Babah came home on 23rd of June..eventho farouq been hospitalized on 21st..coz babah mmg plan nya balik to take care of home during his operation n post op (recovery)..and since mama can handle my lil boy kt i suruh je babah balik on sat as planned.
Saja nak citer what happened during the trip :
Saturday : 23/06/2012
Me + Farouq still at APSH...and babah from the airport direct to the hospital and reached at 11.30pm
Sunday : 24/06/2012
Discharged..and since farouq nk admitted on tuesday, and i mentioned that farouq nya pyjamas dh almost ketat..and ada dlm a few discharged around 2pm..then kami without telling my to KLCC..apsh klcc ikut akleh..ala 10mins trus ke Mothercare..hehehe..but agak kecewa sbb xbanyak design..smua pyjamas yg 2 pieces mmg farouq tgh ada/pakai...mmg dh xkisah pn nk beli lagi yang sama..but size plk at the end..kami beli sleepsuit je..
and we bought present for lil Sarah (farouq's cousin) and lil princess of Has. Then layan subway..layan Garret..beli powder kat MAC..reached home almost mom knew we went to KLCC after that and bising sebentar sbb farouq kan baru baik..hehehe
Monday : 25/06/2012
Unpack (apsh) + Repack (Hukm) and do the most of the time babah take care of farouq la..patut babah tidokan farouq..mama naik tgk babah dh tido..farouq tgh main iphone..haha...
both heroes were asleep...mama do the packing |
Tuesday : 26/06/2012
Breakfast and at 10.30am we went to HUKM..and bermula la episod...RF being examined by anesthetist smua..before we "check in"...kami g lunch dulu :)
Wednedsay : 27/06/2012
The Operation day..and chose to be discharged on the same the recovery can be done at home for wat stay kan..after doc review after the kami pn discharge after tunggu bill ready smua..reached home at 11pm...
Thursday - Friday : 28/06/2012 - 29/06/2012
All of us just lepak stay at home...but babah on thursday went to bank..half day morning..and friday after breakfast around 10am++ went to the office..Jadi interviewer la plk..ada candidate utk post supervisor for him jgk pun..and alhamdulillah i can handle my lil boy..despite time babah ada xmo berak banyak..time mama jaga la nk berak banyak..ishhh..kena buli babah patutnya..x aci la..hehehe...
Saturday : 30/06/2012
Babah and farouq had their breakfast at mamak..just two of them ok! mama kena tinggal...cit! lagipun mama nk pack barang nk balik around 3pm we all off to midV+Gardens..before off to babah shopping habis kat lense (RM3k) then had early dinner at tony romas..then patutnya nak beli jersey spain kt gardens..skali ada kedai machines plk! jersey xbest..skali tanya2 ada plk stok imac yang retina g rembat la protection etc..habis almost 10k..phewww...sehari punya shopping! and kami smpi melaka at 12am jgk kot..dah tu almost 10pm baru gerak dari gardens..hehehe
Tony Romas...yummy
Top Left : Kicking Shrimp, Onion Loaf
Bottom Left : three type of steak medallions + Burger watsoeva xingat nama |
His new gadgets! |
Our 1st polaroid pic
Courtesy Adidas, MidValley :p |
Sunday : 01/07/2012
Aqiqah for lil babah as usual bz..pagi2 kena bentang karpet..vakum smua..hehehe..with another 3 of them la..his 2 lil brothers and the in everything went kami went home same day jgk sbb monday ada checkup..after dah kemas2 rumah smua..around 9pm jgk kot gerak..n singgah USIM..sent my bro in law..n i drove the car from melaka to nilai..about 60km kot and jammed almost 30km! *%&^$&....
After sending my bro in law..kami straight pulang ke gombak..babah's turn to drive plk.. but farouq while mama driving dia tido..bila mama baru nk rilek dia dh bangun..ishh..kena la bfeed him n tido je la atas riba..malas nk tfer to the carseat :)
Aqiqah! |
Sarah wit her mummy |
The happy RF...
babah stat guna his new lense... |
Smua wit anak..sarah and the cute lil boys :) |
Monday : 02/07/2012
Breakfast..mama wat nasi goreng je..then around 10am we went to Hukm..wat checkup..and to set a date for next operation next month..around 12pm settled...then went to HQ for Canon at it will took about 30mins to 1hr time for them to service the we went to Citta Mall to had our lunch..around 3pm dh we chose bubba gump..then back to canon..and harus pulang laju2 balik gombak but singgah to melawati..signed our Loan Document..yeaaa.rumah tu dh almost nk settle..kunci pn mana2 yang dh fully disbursed loan dh started dpt us kena tggu Loan document release the loan amount.and insyaAllah dpt kunci jugak ...
ye la as babah nk packing..his flite tomm morning..has to leave home 3.30am..
Tuesday : 03/07/2012
So mama la yang anta to KL sentral pun..before farouq tido..bfore mama bfeed him..dah suruh babah cium sayang n gomol mama si kecik...sbb 3.30am nnti konfim dia dh tido babah just give him a goodbye kiss at the cheek pn..and ask my parents to take care of rf while i sending my hubby...and babah smpi je brunei..colleague dia amik..bfast kejap.balik rumah letak bag tukar baju keje..terus masuk keje ok!
Yummy..... |
so the end of this home raya la nmpknya..we have plan for his coming home trip..but dont want to share it yet la since smua pn xkonfim lagi..later la ye..but its gonna be twice la me n farouq akan naik flite in 2 weeks time :) patutnya 3 times in a month..but....cancelled la pulak trip time fasting month ni..i will explain y la..but of coz sbb mahal la main reason nya kan..hahaha..
k yang..miss u already! see u raya nnti!