Loan - approved!
SnP - Signed and tunggu hubby to post those copies to the lawyer..from brunei..
Loan Document - waiting lawyer to call
As me n hubby have 1st property (Condo @ Serdang) and i insisted for this 2nd house, loan is under my name only..i didnt managed to get a 100% of the loan we need to get ready with 50k cash to pay to the developer...habis duit simpanan..hahaha..mari buat personal loan untuk recover all the money and get ready for the renovation and to buy furnitures, kipas lampu..n semua la!! uwaaaaa...
slow n steady...xlari kemana pn rumah tu kan? hehehe...
so as dulu ada misscommunication between me n the PIC from glomac, i supposed to get a Amoda, phase 3 ( 22 * 75 - 2090sqft - intermediate ) but they sold the house eventho i dh dapat 100% loan... T_T
so they offer me a new house, but with a smaller size la...sedeynya jgn cakap la...i asked them, im ok if u have at least corner lot..and they said that the do have 1 more left as the previous buyer after diskusi with hubby..we agreed je now our new home sweet home..Divya, 20 * 65 - 1620sqft ONLY! but total build up..4441sqft..tanah di tepi adalah luas..tapi corner lot tiga segi or segi tiga..hehehe..
its ok la..janji ada tanah..ada duit besarkan..rather than if they offer intermediate..mmg depan belakang je leh besarkan..hehehe..
so yesterday i emailed hubby... "zurai nak dapur macam ni!!!"
and he replied.. "list down at least 50 masakan awak terer baru basiq buat!!"
gila jahat kan! and i called him..hubby gelak2..n cakap y not kita wat kitchen tgh2..ala mcm chef2 tu..bukan bentuk L shape..bentuk O shape..malas layan en suami! hahaha
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xde pun xtravaganza..just if ada space jadi je kan..simple je pun.. |
vavavaaa lawa la dapur tu
aku suke ade island
bleh masak pastu anak ngan laki dok tenggek tgk aku msk
hahaaa berangan
syana : ni namanya berangan je...hahhaa
Best nya, 20x65 brp RM kakak beli rumah tu ?
yang 22*75 tu pn best...hehe..
yang akak pnya..corner lot..xsmpi 400k!! happy!!
wahh..make it happen!!
ada duit nya..ada la hasilnya..hahaha
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