The mugs are on market since 1st July and luckily stocks masih ada when i went to Tesco last tu pun drg dh bawak turun bkn kat seksyen susu sbb only few boxes left...
and yes...xnak kalah amik dua kotak..which equal to 4kg...and plg best i bought each boxes for RM38 only sama jgk dgn RM19 per kg!! murah la tu sbb susu je dh murah..then dapat milk jug tu..but stated at the box it cost RM 50.40 for penisular malaysia...
and since ada few boxes left...i amik je as long its 123 and susu putih kan...and luckily bila smpi rumah 2 milk mugs tu adalah two different pattern..kalau sama..mesti boring je..
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Excited |
He drank his milk in the milk mug...smgt suruh bukak kotak..done with the purple mug..bila i nak kemas the other box tu..dia nmpk plk yang red mug..dh excited nk another round of milk..first time dpt nak minum sambil baring..ala2 tgh minum dlm botol..then i told him that he needs to sit or lean on somewhere la.xleh la baring kan...then dapat posisi mcm gmbr kat atas...bila nk tido nk minum dlm mug jgk..ishh ishh ishhh..harus la mama jadi GARANG n buat dlm botol n paksaan naik tido saja..n ini budak mcm biasa akan rela je dgr arahan...wakakaka....
yang xbest nya..susu or air dlm this mug ni mcm xkan habis btul..sbb ssh nk sedut ke titisan akhir..and i yang xtutup btul2 or wat..tried few times..and noted that ada air yang keluar and mengalir..and smlm habis basah kusyen kereta and nasib baik tu plain water je...
ok mommies...cara nak bersihkan mug tu you can read it here...and i joined the contest *padahal baru anta sms*..nasib xbuang box baru anta sms je la..should i proceed to step 2? entahh..hahaha...xde effort apa pn kalau nk join contest it here k...
p/s : parents pulang dari umrah arini...