We've been married for 2 years!!
Even we are having a PJJ relationship...but there is nothing much to say about us compared with others...ya la..bukan selalu jumpa kan..
as i mentioned in my previous entry, hubby managed to come back and we celebrated our anniversary @ Prime, Le Meridien..
Of coz hubby insisted to bring farouq along..but i rejected!hahaha...kasi la can mama n babah dating :)
Off we go after maghrib prayer and it was on monday,19/12/2011..the traffic also went smooth...im excited? of coz..
bought the dress..owhh yeaaa two dresses ok..as i asked hubby what he will be wearing during the dinner..and there u go..kemeja that i gave as our wedding's hantaran...*dh 2 tahun br nak pakai*
and for me..alamak hubby pakai purple...then i beli 1 dress in purple..but yg ada dark purple..n i beli jgk kaler hitam in case if totally memang our outfit xmatch ke kan...then tudung..mana nak cari tudung ni..tudung bawal mmg xmungkin la kan..so that morning (monday)..i ajak hubby pergi jalan tar nk cari tudung..n hubby melayan dgn xbanyak songehnya n lil boy pn ikut :)...*after that we went for a shoppin at pertama - sbb tu hubby ok..sbb dia nk cari kasut futsal*
present??erkkk no..hehehe...but having u pn dah the best ever gift..owhh and also the fine dining tu :)
So now lets pictures do the talking k...enjois...
^~US~^ |
Hubby posing :) *me agak bengang baju harga rm500 dia leh basuh mesin je lps tu* |
bbm-ed with frens :) |
muka kekenyangan |
me with the breads..seriously sedap giler!!! *hubby : jgn makan habiskn..macam org jakun je..blum lagi starter k.. me :ok T_T* |
Starter 1 :Lobster bisque ~ yummy n makan while it still hot!!~ |
Starter 2 : Australian Crab cakes |
Waqyu beef!!! for me ok 2 je kot..but those yang suka steak..mayb leh differentiate kot the taste and the quality.. :) |
me + maincourse |
Hubby + Maincourse ~medium cooked...sila lihat kaler daging itu...hehehe~ |
Dessert |
Coffea for him n tea for me |
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Us...and im happy having u in my life :) |
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Last kot makan mahal2 mcm ni..ni baru maincourse :) next time kita g holiday k.. :) |
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anak kena tinggal but of coz i siapkn his ebm as well :) |
Last but not least...may our marriage last forever..and my hope is..of coz if hubby can work here in kl..so that we can spend more time together..raise our child(s) together...and me can be as a normal wife...prepare foods and etc laa...but house chores kita wat sesama k :)
but i know currently we are seperated so that we can earns extra money..extra saving...once everything settle or almost complete as we move to our home sweet home..meaning all the furnitures, brg2 elektrik smua complete..then come home ye sayang oit...hehehe...
Semoga murah rezeki and keep in touch :) *jgn bz keje je k*
amin. semoga dipanjangkan jodoh hingga hujung nyawa!
aku dah masuk tahun ke-7 PJJ. walaupun on and off. agak mencabar :)
*looking forward for my own anniversary too!
tq tq...
mmg mencabar..aku pn from 2006 PJJ..uwaaa...xpe xpe..mencari rezeki :)
good luck beb for your preparation..hehehe
Z...waa!!!mhl nyer steak dia..kalu linda kompem bertahun x mkn mhl2 da pastu...mkn kt friske je la...huhuhu...congratulation on ur annivesary anyway dear!!!
nk try makan friske ni!!hehehe..
ala linda..skali tu je kot..basiq teringin nk try test rasa waqyu beef.. :)
btw tq gurl...moga jodoh wit our own spouse bkekalan hendaknya...
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