Monday, November 26, 2012

Akid&Bella's Birthday Bash

Dulu sibuk attend wedding...

Skrg either aqiqah or birthday..hehehe..

So last saturday, we attended Akid&Bella's Birthday Bash @ The Club, Bukit Utama....

It was a simple and kids were crying here n there...why?? bcoz they all were scared with the clown..n yes including my lil boy... T___T and also the birthday boy..birthday gurl pn takut...hehehe..

I met few of my old schoolmates there...and still waiting the photo of 4 of us..and they all were holding their kid..a girl except me..hahaha...*jom yang nak anak pompuan*

TQ molly for inviting us...hope akid n bella enjoy with the present yang tak seberapa tu..

Bella's 1st Birthday & Akid's 3rd Birthday
Both of them are sooo cute..

:: Door Gifts :: Banner :: The foods *kambing golek yo* ::

:: Clown :: Farouq&Damia :: Farouq at the pool ::
After the party patutnya bebudak akan terjun dalam pool...mama dh ready with his swimsuit dah..but si kecik sudah ngantuk..volunteer nk duduk dlm stroller...sbb dh ngantuk n xsmpi 5mins masuk kete trus zzzzz....

next time kita mandi pool k farouq..

Thursday, November 15, 2012

1st Muharram 1434H

Selamat Tahun Baru Islam / Salam Maal Hijrah.....

today marks our calendar, our 3rd wedding anniversary according to islamic calendar....

Happy Anniversary hubby...

Hope our marriage last forever and get His blessing and we can raise our kid(s) together eventho with this LDR...

Im happy to have you in my life...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

OK Laling

Bila isteri tak dapat membebel kat telinga en suami...

sbb en suami xde nearby..and nk call asyik bz je..

so membebel and msg berkali2 thru sms-es.. :)

and bila he answered smpi mcm ni..nmpk sangat malas nk layan sbnrnya..hehehe

sblm 1st msg tu..ada 2 3 messages and few morning calls as reminder...ahaks...

p/s : yang jgn lambat2 k...

Adhoc items that we bought and owhh bugaboo!!

For our vacation last week..we bought few items just before the travelling period itself...major things are :

1) Bugaboo Transport Bag

2) Microphone for the camera

Im lucky that i got the bubagoo bag, that was in stock at mothercare KLCC coz only 1 left and usually we need to order to get the bag..coz we were thinking to buy or not to buy before this..but because of no purpose and i bought the mclaren volo to use as a travelling not to buy la of coz kan..

but suddenly for our trip, hubby said it will be a long day journey of walking and hubby decided to bring the bugaboo instead of mclaren as bugaboo tu mmg comfortable la si lil farouq...mmg sedap la tido..lgpun we went to disneyland.."hubby : kita g disneyland harus la naik bugaboo " T__T and boleh plk jmp mat saleh bwk bugaboo jgk..huhu..dia seronok la kt situ n bangga skejap..hohoho..

Can you spot which 1 is ours and which 1 belong to that mat saleh? hehehe
so me beli la itu bag with the price of RM638 at mothercare, KLCC and just now noticed that bebehaus also selling the bag with the price of RM589!! rugi almost RM50 di situ!! danggg...tu la jadi bila x survey..huhu..

how come i know that bebehaus also selling the bag?? sbb clip for 1 of the big wheels is broken! so harusla bkk bugaboo website and search for their retail locator and found out few stores listed...the stroller still boleh pakai but since to store it inside my car..we have to take off the agak susah disitu..and for storage dlm travelling/transport bag pn kena bukak all the agak susah la en suami last time at the airport nk mbuka tyre yg clip dh patah mcmana nk g legoland ni..kena bwk mclaren je la nmpk nya..hehehe..we dont know how la klip tu leh patah..coz we were putting other things inside the bugaboo transport bag tu..dh save few kg sbb stroller x dikira as luggage :) tp becoz of that ke? adusss.....

itu klip tggl 1 side yg upper tu dh terpatah..
so mcmana nk clip it to take off the wheel? huhu
I emailed to bugaboo service asia..and banyak songeh plk drg ni..requested to have a look at the broken part..kena send picture to them..nak purchase date la..purchase place and purchase address and tel no..and also serial number...banyak plk nk tanya nya..aduss...

so en suami akan still trus cari those infos and email to bugaboo while i will keep on asking bebehaus if they can order it for us and how much it will cost us and when we can receive that clip...

sila jangan nak rosak2 k bugaboo cameleon...nanti kena replace ngan bugaboo donkey!! ahaks...

bugaboo donkey idaman hati :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kindy Hunting

Me n hubby decided to move in to our house @ Serdang...but still continue to reno the house at Rawang...

therefore, need to send my lil boy to a new nursery and alang2 dh tukar decided to send him to  a playschool la..

Since im moving to serdang but nak jgk sometimes lepak need to find kindy yang area my office or area KL..phewww...i have few playschools in mind skrg..and hubby pn ada officemate stay at the same kondo in serdang and sent his son to 1 of playschool in seri petaling..

But if i send my son to seri petaling harus la mmg susah nk gerak morning from gombak..giler jauh kan..they have branch there in Bangsar as well..but monthly fee kt bangsar is different..increase by RM 200 kot..huhu..and furthermore if i send him to seri petaling tu pn..owhh nanti anakku tidak diserap dengan ilmu agama..mama ni dh la xde masa nk decided not to send him now..mayb time dia umur 5 6 tahun ke..then baru la mmg boleh hantar sana meanwhile hantar to islamic kindy dl...

Yesterday i called 1 kindy ni..they have branches kt kl..1 kt bangsar and 1 kt taman desa..taman desa mmg boleh la if from serdang..and from my current office about 6.5km je..and if i from gombak..akan sampai dulu opis so leh punch card dl baru send my son..*planning planning*..bangsar and taman desa pn different RM200..and dah la bangsar pn leh tahan kita pilih taman desa je..the nearest from my office..other playschools mcm jauh..mmg la lagi best but as jauh xde nearby so kita lupakan..and taman desa branch ni pn akan start operasi this new house and new place..hehehe.

and they have 3 times per year for enrollment..January March and Jun..and since hubby said rumah will be completed in 3months plan to enroll him during March intake and leh intai2 dl before enroll him..we see how it goes hopefully rumah siap awal so leh practice stay there over the weekend dulu ke kan...

Now what are my worries :
1) Can i survive staying with my son at home berdua...but since we stay at the condo, safer la berbanding nk stay kt landed house..
    - Staying at the rumah bertingkat2 ni the tedious part harus la bab from the house to the car and vice versa..with all the bags..and everytime do the groceries..huhu..everything travel msti bags byk giler..need to get ready ngan troli..hehe..xkira ttiba kalau hujan plk..and we dont get a covered parking plk tu T__T
    - knowing me yang tak terer masak..will my son get a healthy foods...ok xyah la healthy sangat kan..tapi jangan bagi dia makan kicap+telur je selalu sudah..and he has a BIG APPETITE td kul 7pg bangun n mintak nasi! :(
     - knowing me yang malas bangun pagi..huhu..kinda a BIG challenge for me..uwaaaaa...coz stay at gombak i can leave the house by 750am the latest...if i stay at serdang..ermmm 715am kot the latest...u can do it mama..its for ur son sake.. 
2) Can my son behave yang sangat2 behave..mandi a car with me morning and evening for mayb 30mins for 1 way journey...but if i pindah n enroll him to that choice k! hehe..he just 2 years and 4months by march 2013...
3) and knowing him who has an asthma..ermm...nk berulang alik from serdang to APSH agak susah n hubby discuss jgk..what will be the nearest hospital..and hubby said kita stick to APSH as his paed knows him very mayb that time kena berulang alik from gombak to opis la..
4) As our house at rawang pn dh stat monthly installment..and at 1st thought going to rent out rumah serdang utk cover rumah rawang pya monthly installment..seems like financial kami akan sangat tight coz have to pay both houses! tambah plk cost his playschool lepas ni cuti2 malaysia je la..xde la kot oversea..huhu..

Nota Kaki : Saya percaya kita niat yang baik akan ada pintu rezeki utk kita..since mama n babah kita akan buat mana yang termampu..biarla saving dpt rm500 sbulan pn or less or xde biggest investment is u my to give u a good educations is amanah...mama xmampu nk ajar sampai farouq pandai..balik rumah mayb bz with house and u will spend time with mama mmg la terhad..ngan babah lagi la terhad..early learning education is so farouq pls be a good boy k..jangan wat mama stress nanti :)