Based on my previous n hubby successfully registered our son to this Islamic Montessori, Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori (BBIM) this morning...gaji masuk dlm BIMB..slalu konfius nk sebut...hehehe
Yesterday managed to buy his kelengkapan..mostly to buy some long pants/joggers for him..few brands have these kind of pants...such as mothercare, Gaps and Pumpkin Patch..but yesterday, none at the Pumpkin Patch and suprisingly ada banyak giler kt Mothercare...ada 5 sets of design (each set has 2 pants) that we managed to find...ikut hati nak amik je semua..hahaha..but just bought 3 sets and grabbed 1 long sleeve shirt..tiba-tiba this time xde banyak choices for long sleeve...kita korek mana yang ada dulu la...
Since that montessori using aircond at most of the time..and during their harus la kena tebal2 sket untuk si kecik yang ada asthma ni.. :)
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Items that we bought |
Beside Shirt and Pants...we bought :
- Water Bottle from mothercare and we let him choose his prefered bottle.
- Child Pillow but planning to buy some custom made kids pillow from here *dari dulu nk beli tp asyik la kemalasan melanda*
- School Bag. knowing hubby..xkan la dia bagi beli bag2 bebudak tu..harus la deuter for kids..pffftttt..but not bad jgk...i chose green and not blue.
And yesterday, managed to bring him to get a haircut...kasi trim rmbt..skrg rmbt dh panjang n kena sepit or pakai minyak je..ttp mata ha...same hairstyle like previous kali ni agak cranky sbb minah tu x cover btul his leher masuk rambut kt badan n banyak kat dia gatal n bising2 sket..but still manageable..hehehe...
Lepas tu..that hairdresser kasi wax smua sbb mahu amik gambar latest passport photo untuk attach together with the registration form...n itu la hasil nya...xmo pandang kamera langsung, and jadi la muka terkejut tu..hahaha..
and finally...we registered and paid the annual fees and June's monthly installment this morning..He is OFFICIALLY a BBIM student! While we were paying and discuss with the teacher, he played with his new frens..TANPA mcm dh kenal je ngan smua orang..but biler balik suruh salam xmo...just salam teachers je..malu la tu ek..
and ttiba akan masuk dlm blek..."mama...faarouq penat..." smbl pegang dada..semput la brief the teacher that he has asthma and his kena kasi dia kurang aktif aka berlari..but we will standby the chamber and inhaler in his bag...
I will taking 2 days off next watch his progress at the new school...
p/s : New shirt and pants as well his uniforms dah siap basuh...*semangat* well his blanket that i bought from ikea yang mmg standby dlm kereta akan jadi his blanket at the school..coz the one at mothercare tu size for baby yang he has that kind of blanket pn *dh masuk storage*....and kena put aside all his longsleeve shirts...
Good luck farouq....
Beg dasyat!!! Hehe aunty suke beg cartoon cartoon... Hehe
TQ..bak kata babah, nangis ke apa dh bayar annual fees..kena g jgk school..hahaha
farouq dia kena gaya abang2..dh besar..hehe
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