Akhirnya muncul juga trip bandung ku ini..sbb keje dh kurang sket and nk update citer mother's day vacation plk..
Our flite was on
Departure : Wed, 04/04/2012 at 11.15pm (waktu malaysia) tiba pukul 12.20am (waktu indonesia)..ya kami decided to get a nite flite so that pagi2 esok nya leh stat shopping..eventho agak membazir hotel di situ kan..
Arrival : Sat, 07/04/2012 at 7.45pm (waktu indonesia) and tiba di KL 10.50pm (waktu malaysia)
Tiket pn agak last minit baru beli..2 weeks before kot as babah's home trip asyik direject oleh boss!
Please bear in mind yang waktu di Bandung adalah sejam awal dari kita..padan la pelik mcm sekejap je dh smpi..hehehe..
That time the currency exchange was RM 337 to RM 1mill rupiah..
We stayed at Arios Swiss BelHotel which cost us 750,000 Rupiah per nite..huhu..babah no hal so mama ok saja..hehe
And of coz we took supir kan..which cost us for the whole trip 1,475,00 Rupiah where :
1) Pick up from airport to Hotel (midnite charge) : 200,000 Rupiah
2) Daily Rate : 425,000 Rupiah for 3days
and keretanya suzuki apv yang agak selesa untuk kami bertiga...details supir :
Nama : Dadang Rohikmat (Fb's name)
Phone No : +6281394199522
So enough with the details and now we move on to the details of the trip :)
So kami as usual went to midvalley to exchange currency..babah mmg kat situ je from dulu dari qatar smpi brunei dollar...
me advised cukup la tukar 7juta je..mana nk shopping sangat pn..and tu skali ngan duit hotel and supir...
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Jutawan... $$$$$$ |
while babah checked in.. |
LCCT di waktu malam adalah super duper clear..parking n nk drop by pun sgt senang! and nk check in pn senang..smua senang la...sronok plk travel memalam ni..
Father n son |
Bila si kecik dh moody.. |
Babah upah mineral water :) |
Owhh ngan mama plk..mama upah soya.. |
and ipod! |
Khusyuk kan si kecik ni dok ralit ngan ipod...he knows how to swipe it ok..to unlock and me decided to turned off the password..but si kecik ni dh selalu mendelete my application..gara2 menekan2 je..
Flite quite full jgk..about 3/4 jgk la penuhnya..
once we arrived, tmpt nk cop passport ada di luar..thank god time tu dh malam..so sejuk la jgk..kalau tgari? panas bpeluh la nampaknya...and we waited for more than 30minutes ok..sgt lmbt..immigresen ada 2 org je..
owhh yea...arrival card pn mereka passkan once tgh beratur tu...i dont understand why the dont give it out while we were in the flite..apa masalahnya??
and dah la smpi dh mengantuk..as kami bawak luggage agak besar..as dlm beg ada beg..kastam adalah suruh kami bukak ok!! kena bukak luggage tau! pastu kena gelak dlm beg ada beg..hahahaha..nasib baik la mama ni susun baju elok2..kalau x buat malu je...
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Panjang ok beratur |
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Fill in the arrival card form |
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pembukaan luggage! @*^@&*(^#$&*(@^ |
we stayed at the business room and besar x besar..selesa la utk kami..farouq managed la jgk nk menendang2 n menari2 dlm blek tu :)
So time to ZZZzzzzz and next update pasal shopping!!
huhu frust aku maybe kena cancel trip bandung nxt week :(
cuti abisssss
Best nye hotel zurai
syana : ye ke? patut sapa lagi g? brapa ari?
bibi : best la jgk..mmg lena la tido..breakfast pun sedap!
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