Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bandung : Day 3 Part 1

Kita mulakan our 3rd day with this cute little boy *sapa lagi nak puji anak sendiri* babah punya tugas lah mandikan n my tugas adalah menyiapkan si kecik today pakai tebal sket as we are going to the famous place at bandung for tourist which is TANGKUBAN PERAHU..

After had our breakfast..kami dgn pantasnya menuju ke supir..and please be informed ek..entry ni adalah sangat banyak gambar..and adalah sangat hijau..nasib pakai baju hijau..kalau baju kaler kuning? lagi sakit mata...n yes it was my wear green color that i bot new sweater for harus la kami yang match ngan si kecik..

Tangkuban Perahu adalah kawasan di atas bukit..and all the way up there..mmg akan nampak hutan kehijauan..and paling best akan nmpk ARNAB-ARNAB yang di jual di tepi2 jalan..*xde gmbr sbb babah tgh dukung si kecik*...i of coz pelik sbb arnab2 tu xletak pun dalam sangkar..just dibiarkn tapi d tempat tinggi..supir told us that rabbits adalah takut tmpt tinggi..sbb tu dia duduk diam je atas tu..owhh so cute! 

Lena as kenyang pekena bubur for breakfast
Kawasan hijauan...

Below gmbr once dh smpi di tangkuban perahu..ada fees kena bayar based on adults and child *tp ampun saya xingat*...

So setibanya kami di puncak, saya agak surprise sbb xberapa ramai orang..sbb saya smpi agak awal..n bak kata pak supir bkn waktu cuti kami agak seronok la jalan adalah smooth...kami mmg plan nak smpi awal sbb mahu turun ke KAWAH DOMAS...

So sampai di sana..supir kenalkan kami dgn sorang tour guide..and di sana tour guide tu beritahu yang chargenya adalah per hour..xsalah 1jam = IDR200,000...and kami kena charga dlm 2jam ke or 2jam++ sbb kami turun ke kawah domas..and kami berendam kaki..bermasker dengan lumpur..ahakss...

sekeliling kawasan ada peniaga2 yang menjual baju2 sbb katanya sini adalah sejuk..but for me or mayb kami dtg almost xdelah sejuk..berangin yang selesa la nk jalan...*babah je yang beria pakai jaket yang last2 mama kena ikat kt bag*

Peniaga2 di sini bukan permanent they will weekly alternate but turns tu akan dtg balik like a month after..macam ada 4groups alternate ko nya group mmg lagi 3mggu la baru dtg balik berniaga...xsalah la..but thats what been kalau saya tipu drg tipu..*padahal dh xingat*

But peniaga di sini ada 2 ok..1st yang mmg bniaga kat kedai..2nd yang akan ikut korang..yang ada bawak beg galas yang dlm tu ada benda utk di mereka akan ikut korang sampai ke bawah n akan mula menjual...sila kuatkn hati utk menolak..and all the way mereka ikut tu..dont be too frenly sbb nanti korang xsmpi hati nk tolak...*from experience :)*

us @ kedai sekeliling...

Yeaaa..kami berada 1830m di atas paras laut!! and si kecik yang mata kecik sbb panas..hehehe

Akhirnya kami tiba
Akhirnya dapat bergambar di tmpt GLAMOR ni..

Perjalanan bakal first mmg babah yang dukung si kecik
As saya xtau mcmana structure tanah smua..soalan bodoh telah diajukan *boleh bawak stroller ke?*.... T_T tp thankful la lastly farouq didukung oleh mereka2...*harus la sbb tu babah rasa bsalah n kasi tips lebey*....

By the time before turun..akan sampai di kawasan yang mana pokok2 kat situ batang n dahannya smua mmg senget2 xtumbuh masa untuk pose as padan la drg siap sediakan benches kat situ..farouq sangat behave leh plk dok sorang2 n sengih2 while atok (tour guide) n pakcik2 (Penjual2 :p) melayan schweett...

Sian si kecik! lol

Ala anak mama senyum2 comel...

Mama masuk pn rasa mamat2 ni suruh amik pic ngan ha hasilnya :)

Biler babah jalan depan..n jalan agak mencabar..mmg drg akan offer helps and kasi tangan utk di pegang mcm dlm gmbr...
*btw babah jalan depan together with orang yang jaga farouq..sayang anak katanya..mama no 2 :(

Sudah berkabus and xnampak kawah..another 100meter je pn nk smpi..

Ada sorang mamat ni terer amik babah kekadang just tukar setting je..n mostly the camera was with banyak la gmbr kami berdua..ahaks...

Babah layankan je drg suruh panjat pokok! lol

Almost arrive!

Yeaaa dh smpi...btw mcm ni je gmbr kami btiga..hahaha..sbb kami xsabar nk celup kaki dlm air panas!! hahahaha
Sila layankan few pics gmbr babah bposing while mama bfeed farouq...tkejut bila transfer gmbr nmpk gambar2 ni..babah cakap dia layankan je..hahaha...and biler turns mama pulak..erkkk..malu2..gmbr sopan2 gitu.. :)

and for those yang smoking..cuba try test hembus asap rokok dekat any sumber asap yang terkeluar tu..and u will be surprise sbb akan more asap or watsoever tu akan keluar..kagum sebentar..ermm saya xtau apa fact dia kenapa makin banyak asap keluar..but it is something u should try k!

tak menahan!

Mama with nursing cover = baru lepas bfeed.. :)

Sopan kan me posing! lol

Air panas tu agak panas la jgk..1st nk rendam mmg terjerit2 sbb dah lama ltk dia ok..

And en suami ramai la yang urut2..sambil dilumur2...n bila time nk tggu "masker" tu kering..di sini la bermula sesi jual menjual..mereka ikut kami dari mula bila kat bawah tu smua keluarkan barang dari bagpack memasing..ingat saja2 drg bwk bag? xde maknanya...

so ada la yang jual pen kayu berukir tu..jual telur macam dari marmar tu..jual tanduk yang tulis bandung tu..jual gelang n rantai yang magnet tu...fridge sila tabahkan hati..and saya rasa sapa yang xmo benda2 ni..just rendam2 je la kaki ek..xyah la nk bermasker2 lumur2 tu...lama ok nk kering n kena ngadap drg menjual..hehehehe

drg jual mahal ok!! MAHAL yang tanduk tu dia bukak harga IDR800,000..gila mahal..tawar2 n dpt IDR250,000 je...gila la korang ni cekik darah...fridge magnet pn drg jual sangat mahal...sila jangan beli sbb by the time korang g FO, depan2 kedai FO nnti or kedai2 makan dekat bandar LAGGIIIII ramai orang jual n 1/3 dari harga kt sini...*nasib xterpedaya*
En suami tgh di urut..

Kami berlumpur...

Proses menjual smpi eventho kami tgh rest kejap dkt kedai...
*but hubby beli jgk satu gelang tu sbb pk dia yang amik gmbr kami..
Tips every time travelling..babah will alwiz bring raincoats...and babah will alwiz have 1 in his pouch bag k..sbb keje site..mana tau ttiba hujan ke kan...and on d way back hujan renyai2..n luckily la ada ada satu babah xpakai la..farouq lak mama kasi nursing cover buat ltk atas kepala...

btw hujan renyai2 je pun..hahhaa..farouq mama cover wit my nursing cover..

We were there for half of the day jgk..dah jalan tmpt orang..ok la tu melawat2 kan..xkan nk shopping je sbrnya dh nk habis duit

Day 3 will be continued :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Coleman Ice Box

This off to Jakarta with my aunties and sis xjadi pegi pulak..there will be 7 of us..and semua anak ditinggalkan..and semua suami juga ditinggalkan..girls day out! or should i say as shopping time!

Bila cakap anak kecik farouq pn kena 1st time kot tinggalkan si kecik..he will be staying with my parents..and i suruh my bro balik so that my mom still can do her cooking for my dad while my bro layan si kecik...i now he will be in a good hand with them..but currently dia akan bangun menyusu at least skali tgh malam..hopefully he can drink in a bottle slalu nya me akan selak je n sua :)

So as he is not going and not will be with i hav to bring my breastpump and thank god it medele freestyle can operate using battery time shopping cari tmpt sorok2 pakai nursing cover n pump :) and as we will staying ala2 hotel budget..macam stay dekat hotel dekat ngan pasar baru which i know if they provide a fridge pn xkan function or mmg xde fridge i decided to bring this COLEMAN ICE BOX...

borrowed from my sis...and yesterday i wat practikal..i akan beli ais je kat sana..n bring a lot of GARAM!! sbb garam akan melambatkan proses pencairan ais.. :) so as at 3pm..this ice box been i did the testing? by :
1) 1st layer - ais + garam
2) 2nd layer - Put two types of EBM (frozen n from chiller)
3) 3rd layer - Ais again + garam..this time ais tu kena letak jgk celahan botol..

at 8pm - ais di bawah dh cair..but ais kt atas still bketul :) *dh 5jam
at 12pm - same thing and paling best..yang frozen still beku like untouch and yang from chiller tu BEKU ok..xmemasal i kena transfer yang tu letak kt dalam deep freezer..hahaha..
n before i left this morning @ 730am (more than 12hours) - evento susu dh dkeluarkan and smua ais dh dlm ais yang cair = air sejuk..but still ada ketul2 surprising!!

So im not so sure whether garam does help or coleman itu bagus :) but nanti la i try buat without garam n see how after come back from jakarta ... :) but for sure i kena bawak garam bplastik2 ni..hahaha...

during lunch hour today..i went to AA office @ KL Sentral and were asking pasal nk bawak susu i still undecided whether to check in this ice box or bawak naik..sbb they said xleh lebey 1L..but if ais dh cair n kalau i pump dpt more than so harus bawak masuk kargo ke? any mommies yang ada xperience..
I will take care of u my coleman..u r like my son for 3D2N :)

Cubaan @ 3pm
p/s : doakan my journey and niat i yang nak bawak EBM ni berjaya..and my lil boy akan ok without me for 3D2N.. T_T and doakan supaya ais adalah senang dicari kat Jakarta nnti :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Stress.. :p

The day has opismate just came back from her maternity leave...and guess apa yang i stress about?

Yess...the pumping and production of SI...currently i nak dpt half of bottle pn took 30mins or more..coz i hav to do powerpumping..

and for her..her 1st session this 15mins or LESS..she got 2.5 bottles...hello...harus la stress di situ...hahaha

Last week i ada baca few mommies maka habbatussauda' to increase their milk production *point no 7*..i terasa mcm nk amik..for the last 19 months..yes i dah exclusively breastfeed my son for 19 MONTHS ok *jgn stress* and never take any supplements..wat i consumed is/was only a basic things such as :
1) eat a lot!!! yess,..makan banyak smpi skrg gemuk!
2) sawi
3) Horlicks
4) Soya
5) Milo
6) Longan + Red Dates : for me xbkesan...

i kurang minum plain water..ada orang smpi 5L..i nak habiskan 1L kat opis pun y not trying kot supplements...i will update u guys if there are any changes and i hope the increasing of my milk supply :)

Wait for my update k...

Btw..kebaikan habbatussauda'

Tujuh ciri-ciri nilai pemakanan utama habbatus sauda:

1. Kaya dengan Monosaccharide Glukosa, xylosa dsb. polysaccharide fatty acid yang tidak tepu. EFA tidak boleh dihasilkan oleh badan kita, oleh itu sumber utamanya ialah dari pemakanan. Amino acid yang membentuk protein. Karotene iaitu sumber vitamin A kalsium, zat besi, dsb.

2. Sistem imunisasi- Kajian yang dilakukan di Arab Saudi mendapati, habbatus sauda berupaya meningkatkan sistem imunisasi anda (daya melawan penyakit). Oleh itu ia mungkin penting dalam pengawalan kanser, AIDS dan penyakit-penyakit berkaitan yang lain.

3. Anti-histamine- Histamine ialah bahan yang dikeluarkan oleh sel-sel mast di dalam badan yang menyebabkan kesan-kesan allergik (alahan). Habbatus sauda mengandungi bahan yang menghalang protein kinase C, sejenis bahan yang mencetus penghasilan histamine. Oleh kerana penghidap penyakit asma selalunya mengalami masalah alahan, habbatus sauda mungkin baik diambil secara berterusan oleh pesakit-pesakit ini.

4. Anti-tumor- Kajian in vitro mendapati habbatus sauda berupaya menghalang pembentukan sel-sel tumor. Oleh itu, ia baik untuk digunakan untuk membantu menghalang penyakit kanser.

5. Anti-bakteria- Penyelidikan ke atas bahan ini mendapati ia mempunyai aktiviti anti-bakteria . Habbatus sauda didapati berupaya mengawal bakteria seperti E.coli, V.cholera dan spesies Shigella. Ini bermakna habbatus sauda baik untuk mereka yang menghidapi beberapa jenis penyakit seperti cirit-birit dan masalah-masalah perut yang lain.

6. Anti-radang (anti-inflammation)- Habbatus sauda didapati boleh mengurangkan radang (bengkak). Oleh itu ia baik untuk pesakit asma (mengurangkan radang dalam paru-paru), eczema (alahan yang menyebabkan gatal, kulit merah dsb.) dan arthritis (bengkak sendi).

7. Menggalakkan pengeluaran susu- Kombinasi lemak dan hormon yang didapati di dalam habbatus sauda menyebabkan pengeluaran susu ibu yang menyusukan bayi bertambah.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #4

Last weekend my FIL picked me up from gombak and we went back to melaka...

welcoming my new niece (husband's side)..and we all there except facetime je la on sunday morning tu ngan babah...


She looks alike her daddy...

RF yang happy n cium2 baby..

His activity at melaka..
We bought this watermelon ball at Alai during our last visit to melaka on last February..

With Pak Uda's motorbike!!

p/s : Entry bandung still dlm mode draft..xsempat :(

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bandung : Day 2 Part 2

So after a shopping trip at pasar baru...we went back to hotel..and off we off to trans supir told me it will took about 40mins to go there.. *my bad as i cant recall the mall where the trans studio located and lazy to google*

and i didnt know that the trans studio is an indoor theme i was asking stupid question if its raining how it will time square kita je..tot mcm kat genting outdoor tu..hehehe..

about trans studio from this :

About Trans Studio Theme Park Bandung`s very own Theme Park From TV to Reality


Trans Studio Bandung is the second indoor theme park in Indonesia after Makassar. Trans Studio Bandung is much more spectacular and exciting than Trans Studio Makassar, but both have their own uniqueness that makes Trans Studio Bandung not only the biggest in Indonesia but also one of the biggest in the world.

TRANS STUDIO THEME PARK provides 20 rides and a variety of shows, divided into 3 different and unique zones. Visitors will feel the experience of becoming a Star in front of the camera and the men behind the scene of the favorite TV programs in TRANS TV and TRANS 7, such as ‘Dunia Lain’, ‘Jelajah’, ‘Si Bolang’ and many more.

About Trans Studio Theme Park
Welcome to the world full of magic, specially created for you. Brings your dream comes to life. Meet your favorite characters and enjoy the 20 exciting and thrilling rides and entertainment with the famous Broadway style.
Studio Central
The Famous Hollywood is right in front of you. Walk through this area and see who the artists on the Walk of Fame. You will be pampered with Hollywood 60’s architectural design style. You will feel like stepping into the centre of entertainment world. Find and meet your favorite Stars such as Marlyn Monroe, Michael Jackson & Jeng Kelin.Lost City
Prepare yourself for an adventure ! In this zone, you will experience an amazing trip. Rescue the Trans TV crews in their expedition to the jungle along the safari track. This amazing experience will be part of your adventure to explore the Lost City!
Magic Corner
The magic will start here. Magical touch will dazzle your trip and you will be caught in the sensation. The magic will enchant you so that you will be convinced that it is true. The only place that is full of exciting and magical adventure. 

Entrance fee to Trans Studio Bandung :

- Monday to Friday : Rp. 150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand Rupiah)
- Saturday, Sunday/holiday : Rp. 200,000 (two hundred thousand Rupiah)

Additional charge for VIP Access : Rp. 200,000 (two hundred thousand Rupiah), that is :
- VIP Access Monday to Friday : Rp. 350,000 (three hundred fidty thousand Rupiah)
- VIP Access Saturday, Sunday / holiday : Rp. 400,000 (four hundred thousand Rupiah)

Valid for all rides and attraction (indefinitely)

Entrance ticket of Trans Studio use Mega Cash card. The price for the card is Rp. 10,000. Mega Cash card can be used for all transactions in all outlets within Trans Studio Theme Park.

20 rides that you could enjoy :
  1. Trans City Theater
  2. Yamaha Racing Coaster
  3. Giant Swing
  4. Marvel Superheroes 4D
  5. Vertigo
  6. Trans Car Racing
  7. Si Bolang Adventure
  8. Trans Broadcast Museum
  9. Science Center
  10. Dunia Anak / Kiddy’s Land
  11. Jelajah (the Adventure)
  12. Kong Climb
  13. Sky Pirates
  14. Amphitheater
  15. Black Heart Pirate Ship
  16. Negeri Raksasa (Land of the Giant)
  17. Dragon Riders
  18. Pulau Liliput (Liliput Island)
  19. Dunia Lain (the Other World)
  20. Special Effects Action
Mega Cash is a card issued by Bank Mega to be used as the currency device / payment method to replace cash payment within the TRANS STUDIO Theme Park Bandung Each card can be used by several visitors as long as there is sufficient balance in the card

  1. Your card can be used at TRANS STUDIO Theme Park Bandung as payment currency for entrance, food and beverages as well as merchandise within the theme park.
  2. In addition, the card can be used at Straits Kitchen Bandung Supermal and selected merchants outside Trans Studio Theme Park and Bandung Supermal that have been partnered by Bank MEGA to accept the card.
  3. To do transactions using the Card, PIN or card holder’s signature will not be needed.
  4. Registered Mega Cash can be used as ATM card at Bank Mega ATM.
  5. Few steps on how to use the Card to get on rides / at merchants :
    • Choose the transaction that you wish to get such as to purchase merchandise, food and beverage you want to get, then you tap your studio pass card to the available card reader.
    • For transactions inside merchants, EDC will debit from your card the amount of spending.
    • As the entrance ticket, if transaction is valid, the bar blocking the entrance way will open.
    • As for purchasing of food and beverages as well as souvenirs at our merchants, EDC will have a print out receipt of the transactions.
  6. Mega Cash is an e-wallet, if the card is missing, the balance is not claimable
  7. You can withdraw the balance of your registered card via Bank Mega ATM with a minimum balance according to the smallest amount of the ATM

II. STUDIO PASSStudio Pass which has been issued by Trans Studio Makassar is also valid and has the same facilities and function as Mega CashIII. How to refill your card (top-up)
To Top-up your card, you can do the following :
  1. At all cashiers at TRANS STUDIO Theme Park
  2. At Bank MEGA branches in Bandung and all branches that can serve top up
  3. At Bank Mega ATM in Bandung
IV. Balance limit for your Mega Cash Card
  1. The maximum amount of balance that you can fill your card is 1.000.000.- IDR (one million rupiah). The top-up process will be declined if the balance exceeds the 1.000.000,- IDR limit.
  2. The Registered Card has a maximum balance of 5.000.000,-IDR (5 million Rupiah).
yeaa semua..if u nk makan or beli merchadise smua is from the kad that they gave during the time u beli tiket semua..and i dont really understand on how its work..sbb once i shopping i paid using the IDR but the balance they top up into the card..pastu leh beli brg la apa la..but air kt situ smua pn quite pricey kami makan sekali just hot dog and then shopping..

and that time was the only time si kecik if u see below pics..ada masa i kena dukung je dia..and he was ok once babah bawak masuk kat the 1st few minutes dia mgamuk jgk..but lastly dia ok..then we can put him back to his stroller and mama leh beli souvenir :)

of coz if i can go to play any of their rides and its gonna be fun la as dah berabis utk tiket kan..but as si kecik moody and xkan nk naik sorang..n takut kejadian at times square dulu berulang as i muntah kt orang i decided to take photos je la..n decided jerit kat bawah macam takut2..sbb berpusing2 laju giler..hehehe

as they have a magic corner..and educational/science least we have something there rather than nothing membazir kan..hehehe..

So after this akan penuh ngan gambar ok! mostly adalah sekitar di Trans bjalan ngan babah as babah akan amik gmbr banyak2..hehehe

posing while menunggu lif utk jmp supir..

Hotel Lobby

Babah jeles mama n farouq pki same kaler yellow..babah trus sarung sweater...

Ipod mmg sentiasa kena ada je a must! and one way untuk si kenit tu xde la nk mbuas n nk bjalan ke sana sini..layan k-pop..layan nursery rhymes :p

Layan K-Pop

Masih ingat di entry yang lepas? as lepas kami done shopping kt pasar baru mmg dh hujan..and hujan xbrenti smpi la kami dh siap mandi..dh siap2 kuar balik tu ha..but best leh tgk indonesians baru pulang dari sekolah..comey je uniform drg..macam dlm citer indon ada yang pakai kemeja putih n skirt tu..nak bergambar tgh hujan la plk kan...

yang ni bebudak private rasanya yang pki merah ni..xsalah la bak kata supir...

So tiba la kami di shopping mall itu *x ingat nama mall n malas nk google*..and kt situ mmg ada guide where to go to trans studio xkan sesat la...

not like time square as dia ada kt tgh2 alam tu kan..but trans studio ni kt luar pn entrance dia..

so enjois la with pics ye..nothing much to say pn.

Harga tiket almost RM 50++ as we went there on weekdays..

A nice indonesian guy took this picture..
before that dia suruh kami brenti sbb nk amik gmbr farouq..
Eiffel Tower @ Bandung

Yuuhuuu..seram..pusing2 nnti muntah! hehehe

Kasi can kat babah

mama farouq yang marah! hahaha

@ Science Center

Bebek = Itik

Masih moody...

Then dah ok!! yeaaaa
Can u spot father n son? mama x join sbb xbawak sock!
 So pengajaran kt mama...everytime kuar ngan farouq..nk kena ada sock!

Babah melayan anak! :)

Good mood..babah amik gmbr n mama shopping! :)

yeaaa shopping! *br lepas NIP la tu sbb pakai nursing cover*
After that..kami berjalan2 kt mall ttp pn dlm lagi pusing2..babah usha kasut..murah tp jalan2 pastu lupa nk beli...singgah beli jco..bawak balik blek tp penat mandi n tido..xmakan pun...then beli macaroon *babah's feveret as asal bjalan nmpk macaroon beli* makan sket sbb balik tido je..hahaha..

owhh then kami usha sunglass..babah sombong tp dh balik kl baru pk pk n cakap rugi xbeli..hahahah..

Farouq makan main2..mama marah sbb mahal n amik trus ngap! hahaha

usha usha..tawar tawar...pastu nyesal xbeli! :)

Last but not two heroes..before tido...

So the end of our 1st day trip...