Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Dup Dap Dup Dap...im in 30weeks now!! so another 10weeks to go..but if bsalin awal? rasa takut la jgk ni..
now my check up in every 2weeks time..so after this weekly kn? not sure la..but me = takut! and last few days ada few mums yang bsalin 2weeks earlier than their EDD..
So doa banyak2 la smuanya normal.. :)
You are 30 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 28 weeks)
- Baby measurements are 16 inches and weighs about 3 pounds. (Baby is now 1.2kgs) - Length is 40cm and your baby's weight is 1.4 kilograms. (Baby is now 1.2kgs) - The head is almost 3.5 inches (8cm) in diameter. (xsure but everything normal) - The feet are nearly 2.5 inches (6cm) long. (xsure but everything normal) - The wrinkled skin is becoming smoother now. (xsure but everything normal) - In boys, the testicles have moved down to the groin. (Yezza!!!) - The baby controls its own body temperature. (owhh..ye ker??)


swit@kon said...

sekejap je kan dah 30 weeks. huhu. ntah2 beranak masa 34/35/36. huhu.

jangan lupa singgah melaka!

My Love.. said...

jgn la 34 mek.tu lagi sebulan namanya.awal 6mggu tu..rilek2.xjadi baby shower karang..hehehe...

if xde aral melintang..akan jumpa kita di pagi raya! :)