Friday, October 25, 2013

Progress : Villapark : Ikea

We (hubby listed and i just reviewed) the list items to buy from ikea ermmm few months back kot...

last saturday hubby went ALONE to ikea sesat...kejap ajak ikut...kejap cakap jangan ikut..coz if i ikut dia cakap nnti jadi LAMBAT...ppfffftttttttt

and he said luckily la i x ikut...coz rupanys process membeli barangan di ikea secara pukal adalah leceh and remeh eventho all the items together with the code being listed! SEMUA KENA PERGI AMIK DI SHOWROOM or DI GUDANG (ground floor)...non of the staff will help u...

En suami, dari satu troli ke the biggest TROLI la dia bawak at the end... T___T bagus jgk la me and si kecik x ikut...i mmg nak wat visit to ikea untuk membeli kelengkapan rumah specially DAPUR..but that one rasanya mntk hubby kasi budget and i can go by myself ajak auntie ke apa....

So basically all items that we bought are as below pics :

and currently all items are at home and properly di simpan and di susun oleh en suami...

My review for Home Delivery Service from Ikea beside the staff is not helping us..

From all items that we bought, basically bukan semua boleh dihantar melalui service tu..only big and selected mcm boxes and magazine file tu smua mmg en suami bawak sndr...luckily la leh fit dalam kete ku yang kecik itu...

Only highlighted items akan di hantar thru
their Home Delivery service
supposedly ada a few more items dlm list..specially on the almari sampingan such as "Shelve - HEMNES Bookcase" coz biler hubby pergi tgk sndr dekat showroom, baru tau kebesaran smua he decided to buy it later if necessary and if ada space...

and because of hubby mengurangkan pembelian, so that the total purchase x smpi 5 digit..almost la tapi T__T and the most expensive will be the ORSTED RUG itu..tu je dah 30% of total amount...rasanya mmg kali ni untuk pindah rumah ni, mmg COMPLETE!! yang pending just meja makan je..since hubby cakap xde masa nk survey since kami hanya memerlukan meja makan yang kecik tp lawa, so mmg kami akan customise je la kot..malas nk pk! 

so lepas ni baru la pk nak tukar kereta plk!! yeaaa...kereta dah lama habis bayar...and kereta tu pn dh almost 7 years kot...

On the Home Delivery Ikea pya service itself...mmg menyakitkan hati sket la..
  • RM 75 will be the cost which last for 3 days, if we request to delay for more than 3 days..bayar la another RM 75 to postpone for another 3 days
  • Schedule of delivery stated between 3.00pm to 5.00pm, and arrived at 6pm!!!!!! 

i totally pissed off *padahal en suami yang tunggu kt rumah, but i stress kena tunggu kt opis so pergi la KLCC belikan Garret Popcorn sbb hubby teringin and i tunggu kat terminal gombak je then, malas suruh hubby masuk area KLCC* coz they said they stucked in traffic and will arrive later than the scheduled date..knowing rumah xde tanah mcm i ni, agak strict jugak on the procedure of moving things in and out ni, drilling smua la...and they were suprised when we said that we dont stay there and we asked them, how long should we wait...

and the best thing, they said if bawak balik barang ke gudang...akan kena CHARGE!! hello...tu salah korang kan..nak caj ktrg pulak...nasib baik dpt kawtim with management *sama bangsa* so that bleh la sesi loading berjalan...becoz rumah tinggi ni banyak mulut..karang ttiba LIF ada orang memunggah barang msti drg wat complaint! ni semua salah ko IKEA oittt!!! T___T

oowhhh xsabar nak bertukang!!! HEHEHE

1 comment:

bibi yusof said...

La leceh la pulak berurusan ngan delivery ikea ni... Tak tahu pulak mcm tu.. Tkpe la at least u all dpt ape yg nk kan