This off to Jakarta with my aunties and sis xjadi pegi pulak..there will be 7 of us..and semua anak ditinggalkan..and semua suami juga ditinggalkan..girls day out! or should i say as shopping time!
Bila cakap anak kecik farouq pn kena 1st time kot tinggalkan si kecik..he will be staying with my parents..and i suruh my bro balik so that my mom still can do her cooking for my dad while my bro layan si kecik...i now he will be in a good hand with them..but currently dia akan bangun menyusu at least skali tgh malam..hopefully he can drink in a bottle slalu nya me akan selak je n sua :)
So as he is not going and not will be with i hav to bring my breastpump and thank god it medele freestyle can operate using battery time shopping cari tmpt sorok2 pakai nursing cover n pump :) and as we will staying ala2 hotel budget..macam stay dekat hotel dekat ngan pasar baru which i know if they provide a fridge pn xkan function or mmg xde fridge i decided to bring this COLEMAN ICE BOX...
borrowed from my sis...and yesterday i wat practikal..i akan beli ais je kat sana..n bring a lot of GARAM!! sbb garam akan melambatkan proses pencairan ais.. :) so as at 3pm..this ice box been i did the testing? by :
1) 1st layer - ais + garam
2) 2nd layer - Put two types of EBM (frozen n from chiller)
3) 3rd layer - Ais again + garam..this time ais tu kena letak jgk celahan botol..
at 8pm - ais di bawah dh cair..but ais kt atas still bketul :) *dh 5jam
at 12pm - same thing and paling best..yang frozen still beku like untouch and yang from chiller tu BEKU ok..xmemasal i kena transfer yang tu letak kt dalam deep freezer..hahaha..
n before i left this morning @ 730am (more than 12hours) - evento susu dh dkeluarkan and smua ais dh dlm ais yang cair = air sejuk..but still ada ketul2 surprising!!
So im not so sure whether garam does help or coleman itu bagus :) but nanti la i try buat without garam n see how after come back from jakarta ... :) but for sure i kena bawak garam bplastik2 ni..hahaha...
during lunch hour today..i went to AA office @ KL Sentral and were asking pasal nk bawak susu i still undecided whether to check in this ice box or bawak naik..sbb they said xleh lebey 1L..but if ais dh cair n kalau i pump dpt more than so harus bawak masuk kargo ke? any mommies yang ada xperience..
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I will take care of u my coleman..u r like my son for 3D2N :) |
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Cubaan @ 3pm |
p/s : doakan my journey and niat i yang nak bawak EBM ni berjaya..and my lil boy akan ok without me for 3D2N.. T_T and doakan supaya ais adalah senang dicari kat Jakarta nnti :)
kalau satu liter bape plestik boleh dapat yang?
dlm 5 plastik je..zurai pn rasa bawak balik 4 je kot..or masalahnya nk ltk ais tu..kalau dh cair n terbalik2..mmg tumpah n terkeluar pn..huhu
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