Friday, January 16, 2015

Baby Steps

Achieving goals requires taking small steps. Success reinforces success.

These are the simple steps for anyone to reach their goals:

1. Break big goals/tasks down into smaller, doable tasks.

2. Acknowledge and revel in your accomplishments, however small. Feel the pride and joy of the win.

3. Take baby steps.

4. Succeed.

5. Feel the pride.

6. Take more baby steps.

7. Keep moving.

8. Know that each small win is an accomplishment unto itself.

9. Keep moving.

10. Open up to bigger things as you keep moving.

It’s easier to make a comeback from a little tumble than from a steep fall. It’s a shorter road back up. So, baby steps, slow and steady. Now start with one foot and go for it.
source from goggle.

GOOD LUCK!! you now who you are *wink* nanti bayar balik bil telefon k hihihi

its not easy..and once you success (meet ur minimal target), you know there are lot more for you to achieve out there...

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