Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rindu Tummy

Out of the blue moon..i received sms from hubby..

H : b saja nengok gamba2 perot awak ni..bila la nak ada shape perot camni lg yang... :)

and for me yg ttiba dapat je..of coz rasa membara..sbb citer pasal perut+shape...owhh hati dh sakit sbb nk cakap me dh gemuk la tu..perut dh blipat2...n x pikir panjang trus reply..

W : Tgk kt mana? z leh ada blk shape..awk blk sini kasi z leh g gym..

memang rasa dan2 tu nk wat sit up..hahahhaa...then time perut slim melim mana ada en suami amik gmbr nk cakap pasal perut time preggy...trus rasa bsalah..marah xtentu pasal..*dlm hati je marah2 pun*

then sms masuk...

H : b tengok perut peknen awal la..Naper awak terasa perut awak takde shape ke skrg? Hiho

apakah Hiho tu..tu mmg perli baikkk punya la tu...huh

W : Hahahha..tu la z terpikir tgk pic perut msti la time pregnant kan?awak yang xnak ada baby kan?skrg mmg xde shape..buncit n gemuk...

coverline so that nnti babah balik hometrip xde la tkejut tgk perut mama ni..hahahhaa...

H : Hahaha...boleh tak b nak awak perut peknen tp dalam kosong je..takde baby hehehe

W : Asal lak??kira nak z buncit la ye??hehehe...xde feel la ada baby menendang2 dlm tu...
comey ok... :)

Nanti pregnant lagi nk photoshoot lawa2 macam ni k babah

So kesimpulan nya...peknen tu sexy ok!!so wife out there...go n get pregnant!!! :)

Pics from google

Friday, January 20, 2012


I ada bgtau kan yang before this si kecik xlalu makan...n previous post pulak dia makan bersungguh nasi KFC tu...

sbnrnya si kecik kena ulcer...ingatkn satu..ada la dalam 3 jgk...n sgt besar...

so wat i did was just giving him oralgel je...i texted my classmate yg sorang tu yang doctor..hehehe..banyak jgk i mntk her opinions and advices.
part of his ulcers...

and after few times, seems like the ulcers didnt get any better...n mcm ada luka2 kt keliling mulut...then my fren suruh pergi jmp doc..i pn dh seram takut H.FMD tu kan..but tangan n kaki xde naik apa2 pn..but still pergi je jmp doc...

and RF pn refused bottle..minum susu dalam cawan..and 1st day at nursery..dia minum sbotol je!! air liur meleleh xyah cakap la..1st time tu i just pelik..naper la basah baju si kecik ni..skali intai rupanya ulcer...hehehe..sian anak mama...

basah baju ayaq liuq mengalir..
so biler mama balik je..harus la melekat je nk myusu..but biler malam, mulut kering..nk nyusu adalah sakit..n dia meragam malam2..nk nyusu pn takut2..T_T mmg mama kena pujuk dl, so 2 3 malam la jgk kurang tido..but anythin for u my son..xde pun farouq bjaga sejam ke apa..majuk sakit tu dalam 5minit je..then mama usap2 sket..then farouq pn mnum susu..kt rumah pn nk kasi minum susu dlm cawan pn amik masa...mama kena kasi time farouq main2 tu..but habis gak sebotol :)

maybe ulcer tu sbb panas or apa pn xsure..but skrg dh ok!! suka makan skrg!! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pon Pon...

Alaaa pon pon..kenapa tambang mahal sangat??

pon pon!!!

tau la sangat laju...mahal nye :(
saya nk berjalan bersama keluarga sambil melawat adik iparku di kenapa tambang mahal sgt...tiket flite dh la mahal jgk even tambang pon pon mahal giler...nnti nk g masuk theme park.pastu universal studio lagi...
theme park!! sangat tinggi!!! 47mins from my bro in law place.

so hubby n adik iparku sudah bkira2..tup2 kos tu tak termasuk accomodation at 1 place ni *since yg lain tumpang tido umah adik ipar n kawan dia* dah almost 7k...gulp gulp...tak masuk harga tiket lagi...

owhh sbelum terlupa NAK shopping lagi...drg ada outlet which lagi besar dari JPO kot..ahaksss...

saya mahu pergi ke AMI, TOKI and RINKU premium outlets!!
me YM-ed with hubby and hubby SKYPE-ed with his brother..from 12 tgh mlm until 1.30am....diskusi itu ini..kira kira...then lastly hubby kasi 5 days habis 5digit....and me replied..sanggupkah???hahaha...

So whether kami akan pergi tmpt lain or tak kemana-mana...since next year rumah dah nak siap..nk reno lagi..nak beli barang2 rumah lagi.... T_T

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Makan..nyum nyum

owhh yesterday mama adalah super tamak..for lunch beli subway n set rice kfc...n bila makan kfc, 1st time makan nasi nya n terasa sgt lembut n terus terpikir kat mama makan separuh je n tinggalkn n pk nak kasi kt farouq...*tp bedal subway plk..super full*

sedap rupanya :) tp skrg dh xde sup..ganti ngan coleslaw
by the time sampai rumah..farouq tgh menangis...sian opah xleh nk smyg mama trus grab n opah trus g mandi mama pn ltk dlm baby chair *pinjam aunty yong punya*...then farouq adalah sgt suka! and ANAK MAMA DAH PANDAI PEGANG SUDU N SUAP sndr...mama just tolong cedukkan n farouq suap sndr...n farouq suap mama jugak...


let me do it by my own mama!

nyum nyum
and farouq makan almost separuh la jgk...sronok mama farouq dh suka makan...n then mama kasi honey star plk ltk dlm bowl..n farouq makan habis jgk..yeaaa..

lepas ni mama nk train farouq pandai minum air thru sippy cup n kalau leh dari cawan...and mama nk stat kasi farouq minum susu kotak dutch lady...harap2 suka..xtau nak kasi coklat ke..strawberry ke..or susu ke...tgk mcmana..
from age 1 to 6...yeaa...nnti mama kasi yek :)
p/s : mama sent gmbr kt babah..n babah suruh mama masak nasi ayam!! alaaaa babah..mana reti..nnti la slow2 mama blaja k..amik resepi sana sini..tgk mana yang senang :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Help for those who needed

Betapa lambatnya me untuk berfikir secara matang n motherly ni...even my son have to go thru another operation as i rasa mampu untuk menanggung i xde pn terpikir about others..

After my fren's doter been diagnosed with liver failure and need to go for a liver changed my mind...totally changed!!!and she is only 2 years old.. :(

Everything happended so fast, in a week i think..the doc told the parents about their daughter's condition..and now she is in ICU, incubated and ventilated...i visited her and wayar merata...and i can see her body pn dh yellowish sbb liver xfunction...

Currently they are looking for a potential donor..Blood type B..and if not available, the transplant need to be done kt singapore and the cost appx RM400k

Ye betul..saya xmampu membantu dari segi menderma sebahagian hati..but this is wat suddenly came out from my mind...RM400k adalah sangat banyak..and how can i help? of coz donate $$$...and how much sbb kita bukan orang senang i was thinking, if i donate RM50 they need 8,000org lagi untuk donate that much of selagi boley i try kasi lebey n mengharap maybe mereka dapat kumpul wang secepat mungkin..n if ada family yang sesuai untuk menderma part of hati, mayb the operation dekat hospital selayang n cost akan bkurang..half of it je we pray for the best..

then suddenly while im bloghopping...1 blogger updated that ada jgk orang memerlukan bantuan..dalam RM18k untuk anaknya yang sakit jantung...then i terpikir..kalau i donate RM10..they just need another 1,800org lain...which i think possible je if the news spread...

And i was thinking, RM10 tu ibarat i xmakan mcd for that particular week je...bukan sampai i kebulur...or just kita imagine, if selama ni kita makan nasi lemak pagi2 wit ayam..cost dh RM4.50..y not kita makan nasi lemak kosong or bihun goreng je for that week...kenyang jgk...leh derma kat orang yang sangat2 memerlukan...

So saya nekad, lepas ni saya nk make sure ada balance kt my maybank that if someone need a donation, lagi2 if anak yg xsihat n operation is a must, n islam..saya akan membantu..xkira la brapa RM yang mampu....

Pray the best for other childs in fighthing their own disease/illness...Allah will alwiz be with u..

Thursday, January 5, 2012

No more bekalan

As per my previous entry..i mentioned that si kecik dh xmo makan kan..dh kureng..n as at smlm i still provide him bubur (carrot+potato) teacher cakap dia dh xmo..dia lagi suka makan nasi goreng...bihun goreng and makanan orang besar...

So today, i more i xde la pepagi kena masak bubur...periuk hangit sbb air kering!!hahaha...macam2 la..

i tried buat bubur plus ayam..dia xmo ok...makan bubur tu, tp kalau i kasi ayam..dia luah..byw, ayam tu i lenyek dh tau..

nasi wit soup...xmo jgk..

nasi wit kicap + ikan..xmo jgk..

xberani lagi kasi dia makan makanan orang besar..mcm mee goreng ke apa..sbb skrg ni ktrg masak slalu pedas kn..n biler kuar, my menu alwiz nasi that si kecik leh makan..but still last week dia makan nasi ayam tu adala 4 5 suap je....

at least biler kasi bubur dia sbb tu i terpikir, if dia xmakan tp dapat la makan bubur 2 3 suap pn ok la...

btw roti pn dh bites pn xmo...skrg baby bites n his porridge slalu menjadi makan dina n mia..hehehe..

adusss, lepas ni on weekend..mama kena masak la..hehehe

owhh smlm pn kasi nasi plus soup ayam...n ikan goreng...firstly kasi ikan..ok..kasi ikan lagi skali xmo dah...ok fine..kasi nasi + sup...masuk2 then luah..ok fine..kasi la kentang..makan..then mama wat trick, kasi kentang then letak sket 4 5 butir je kot..luah ok!!!adusss...then kasi kentang je..tu je la dia makan...

lepas ni mama kena masak nasi goreng la..bihun xleh pedas...
xpe farouq..mama akan tmbh cili that farouq leh makan pedas!!hehehe...

p/s : tp smlm dia poo poo cair..sbb makan pedas kt nursery ke? huhuhu....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012

Happy New Year All...

Today is my 1st day for year 2011..and mayb to most of us la kot kan...

After bercuti for 2weeks, kalau ikut hari = 18days n sbb tu xupdate ari ni as usual la..masa utk keje..n paling xbest biler :
1) Si kecik xmnum susu from botol..i tried to give him..but dia refused..tarik2 muka..ada skali dia mnum tp dia sedut then dia luah...OMG..habis basah baju
2) Si kecik xmo makan not sure why..sbb mama kasi bubur yg sama je ke? not really..sbb mama ada masak nasi lembik2 wit soup...then ada skali soup ikan haruan *sbb jahit operation tbukak* ..n ada try kasi nasi wit kicap n ikan...but his appetite like merudum!!!
3) Si kecik jadinya xmo orang sangat...n macam biasa adegan tarik menarik tudung tadi of coz la jadi kan..hehehe...
4) Alhamdulillah as MEDELA ku bcuti for 2weeks, but production hari ini adalah seperti selalu..100ml (subuh), 150ml(11am) and 150ml(5pm) which leh recover stok yang di hantar ke nursery :) *currently using stok Oct2011*

Hasil subuh :)

2 * 150ml @ Office

And babah also came back for the longest period for year 2011 i guess (9days)..sangat happy!! wat me managed did...
1) Celebrating our 2nd year of anniversary @ Prime Le Meridien...should i tell u how much he spent for that dinner...*next entry with the piccas ok
2) Taking care of RF the whole period at the hospital and after the operation..even ada sesi mengalir airmata sbb mama sdey ngan babah..but tell it later la jgk :)
3) We went to Villa park and discussed with management regarding the defect items *dh nk dekat 2thn xbuat2 lg ok defect items*, to settle about the renovation and good news..they can find a tenant to rent the house..yeaa yeaaa
4) get the Letter Offer for our 2nd house @ Rawang last, approved sudah..n we managed to get the unit that they offeref previously...
5) Sent the LO to the developer and babah for the 1st time, tgk location rumah tu...babah ada bunyi2 macam rasa jauh la rumah tu..n kawasan dia xmbangun jalan xbesar lagi..but its ok babah..we just wait and hope for a better development at that area k

Seriusly banyak benda nk bcrita...but bz wit works!!! huhuhuhu

Btw, apa resolutions yek??..i dont think banyak kot n xde mengidam nk dapat ni or tu ke..
1) Better wife n mum
3) Holiday..nk g pantai..nk g pulau!!xdapat luar2..dalam malaysia pn jadi la..
4) Hubby dapat keje kat malaysia..but at least kena gaji sama mcm skrg sbb rumah nk kena bayar 2 dh..hubby keje sni kena ada kete lg 1..huhu..kalau dpt lebey, mama leh berenti keje :)
5) Last but not least...where is my engagement n wedding rings!!!i cannot find them...uwaaaaaaaaa.... T_T