works!!! huhuhuhu
Btw, apa resolutions yek??..i dont think banyak kot n xde mengidam nk dapat ni or tu ke..
1) Better wife n mum
3) Holiday..nk g pantai..nk g pulau!!xdapat luar2..dalam malaysia pn jadi la..
4) Hubby dapat keje kat malaysia..but at least kena gaji sama mcm skrg sbb rumah nk kena bayar 2 dh..hubby keje sni kena ada kete lg 1..huhu..kalau dpt lebey, mama leh berenti keje :)
5) Last but not least...where is my engagement n wedding rings!!!i cannot find them...uwaaaaaaaaa.... T_T