Anak mama dh besar!!
Happy 2nd birthday my lil boy...
mama n babah luv u very much!!!..mmuahhh mmuahhh
p/s : kami di HK skrg ni :) from last sunday to today...flite @ 4pm...celebrating our triple celebration + his last flite ticket as infant.. :D
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
:: RF :: 2nd Birthday :: Planning ::
Planned for a few occasions and hope most if it accomplish la..
#1 : Babah is coming home - NI pasti
#2 : Cake Cutting @ Melaka..advance la..mayb on friday nite..
#3 : Last travel as infant
#4 : 4D3N for our triple celebration
#5 : Cake cutting @ his nursery
#6 : Genting trip with my family..this one agak susah nk plan coz my parents byk sangat undangan org kawin :(
#7 : Cake Cutting with my familia
#8 : Lepaking with STMBians and celebrate his birthday as well...
p/s : cerita 1st birthday dia pn xmasuk2 dlm blog ni...i will...will do..but not bz! xsmpt nk collage n select gmbr..huhu
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Durrah is Pearl
Welcome my 4th niece..
All updates pasal si kecik ni..either thru bbm..or thru whatsapp...n kadang2 my sis will send her photo or video la...and kadang2 berfacetime..
See u another 2 years a good gurl..
n sista...please take care of yourself...jangan nk celebrate makan kuih seri muka plk..hehehe..sit up jgn lupa..ahakss...
Dina n Mia...pls jangan buli adik ok...specially mia! hehehe...
My lil niece was born on 5th October...celebrate birthday ngan uncle basiq la nanti :)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
:: 29 :: 02 ::
Happy 29th birthday to me! (10th october)
and happy 2 years old my lil boy RF!! (23 zulkaedah)
and happy 2 years old my lil boy RF!! (23 zulkaedah)
Sunday, October 7, 2012
sangat dilemma...with my limited annual leaves...hubby's limited approval of leaves..errmmm..
at first we planned to have our triple celebrations at KK+Kundasang+Tip of borneo before our lil boy turns 2 years old...
The pros :
1) family time..bonding time of rf n babah..n 3 of us reunite..
2) last infant ticket for my lil murah la kan his fare eventho last minute purchase pn
3) planned to go during raya haji..from 27th or 28th until his birthday..31/10/ babahnya cuti agak cerah di situ untuk dapat approval sbb mayb ramai balik cuti raya....
4) Cozy n cold place kot...n of coz kk tu kinda a must visit la cuti2 malaysia..
Cons :
1) travel with rf berdua..from kl direct to kk..gonna meet babah kat kk by airplane berdua is not my 1st time pn..but previously he still fully skrg bila SI dh kurang..agak risau disitu :( and since FM pn xberapa nk minum..
Yaa i dont see any cons la if we stick with our current plans... inlaws plans to go to legoland!! the whole family la pegi..since i try nk balik melaka berdua with RF this coming 20th and beside that leh attend my SIL's convocation..i did went back to melaka berdua..when rf less than 6m kot *tak ingat* scary...alhamdulillah dia xnangis all the way kt highway...perjalanan gombak melaka aman..perjalanan melaka gombak la..lps keluar je highway..trus stat menangis..sbb nk susu..n since he was fully i stopped more than 3 times decided not to travel berdua wit RF n my inlaws pn xbagi dah...and since he is almost 2 years now..dh stat formula..dh stat pandai pgg botol..n stat makan..rasanya i can try la kot kan..ahaksss...
so if this 20th berjaya...and if our plan to KK of coz hubby xleh nk blk dah la kan..coz inlaws planned to go to legoland early november.. T___T
the pros :
1) expenses mayb sponsored by bapak mertua ku la *home stay + of coz i xkan drive la + tiket*..mcm trip drg ke USS early this year n i x ikut tu.. :(
2) Bonding time with in laws...
3) as ramai peluang i nk suruh sesapa jaga RF n i leh la main kt legoland tu..and ramai leh amikkan gmbr kami2..hehehe
4) n mayb leh g JPO
IF KK tak jadi n hubby choose to join project legoland :
5) leh panjangkan langkah pegi singapore...g USS plk...
6) n kinda bonding time if we go to spore between rf n babah coz i think in laws mesti xikut pya..
the cons :
1) legoland = panas
2) if hubby x ikut..ermm balik melaka jumaat n blk kl either ahad tu jgk or isnin me la yg kena pilih..
3) terlepas la flite murah for lil rf if project kk cancel..coz hubby leh pilih either kk or legoland+USS...n xtau bila baru leh g kk tu..huhu
but i rasa better KK...sbb if xpegi this time..mayb mmg xkan pegi la for the next 2 years pya la..projek nk g pulau pn lama tertangguh ha.. :( legoland tu brapa sgt je la if en suami nk kena bayar pn if pegi if pergi bertiga boring la sbb xleh nk enjoy main sama2 sbb kena gilir2 jaga RF...
so if KK xjadi n babah choose legoland and me ada la en suami xde la sorg2 mcm ala2 outsider kan nnti..hehehe..n ktrg leh g singapore..ermm but if kk mayb tetap akan ke legoland without babah kan.. T___T
Family vacation,
travel 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Happy Birthday Hubby!!
Last 20-series for my beloved hubby...
Yang...moga apa yang kita impikan *as per what i wished tepat pukul 12am and sent thru sms* akan termakbul...
luv u and we miss u!
i called him mayb dlm pukul 11.55pm 04/10/2012..sbb our lil boy dh ngantuk giler..sian si kecik mama xkasi once babah angkat call, n mama x buat si kecik saw our raya photo kt keep on " babah"..and me saja bertanya.."who is this *pointed at him*..and my lil boy replied "fayuuqq...aroooq"" so hubby dgr i guess..after 1 minit baru on loudspeaker and en suami pn "farouq...farouq.."..and the lil boy tersengih2 malu..hehehe...comey je..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my hero :) my luv |
From ur luvly wife |
and not to forget..ur handsome son! :D |
p/s : we are still waiting for the good news :)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Fashionista... :p
My lil boy terpaksa la become kinda looks like a k-pop style..ber color blocking..and what so eva penangan mama yang ermmmmm xboleh nk follow the fashion due to the increased on weight tremendously*tensen*..selalunya orang update gmbr sndr kan..but me terpaksa ok...please paham ye..TERPAKSA mengupload gmbr anak yang mamanya rasa lagi comey n lawa dari upload gmbr mama yang bila pakai baju yang loose smua..currently keep on repeating wearing those tops from poplook..yang selesa n sejuk itu..*plus leh cover thighs yang besar bak juara T_____T*
and as he has lots..and when i say lots...seriously si kecik adalah sangat banyak baju yang still xpakai lagi..penangan raya shopping x hengat...*this week nk g h&m at setia mall for shopping lagi*
so because of that...i decided to berjalan to the mall ke..makan2 ke every weekend and pakai those newly clothes..pants xberapa banyak...n lately i bought pants from h&m pn yang with age 3y.o *pastikan jenis yang adjustable la waist tu kan* kasi lipat2 saja so leh pakai for 1 year..n mayb 2 years...hahahaha...n mostly his clothes yang mayb dah di pakai 3 4 kali..or smpi mama dh boring asyik baju tu je..akan di transfer jadi baju basahan/baju nursery for those round neck shirt la...*ye baju si kecik ke nursery mostly are from mothercare*
:: Penang :: 17/09/2012 :: :: Gingersnaps :: BabyGaps :: Lacoste :: |
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:: Pavillion :: 29/09/2012 :: :: Gingersnaps :: H&M :: All Star :: |
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:: Tanjung Malim :: 30/09/2012 :: :: BabyGaps :: H&M :: Lacoste :: |
Me adalah xberapa suka guys pakai round neck berjalan..mcm agak serabai unless..unless kalau baju tu fit not that kinda fit mcm melekat la..janji x mgeleber bagai..i prefer guys wear kolar t-shirt or kemeja la thats why si kecik pn mostly baju2 round neck xkan di pakai sgt unless baru n sebelum di transfer utk pakai as baju basahan...
p/s : next shopping must be his shoes takut x berbaloi sbb kaki budak cepat membesar... :(
and sorry as si kecik gambarnya banyak duduki di dalam stroller..sbb nya dia malas sng for mama sbb xde aksi kejar mengejar or dukung mendukung...hehehe...
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Wordless Wednesday #11
bukan kerja je ada reminder....laki ku ini harus diremind since duit dh transfer..erkk..rumah tu later2 pn xpe..hahaha..
Monday, October 1, 2012
: : 05 : : 10 : : 31 : :
Finally october is here...
its month of celebrations for us the lil family..
my hubby is older by me for 5 days only...
and since lil farouq cannot wait for his EDD which supposed to be on 14/11/2010 but popped out on 31/10/ jadila october baby jgk :) kinda happy when october is around the corner..but no more birthday party for my lil boy until dia masuk tadika..until he can understands what is the meaning of it..gonna have a simple celebration wit family and his frens at the nursery..
so hope for a good news from hubby...mintak2 cuti approve so that we can reunite and celebrate our special days!
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