We stayed at
Avani Sepang for 3D2N...from 10th-12th October...
ya on yours truly birthday anniversary...hehehe...bersama2 in-laws except for hubby...hubby was in KL but cant make it since bz with his PMP training...they chose the date coz 10th of October declared as Public Holiday in Melaka...so alang2 mereka xyah amik cuti...and hubby agreed utk join..last minit hubby being chosen to join the PMP training....*blaja sungguh2 hubby...kalau lepas exam dh senang nk jadi Project Manager* hiks
But since it was my birthday, i also took an annual leave..sent si kecik to school then merayau sorang2 makan breakfast at
TheRedBeanBag then went to a saloon....potong rambut basuh rambut and buat treatment....banyak sangat gugur ha rmbt ni..rasa makin nipis je rambut..and i arrived in Sepang around 7pm...
We booked 2
family villas..each family villa has 2 beds so kami mcm biasa asingkan 1 villa for boys and 1 villa for girls...i stayed with farouq and the yougest SIL...
cantik kan?
i took this when i just arrived there |
since we just booked the room...they decided to add dine-in breakfast on our 2nd day then on sunday my biras belikan nasi lemak and my SIL made tuna sandwiches...
how was the menu for breakfast? ermmm ok la...1st time i jumpa ada serve pizza...pizza yang dimasak dalam bekas kayu tu...ala2 traditional gitu...mcam biasa ada fresh juices, yogurt and common menus that we can found in other hotels...hehehe...yang pasti?? KENYANG!!!
since i sampai dh senja...so laut pn dh pasang...the next day around 10am, the tide is low...rasa macam nak turun nak main2 pasir kt bawah tu...ok melampau sangat..but sbnrnya ada tangga yang leh bawak kita ke bawah hokey...berani ke idok je..nasib sbb xde suami, kalau ada i ajak suami turun n posing kot! :D
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Top : Air Pasang
Bottom : Air Surut |
not many activities can be done...but compared with normal hotels but still best!, part yang paling best harus la cycling...hari2 cycling and paling best ada mencari and merembat beskal dpn blek orang....di sana kaedah nya beskal not belong to anyone, as long u found it and you can grab it...kecut jgk la amik beskal dpn bilek orang sbb takut TETIBA dia bukak pintu! HAHAHA....
so mostly what we did adalah tidak menutup pintu..ada sekali i smpt jenguk luar, and nmpak blek depan tgh borak2 gaya tunjuk2 nak amik beskal ktrg...so biler bukak pintu so xde la cubaan untuk merembat beskal kami...
basikal mmg banyak...tp basikal with child-seat tu agak limited...ada banyak yang seat utk ddk cycling tu rosak..condition xbrapa bagus...so kekadang ada one-time kami bawak masuk dalam villa eventho mentioned there xleh smpn beskal dlm villa/room....
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the happy us! |
and ada jgk aktiviti pantai..but on 2nd day, by 10am air dh surut...so when we arrived at their private beach, activity kayak terpaksa ditangguhkan and sbb ada team building di situ..volleyball area and apa tah satu sport tu smua conquered by them!
so kids hanya buat sand castle....mama memang dah lama nk ajak farouq main pasir nak bawak g pantai..so before we went to sepang, and mama di area publika, memang sungguh2 mencari perkakas untuk buat sand castle..jmp la 1 shop yang jual brand "HAPE"...
before we left on 3rd day, by noon alhamdulillah air xbrapa surut and in-laws ada yang sempat berkayak..since i kena bz siapkan anak lepas mandi pool n packing nak balik...xsmpt la join!
the happy kids *cousins* |
they were having fun watching cartoon after breakfast....thats how the living hall looks like from one side of the family villa...
We had our dinner at the nearest kedai seafood..kan bagan lalang di kenali dengan kedai2 seafood jgk kan...recommended to try...
Bayu Malam Restaurant
Wak Lan Ikan Bakar & Seafood
Open Daily from 5.30pm to 1am
Acol : 017-6199160 / Eja : 017-6394676
We ordered 1 day earlier without any downpayment...sampai2 makanan sudah ready untuk di hidang...but unfortunately tomyam kami TAK sampai2 and kami cancel kemudiannya...the menu was not that bad except sweet sour dia yang mcm xbrapa manis mcam masak sambal je...menu lain macam sotong & udang goreng tepung...sayur2 and ikan pari&terubuk bakar were awesome...cili cicah pn sedap!
after that we had a cake cutting for october babies...of coz la termasuk hubby kan..but its ok hubby! we *me&rf* do understand ur workload...
Kids were also happy dapat berendam di INFINITY POOL...sorry mama lupa bawak pelampung and tq sarah kasi farouq pinjam and tq farouq sbb cooperate utk take turn utk guna pelampung tu...owhh yeahh tq to his pak uda yang menjaga farouq di dalam pool....
while sarah di jaga oleh babahnya and farouq oleh pak uda nya, so me and SILs took a chance buat lawatan cycling ke arah jauh dari lobi and not kt setiap trunk tu je..
then we reached at their AVANI KIDS CLUB...dah la bebudak kt dalam pool and jam dah 10am, me and SIL then rush balik nk suruh drg naik pool n siap2, and lucky us both of kids dh kuar pool and that berbaju siap..so we took them straightaway to the club...
of coz free but kalau nak buat activities like coloring or painting adalah berbayar depends on the sizes..
the happy kids even managed to spend time for about 30mins...then pulang laju2 n nak ready nak checkout..nasib baik i dah kemas lepas subuh hehe...
happy RF |
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Top : Happy RF
Bottom : Buggy Ride, on our way to have our dinner and us ronda avani! |
during checkout adalah a bit disaster...waiting for buggy to arrive more than 30mins after few calls keep asking them on the delay...jauh kot nak berjalan plus nak bawak beg..mmg buggy je solution!
and parking pn masalah di sana....i masuk valet parking yang berharga RM20 and everytime we wanted to use the car another charge is applicable which will cost RM10 per service. but since we went out during dinner and walking distance je *15mins of walking* so mmg kereta tak berusik la....
last but not least...the family photos!!
TQ avani and tq SIL for your arrangement and of coz tq all for the trip...