Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Your 2-year-old now - Reading & Reading

Reading the same book over and over provides a measure of comfort to preschoolers, who see the familiar characters and plot as an oasis in a world full of unknowns. But there are cognitive and language benefits to re-reading, too. Re-reading helps your 2-year-old connect the words he hears with the pictures he sees. This is an important kind of pre-reading that will be a useful skill in a few years when he learns to read. Hearing the same sentences again and again helps him decode grammar. Your child also gets a rush of confidence when you turn the page and he sees the expected next part of the story: "Yes! I knew that was going to happen!"

Let your child choose which book to read. If it's the same old favorite, mask your boredom and read it once again. (Hey, at least most preschooler books aren't terribly long.) He may well want to hear the same story several times in a sitting. Keep a wide variety of books on hand by making frequent library visits; eventually he'll be ready to switch to a new favorite or expand his repertoire.

Info from BabyCenter

Mama dh ckup membebel at IG...and also twitter yang this lil boy suka sangat membaca...im sure u follow ur babah yang suka membaca..now babah suka baca online la..be it paper, news, manga...coz mama paper pn malas baca..novel apatah lagi..hiks...

All the hardcover books that mama bought from bbw2012 sudah keluar dari plastik...and apparently mmg my lil boy suka baca...mama letak few books downstair..and haritu dia nmpk lot more books dlm plastik and semua pn jadi bahan bacaan dlm blek...and last few weeks, menangis bila masuk bilik trus padam lampu...dia akan letak susu..and mulut "mama.....dadybug *ladybug*"...i knew he wants to read books...bila mama cakap..."no tido!!"...then menangis la dia mcm kena pukul....

then mama kena switch on balik lampu n mula la dia amik buku lepas satu n satu...mama xlayan marah...smbl mama just baring tp salah sebut apa my lil boy *sbb pelat* mula la marah...so lastly kena mengadap la dia membaca n habiskan 1 round buku...

storytelling - toystory

While babah was around last week...mama berehat n babah melayan :D

Bila si kecik kenal bird aka burung...mcm contoh gmbr kt atas...mama nk ajar eagle la, parrot ke...akan kena MARAH...no mama..BIRD!! *facepalm*  

Same goes to fish..shark ke..whale ke...dolphin ke..no mama...FISH..bila mama bertegas and guess what...si kecik ni akan menangis! ek ele...so kadg2 sbb malas dgr dia menangis mengada tu..so i just ye kan je la..hehehe...

Ada lagi satu...buku A B C...

B is for BOY...dia jawab abam...lately mama kena tukar..abang is what? boy...phewww...
K is for KING...dia jawab abam..ni susah sket..so bagi dia kenal boy dl..sbb kt sini gmbr abang pki ala2 king...
*abam = abang*

G is for Gurl..dia jawab kakak... T___T
Q is for Queen..dia jawab kakak... another T___T

Slow slow...but as usual colors xkenal n payah sangat ha....shape plg terer star je! hehehe..

Bila balik n tgk bsepah kat atas...baru lepas belajar ngan opah while waiting for mama arrives home...ngan opah leh la sepahkan..ngan mama sila kemas...xkisahla kemas tu xcantik tp akan kena kemas letak on top of each other...

K nnti malam karang kita dgr nursery rhymes plk ek farouq....

luv ya!!

mama nk upload video ni tp xreti2 n xjadi2 je..nak upload video yang farouq can count 1 until 10 both in English n Malay!!! clap clap!!!


my lil boy can count 1 until 10 both in malay and english when he is 26months++ :)


p/s : i believe he knows how to count..sbb if tertinggal no 'tujuh' and can continue with 'lapan' and bukan start balik ngan 'satu'....

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