Impetigo is a common skin infection.
Impetigo is caused by streptococcus (strep) or staphylococcus (staph) bacteria. Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (
MRSA) is becoming a common cause.
The skin normally has many types of bacteria on it. When there is a break in the skin, bacteria can enter the body and grow there. This causes inflammation and infection.
So si kecik itu bukan la kena chicken pox...after a visit to a SP...Klinik wanita dan kanak-kanak desa melawati, paed confirmed that it wasnt a chicken pox...its a skin infection or to be specific "impetigo"...
At 1st mmg telinga dia mcm terbelah terluka...dlm 2cm mcm tu je..then we applied cream..from SP aka from normal clinic...then ttiba badan dia naik mcm chicken pox..and doc at the same clinic, bukak je baju trus cakap.."chicken pox" me as mama yang baru 1st time anak kena mcm tu..and nursery pn ckp ada few kids kena mcm tu..n tgk mmg ala2 iyerkan..and since chicken pox xyah la smpi nk jumpa specialist...
But last week...his telinga became worst...n last friday tgk dh bernanah..ada few tompok2 n dh pk sabtu kena bwk jmp specialist..either his paed kt APSH or paed kt specialist clinic je...and sabtu pagi ada dlm 2 tompok kat pipi dia pn i thought chicken pox dia baru nk agak pelik di situ...
by the time we met the doctor and doc trus tanya la "apa sakit" *as usual obviously*..i prefer to go here since the doctor tu perempuan and kalau x ramai patient mmg dia akan explain kat kita..but she advise dont come on saturday la since akan ramai orang...and yesss mmg ramai orang! tunggu dalam sejam je pn..i g klinik tu pn sejam gak tu..cisss!!! so sbb i thought akan lamaaaa mmg dh bwk 2 buku n prepare ipod siap2... :)
So i pn tnjk la telinga n citer pasal dia kena chicken pox tp sket je yang keluar n sekejap je...n doc pn cakap it is not chicken pox...sbb kalau chicken pox dia nya blister akan lagi clear...yang ni dia mcm kuning its a pus..nanah dlm lain..its skin infection...and keliling blister tu pn chicken pox xkan merah so tu smua tanda-tanda impetigo la...
So doc prescribed antibotik, ubat tahan sakit and cream utk sapu..and alhamdulillah...dah kering dh semua nanah2 ada luka sket sbb sikecik ni garu time tido...ishhhh!!!!
Pic kanan tu sbb cream from previous clinic tu dh kering2 sket..but u can see ada nanah2 tu.. |
Seronok baca buku...n bila g timbang ada orang amik buku dia trus muka sedey.. and bila budak tu tinggalkan atas kerusi dgn lajunya amik balik....hehehe |
Budak konon2 baik dpt sticker from doctor.. pffttttt |
Disadvantage between GP and SP...between normal clinic and specialist clinic...dah 2 kali terkena...dl penah skali time farouq kena bronchitis yang lastly admitted 2nd time sbb ingat blister je trus cakap chicken pox....lagipun slalu pergi after work kan...SP mana bkk..
Get well soon RIFQI FAROUQ!!!