At last...since last year x buat any celebration...and as promised...mama managed to do some small celebration at ur school..more likely celebration utk birthday, farewell as well saying goodbye to those teachers yang akan meninggalkan current campus and transfer to a new campus...
As promised in this
entry...managed to order a cake and trus nak buat tema terhasil la minion theme for his birthday celebration...setelah few times mengoogle mcmana kek tu akan lastly terjumpa kek as below....instead of kek dicover with fondant, which i rasa x sesuai tuk celebration at changed it to butter cream...but other than that, i.e. minion's figure, his name as well the decoration tu smua pakai fondant...
sila la ke laman web HSdelicakes untuk tahu lebih lanjut...and for this, the price is RM170...
Minion's Cake |
Happy 3rd birthday!! |
and i took halfday leave, to be among the celebrate his birthday as well...but as usual, since at this
entry pn dia melalak xmo teacher sbb takut kena tinggal...same thing happened!! nampak je mama trus melekat...
sila la tgk gmbr2 utk tau wat happened to him and I need to be in the middle of the kids *rasa mcm GIANT sungguh*....
top : ok ok
bottom : eh mana mama..uwaaaaa *padahal mama kt depan amik gmbr* |
and tangisan makin teruk n tgk la potong kek smbl muka tengah nangis T____T |
and nasib mama datang ok...smpt bawak wax and if not cikgu dia dh siapkan n letak minyak je and sikat yang memenyekkan rmbt...adussss..TAK HENSEM ok! hahahhaa
so mama altered la kasi up sket rmbt lepas ltk sket wax tu...kasi up sket rmbt tu...kasi hensem lebey sket...BAHAHAHA...
and while other kids tgh sronok makan kek *SUPER SEDAP* sbb bebudak bertambah2...farouq ddk atas riba..xmo makan kek....sronok main figure si minion tu...hahaha
and ada budak siap makan2 fondant hiasan colorful kecik2 and then membuang n meludah la anak2 oit...tu bukan gula2...skali makan2 xde rasa n xsdap...marah la aunty kan! hehehe
Top : with aunties (2 of them are missing, attended a training)
Bottom : malu2 nak salam ngan aunty yang last day aritu... |
So basically currently ada 11 aunties and few of them kan nk btukar tu yang nmpk agak ramai since nak train others and sbelum bertukar campus secara effective by mid of ingatkan farouq yang akan bye2 drg..skali ada a few yang akan bye2 farouq...hehehe
and biler dah keluar dr school baru la excited nak utk tema minion, mama just pakaikan yellow top + blue pants 1st and as suggested by others shoud be the other way around sbb pants yellow pn cantik...and hubby pn agreed but lepas tu dia bertukar so mama pn pagi tu readykan baju as suggested by hubby...en suami xde, tapi biarla suggestion dia mengiringi celebration itu *sedey tak dgr?*
Alololo |
Received hadiah dari aunties..not sure smua orang yang celebrate bday akan dapat or apa...but farouq dapat la..hehehe..or mayb sbb i bgtau earlier yang akan celebrate his birthday, so aunties dh prepare hadiah kot...
Yeaaaa..TQ aunties from playhouse |
and for the doorgift, alhamdulillah....
sbb delayed almost 1 month and budak2 dh bcuti skolah...from 75 students to 29students...and bertemakan minion, akhirnya mama pilih bekas makanan minion ni...
and 1st nak pilih biasa2 je tapi mmg niat nk kasi kalau biasa, air kotak and cereal yang kotak kecik a must...then pilih la benda lain....
so lepas di usha2 ingat nk kasi minion pya theme ni apa la kan...set pensel notebook and memacam tu drg dah dapat during their graduation, tp ikut budget tu la yang murah kan...n terjumpa plk minion's food container ni...and memula mmg nak kasi kosong je then nak tau budget en suami..and at 1st dia kasi budget and i prasan leh cover dlm 95% of the cost...
then i cakap la ok..i bgtau kalau mcm tu i akan contribute dr segi isi dalamnya n bgtau nak bagi itu ini smua...then hubby UP kan sket cost...hahahaha... TQ YANG...
and i dont know what's my problem...siap berdoyley paper lagi...if not siap nak mencari coloured doyley paper ermmm mayb kaler malas nk masuk ke area kampung baru so rembat je la kaler putih...
and since either kasi air kotak+cereal or other minion's theme will cost ermm rm4 to decided to give that to kids dengan niat...kalau kasi macam ni at least kids leh guna...and ada la nampak faedahnya dari makan2 n habis begitu saja and niat nak bersedekah to the kids and selagi drg guna..ermmm mayb kami dapat jgk sedikit sebanyak pahalanya...AMIN...
and to my son...lepas ni jangan nangis2 lagi k..malu la birthday boy nangis2...kawan smua dh excited tau! :D