Adoiii...i took pics of my current EBM mana hilang???xde dalam my bb pun...
malas la kot nk amik n punggah my deepfreezer eventho xde la susah mana pn..hehehe..
but its ok la..i will just summarize it :)
all this while, i tot the stocks can last for 1.5month ke..sekali..setelah di tambah di darab n di bahagi....
150ml - 21packs = 3,150ml
200ml - 4packs = 800ml
150ml - 10packs = 1,500ml
200ml - 16packs = 3,200ml
200ml - 4packs = 800ml
bekas dadih *xsusun ikut tarikh
100ml - 13packs = 1,300ml
So TOTAL = 10,750ml *bila i kira2 suddenly ayahanda smpi rumah..ayah tot i tgh kira2 duit..wah banyaknya ada 10ribu?..hahaha*
RF sehari minum @ nursery = 4 * 100ml = 400ml
So the stocks last for????
10,750 / 400 = 27days je!!!! uwaaaa....
serius rasa berdebar trus...nmpk macam dihitung2..rasa macam sikit je..dah la awal bulan Jun ni *InsyaAllah* nk g berjalan without si kecik ni...mmg akan pump but im not sure whether i akan bawak stok tu balik msia ke x..sbb dok hotel pn hotel budget..peti ais mana ada..nk tumpang simpan dapor drg macam kat situ je mayb dah guna 2,400ml kot...i budget 6 - 8 bottles per day...
daily mmg akan dpt recover, and if short pn dlm that means, stok tu leh la btahan for another next 100days..i need to be rajin sket la kot tgh malam if rajinn bangun..dpt 50ml pn ok la..since farouq dh jarang bgn malam..but they said malam la production banyak..mayb alternate ke..
insyaAllah farouq..selagi mama mampu..mama akan menyusukan farouq...coz the bonding tu...PRICELESS!!!
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stok susu yang dibuang sbb fridge problem n smpt recover yg lain..sbb laju2 g beli deep freezer i xingat brapa ml..dlm 3,000ml yang pasti banyak!! :( |
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