Alhamdullilah..almost 1 month he is at new school...Lots of improvement...but satu je yang x improve..
still menangis bila nk anta g school...skrg ni masuk kereta mmg bdukung je smpi la nk pass to his mom said, dia bukan xnak g dia mmg jenis sedey nk bpisah ngan mama dia ni...kalau kt rumah pn mmg akan membontoti mama dia...kalau mama masak, dia main kat dapur..mama naik dia pn naik..janji mama ada n dia nmpk...huhu...hai la anak..manja sangat ke tu?? tapi kt skolah mcm ok je!
Back to his current progress...
1) After 2 weeks : The most impressive was when he pointed out 1 of alphabet at my husband's shirt...and said.."Mama..R "...and betul tu!! trus kagum di situ...and lps tu test lagi n ada la dia dh kenal...
2) Can recognize colors dah...AKHIRNYA selepas i sampai tahap ingat dia rabun warna ha!! hahaha...can read it here...xla smua..but black, white, yellow, red & pink mmg & green agak kadang2 mama akan kenalkan grey, purple and others...selalunya i akan kenalkan by kereta or other vehicles on the road yang passed by or in front of our car..dalam kereta pn kena blaja..hikss..
3) Dah pandai selawat...selama ni mmg mama xpenah ajar pun...hahahaha...
4) Dah pandai nyanyi ABC...mmg before to school i ada expose kan dia nga utube tp jarang...and lately dia dh boleh sing along the ABC song...yeaaaa..
5) And suka menyanyi lagu nursery rhymes...previously Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and start from Wednesday, dia suka nyanyi Row Row the Boat..these 2 songs plus lagu Wheels on the bus mmg slalu or almost everyday dia layan before he went off to sleep..Tapi dia xde plk excited menyanyi..but skrg dia suka nyanyi...SAMBIL MAIN N SUSUN LEGO..mulut dia either menyanyi lagu or repeat ABC song...
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Shirt babah yang dia pointed out the "R" :) |
selawat dalam kegelapan sbb mahu tido sudah
ABC..but kurang excited ni..kadang2 smpi nampak urat kt leher..hahaha
What i can say is...good progress and kadang2 since full day program ni xramai by 6pm ada la dalam less than 5 kids je..kadang2 tggl 2 orang la..rasa bersalah je mcm rasa lmbt amik tp blum 6.30pm pn..hahaha..
and sometimes bila amik..sbb xrmi kids, tgk dia tgh layan nursery rhymes from his teacher's HP..kadang2 tgh main puzzle..kadang2 tgh i believe dia mmg blaja kat sana! hehehe...
RM 300/month different with his previous nursery fee tu SANGAT MIL sangat bersetuju sangat2 and mmg menggalakkan cucu2 nya pergi ke Islamic Montessori since the parents (anak menantu) jenis orang yang bekerja as not SAHM mcm dia dulu...
p/s : i dont have to attend the Progress Report Day and not he is not going to follow his frens to Kidzania as i mentioned here...1st sbb dia baru sgt joined the school so the principal ckp x perlu attend the Report Day and the field trip pn i yang decide tak nak kasi join sbb dia sangat kecik n rasa x worth it la...hehehe
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