Wednesday, March 27, 2013

VP : Progress

Akhirnya wardrobe dh in it will look like? can't imagine...hopefully rumah ku yang kecik ni akan xde la nmpk kecik sangat...hehehe...

tak pe bersusah2 dahulu bersenang2 kemudian....

Kitchen bar xbuat cabinet xbuat lagi ni...this friday nk terjah lagi pn gmbr2 dari contractor yang updated hubby on the progress setelah kena marah sbb lama sgt xde progress... :)

Sekarang tgh nk finalize utk beli furniture and electrical appliances...pening nya kepala tgk $$$$ yang bakal for all?? yes 6 digit...kalau rumah rawang nnti xtau la...harap leh bawak smua barang2 elektrik ni..hehehe...

poyo kan...nk berpintu kaca bagai dalam toilet..nasib baik en suami layan kerenah isteri :D

Top : 3 out of 4 bedrooms..yang stor pya xsiap lagi...
Bottom : bersepah rumah...
We already listed out semua benda nk beli...harap2 ermmm.....sempat la smua ni siap n di beli since hubby nk balik next week...


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From Little World to Ikea

Due to limited space utk bilik si kecik...

me la especially merelakan utk en suami beli asal mana yang muat la utk blek si kecik...

It should be something like these from Little World :

tapi dengan hati yang rela...biarkan en suami pilih and we decided to buy from ikea..yang mana bedframe nya adjustable...

min (L) : 128cm
max (L) : 198cm 

Kalau letak yang aeroplane's bed tu mmg akan berhadapan ngan space dlm blek akan kecik...xkan la tinggal between tu je kan utk ltk mainan n dia nk sronok main mmg aim nk letak n jadi L shape between katil n ada banyak space utk si kecik...

Kami ada space utk L shape just about kalau single bed dh 2m kan..xkan la me ada 200cm je nk bukak tutup wardrobe kt blek si kecik tu kan...

So if you are looking for a children bed, you can try and visit little world futniture...i usually pergi little world, VIVA HOME...but i saw they have other outlet after sungai besi nk hala ke seremban itu...

or if you have limited space...can try this adjustable bed...suitable sangat utk budak...and nanti kita beli bed barrier ok nak make sure farouq xjatuh bila tido sorang2 tu...doa kan moga nk train dia tido sorang nanti mudah n berjaya :D

ok yang...nanti kita design blek farouq n beli katil lawa2 bila nk ddk rumah rawang bersedia je la..sbb mayb bukan blek utk farouq je..adik2 dia kot skali...hikss...

Monday, March 25, 2013


Subject to adanya internet access aka 3G...

dulu since i pakai iphone slalu la berviber je..since kalau call je monthly mau RM300++ ok bill sebulan...huhu..

but nak facetime susah since hubby kena guna wireless (ip4)..and biler malam hubby balik lmbt...opis dh off susah la...sian farouq sbelum tido nk tgk babah xdapat nk berfacetime...

SUDDENLY last saturday...hubby facetime sabtu pagi2 and dgn seronoknya...YANG..BASIQ DAH BELI IPHONE5...and puan isteri xnak percaya..suruh g dpn cermin tnjk hp tu...alasan ada orang nk beli ip4 and dia trus beli ip5...bukannya kena tmbh rm100 ke apa...BND500++ jgk ha...xleh tgk bini lebey sket ek yang...trus rasa tercabar....hehehe...

Puan Isteri : Eh mana dapat duit?? gaji awak kan smua transfer kat zurai n zurai akan manage..
En Suami : Duit brunei basiq la...
Puan Isteri : owhhh...memikirkn en suami ada dapat daily meal allowance...kalau sehari dpt bnd10 and sebulan dh dpt BND300 kn....

so skrg kami berfacetime saja la...and me kat rumah xleh la nk berapa serabai *ahaks* memikirkan en suami boleh berfacetime and dpt tgk wife dia ni biler2 masa je...hehehehe...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Electrical appliances

Tiba2 hubby sent me a msg this morning....

Yang...basiq blk 3hb to 8hb april...ada course training kt kl....

N me was asal xwat surprise n bgtau awal?

N he was like..sbb basiq blk nk beli brg2 awk ada xsmpi 2 mggu nk list down kn smua model n apa yg nk beli...

Ok....saja wat gelabah..ngan rumah xsiap wardrobe apa tkt xbtul measurment especially utk :
1) oven
2) microwave
3) hood n hob
4) sofa
5) dining table

Since i xreti brand apa bagus utk each electrical jd mcm kelam kabut sket since not necessary 1 brand is good for each type of appliances...mcm hubby nk samsung for tv...then ckp smua la pilih samsung...n i was like...fridge bukan LG ke xtau dh....uwaaaa

Esok meh la ke harvey norman di the curve!!! Aritu dh usha ngan hubby tp x ke arah brg2 electric n just tgk sofa meja makan je...

N i have this weekend je..if i blk melaka next week since SIL wat kenduri doa selamat masuk rumah baru next saturday...


Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


My 4th day and not yet 4th week or 4th month... weight x reduce lagi.masih maintain...jangan tanya dulu ye kawan2

I aim nk kena turun berat at least before raya...

I cannot understand why ada org leh maintain nk workout kt one machine smpi 30mins smpi 300calories not that kinda person...max can go for 1 machine 10 to 15mins or 100 calories je...hahaha...n kena jump to another machine but leh je repeat machine yg sama later....

Last monday my diet started...but when u stay with ur mum...the hardest thing to do??? To say 'no' to her cooking...but hati kena kuat!!! Last weekend hancur..ddk rumah kan....

Yesterday pn rasanya berpeluh tahap dewa...banyak sgt lemak n toksin dlm badan ni...

Go girl!! U can do it!! 😁

Monday, March 18, 2013

Eating Non-Stop

not talking about my lil boy...mama dia kan tgh bila weekend dietku hancur..hehehe

dont know why..but last 2 lil boy had a BIG appetite..non-stop eating...

sabtu mama masak la sambal sos telur wat ayam masak kicap for him...tgari makan la lauk dia with nasi...then kul 3 makan lagi..owhh bfast makan mee goreng...then kul 6 mama makan lauk sambal tu...dia pn nak...bertambah..rasanya mau sepinggan penuh dia makan...malam mntk lagi makan...phewwww...mayb xpedas tu yang suka..pakai cili besar je bukan cili kering n xcampur cili api..

ahad plk..bfast with roti canai..lunch after dh makan...tgk orang makan..makan lagi..setakat makan masak lemak cili padi..jelir lidah skejap..minum air n sambung balik....ptg makan ngan lps makan..mama masak nuggets n hotdogs..sibuk jgk makan..cicah sos ok...hehehe...ptg makan biskut..makan apple la..then malam makan lagi..dh gosok gigi..bila opah makan leftover roti canai ngan gula...sibuk nak makan..n it was 11.30pm...

dia pya pengeluaran that weekend pn twice per day la...busuk! hahaha...

and now me n my parents risau dia kt nursery...ckup ke tah makan..sbb everyday blk dari nursery msti macam akan bekalkn roti n cereals smua...kadg2 kasi air kotak or vitagen as well...tkt dia makan n by the time lunch or minum petang dia dh kenyang...

ktrg berseloroh...farouq ni byk makan cover weekdays yang xckup makan ke...hehehe..

its ok my boy..kecik2 gemuk comey kan..nanti dh besar diet ok!! :)

tengah seronok makan ayam goreng smbl tgk diri sendiri kt hp T___T

Sunday, March 17, 2013

My husband is the shopaholic

I bet hubby akn membebel to me...haha

I asked for another n its on sale pn...not from boutique ok...

A "NO" from hubby..but he suggested another brand yg lagi mahal...what is wrong with him...

And the 1 yg i suka by the time tgk lagi dh sold rasa nk pow lg byk handbag ni...

Friday, March 15, 2013

1st day!!

1st day at new place...

Cheewaahhh...mcm br nk masuk keje br plk...

So i managed to squeeze my time n hit the gym a day after registered as a member...

Phewww...after more than 3 years stop workout...nk dpt 50 calories burn kt treadmill pn rasa nk pengsan...what a day!!!

Usually i akan lari dl, lari2 anak+jalan laju for less than 5 mins than do some warm up+stretching *how can people workout without a proper warm up or stretching ek?? leh cramp kot*...last time at true fitness ada la warm up machine yg leh loose/stretch sket badan2 ni...but i just did a simple warm up from head to toe je at this new gym...after that br berlari n jalan laju giler kt treadmill *laju la sangat..speed pn max 8*...

But ok la pic atas kn...xsmpi 5 mins dh habis 34 yg rasa xsabor n nk beria sgt lari..rasa nk pengsan...hahhaha...n nk relax amik yg paddling tu penuh plk i wat skejap for legs n then cycling yg for rpm tu ok...i attended once the rpm class kt true fitness..cramp sakit lutut ok!!!! Cycling yg ada gear yg jenis skejap relax skejap increase the gear n kayuh smbl berdiri tu!!!! Xde skill n xbtul gear dia mmg hancur peluh mmg no 2nd class for me...haha..but stll xbrapa nk reti guna jgk rpm cycle tu...xpe slow2....

So lps dh wat rpm ada la 2 min je..xlarat n ttiba ada klas kt sbelah...mmg akan ada klas twice per day..630 to 730 and 730 to 830...but since hujan...instructor arrived agak lmbt n class started at 710pm...sbb i dh semput xlarat nk workout sndr plus my 1st day after 3 decided to join the class to be exact!

But giler semput jgk...but manageable!! cont until habis la...since instructors as i know mmg akan warm down kt end of lps habis je trus cabut blk rumah...maghrib kt rumah je...owwhhh sana ada surau k...nnti i amik sorrounding areas...true fitness dl xde surau or blek kecik...i smyg kt changing area/room je..hehe..mcm org wat kt oversea msk dlm changing room n solat since xde surau or masjid... :)

But yesterday i xg plk gym...buat keje n blk lg lmbt..around 930pm br smpi rumah...mayb nk alternate n tgk mcmana keje kt opis...since my brother at masa ni la nk pulun g gym since dia boleh tolg tgkkn frq while opah nk maghrib smua...should be ok! n another reason sbb 1st day period..n xbawak yang overnight's pad plk rasa xbest la nak g kan... *alasan*

Sambil kt gym last 2 days tu i updated hubby n sent him a pic of me with my bigggg thigh!!! Kena gelak but me tgk kaki sndr pn rasa nk cucuk2 nk buang je lemak tu toreh2...hahahaha...hubby mgada ckp he will keeps the photo n give me 2 weeks to improve! Ceh...melampau 2 mggu! I said 2 months logik la sket! 

Chayok chayok...lg dua bulan ada dinner opis ni!!!   :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bye True Fitness, Hello Rockafella

At last.....i joined jgk gym ni!!!....

Saya x menahan ngan kegemukan yang melanda current weight skrg mcm tgh mengandung 9 bulan!!! o.m.g....jeans/pants yang suatu ketika dulu longgar..skrg adalah ketat tahap how do u think seluar fit i dl tu...rasanya separuh peha pn xleh naik! T___T

i managed to get back my pre pregnancy weight after finished my confimenet period..and its slowly increased...and i gained weight like nobody's business...makan xleh nk control since i breastfed my son almost 2 years...dl kasi alasan sbb kalau tak makan susu akan bila dh stop bfeed still makan banyak...wakaka...

and i believe that i need to workout to reduce my weight! to lose all this fat!...damn u lemak!  :D sbb diet mmg xkan jalan pya la...

So yesterday i registered 1 gym near to my house...Rockafella, Sri Gombak to be exact dekat Sri  Gombak Prima....i dh lama x g True Fitness, Hartamas...and rasanya membership pn dh expired...sgt membazir la..sbb monthly membership mmg dh dipotong and i siap ada trainer hancur lebur membazir begitu sahaja...few thousands kot... T__T

Ready get set GO!!

  1. Perfume : i read somewhere...citrus perfume adalah yang paling bagus during exercise/workout...sbb the smell tu lagi stronger and can blend ngan kita punya peluh...and mmg pn...dh almost habis dh ni!!
  2. Sport Shoes & Sock : En Suami bought me new sport shoes..and cari yang PALINGGG MURAHHH ok....since nk workout indoor je pn..kasut nike ku dh koyak tapaknya..
  3. Sport Bra : a must... :)
  4. Dri Fit Shirt : me xleh workout ngan tshirt biasa..aka cotton ke...jenis berpeluh giler..hehehe
  5. Dri Fit Pants : harus la yang comfortable..yang jenis drifit jgk..and stretchable..
  6. Membership : since ladies area hanya utk member n x allow utk walkin...n if walkin je RM 8..and membership sebulan xpe je kot...rasa berbaloi....
And ada few items yang xjumpa....but rasanya above items dh ckup la jgk nk kick start my training..

  1. Nike Dri Fit Pants
  2. Gym Bag
  3. Nike Glove (ada dlm bag tu)
  4. Nike Dri fit Bandana
Kalau nk compare between True Fitness and Rockafella...harus la jauh panggang dari api kan..hahaha..both since both ada ladies area...anggap ok la!

True Fitness : ada shower room...make up area / hair dryer...proper changing room and locker...ladies area pn leh cover smua all parts of our body...mmg xyah g tmpt yang campur la...and they provide towel..ada water cooler...ada bola besar tu..ada space utk wat yoga or baring2 bagai even kt ladies area je.. :D
Rockafella : agak sempit...ladies area mostly utk cardio..n workout utk thigh gitu je...but utk biceps triceps smua i kena g tmpt yang campur ngan laki...tunggu dh kurus sket la..hahaha...mean time..kita wat cardio dl! :) towel n air pn sila bwk sndr..heheheh

Yes, true fitness kat kl...xbest la nk suruh my mom jaga lama2 anakku...since skrg pn kadg2 mmg smpi rumah almost kul maybe akan alternate keluar opis kena sharp 5.30...dpt exercise sejam pn jadi la kot...weekend *kalau rajin* pn leh g....

Moga bukan hot hot chicken shit.... amin

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

GroupOn : The Manhattan Fish Market

Bila dapat je email...ngan pantasnya membeli satu voucher from groupon...
Agak best deal la jgk...

btw saya beli voucher utk dine-in di Wangsa Walk :D

mamat buhsan...sibuk bawak toys kemana saja..
And agak buhsan sbb kami datang during lunch masa menunggu adalah hampir satu jam..belum campur yang i dah kasi voucher but dia x place order mau dlm 15min mamat gmbr kat atas ni dh buhsan...ada la masa smpi dia campak ha kereta dia tu...LOL

and ada masa paksu bawak farouq berjalan...owhh i harusla mengajak paksu nya skali..sbb portionnya agak xkan la farouq n mama nk habiskan semua kan...cukup2 la mama gemuk ni..eheks...


Budak yang excited nmpk roti n mushroom soup..mussel tu skali ngan mushroom soup..sedap jgk, makan roti dip ngan mushroom soup tu...salad habis mama disuapkan sbb none of them makan salad...hehehe...

Enjoy giler kan RF makan? and suapkan mama makan...suapkan mama using a fork...n marah kalau mama amik n ltk dlm mulut...nak dia jgk suap..n kalau xgigit cepat2...mmg bleh nk tercekik me kena cucuk ngan garpu ok! T__T

Last but not least....paksu n RF...n mama yang tembam! ahaks....

TQ Groupon...until next time if ada best deal :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

SG Gurls : Azalea's Aqiqah

From my previous post...i congratulated my friends who were welcoming their new newly here..

So 1 of these babies had her aqiqah today....Aze's daughter, Nur Azalea Ayesha...after got married on April 2012..tak sabar trus dapat baby that year jgk...a bit early than her EDD... :) so the event hari ni  ok..09/03/2013 and me semangat x trus update? hahaha..sbb farouq blk2 trus tido so apa lagi... :)

So most of SG Gurls managed to come...except Has (currently kat vietnam sbb ikut hubby working there) and Aini (yg xlarat sbb EDD for her 2nd pregnancy is around the corner..dgn kata lain tgh sarat)...

Me, Maria and Ina...are iron ladies ok...we came and drove by ourselves with the kid(s)....without hubby...sbb masing2 keje...Ina paling hebat coz from Rawang and drove with two heroes...latest hero baru 2months old ok...paling best driving smbl ltk baby atas riba...sbb si kecik nangis...bahaya btul....

Kena train jgk anak-anak n mentaliti kami as hubby yang sibuk bekerja supaya kami tidak akan jadi dependent...without hubby yg sibuk bkerja pn akan smpt berjalan with kid(s) or hang out skali skala...sbb lagi sronok xde hubby so that xde la drg boring nk tunggu ktrg... LOL

So we arrived around 1pm...marhaban started earlier so once we arrived...guests pn dh selesa la nk makan..n went back around 3pm++...tu pn nak melepak lg..ahaha...kalau dh jmp xmo kejap2 ha..sempat la sedar diri kt kenduri n rumah orang...hahaha

the proud mom n her daughter, azalea

SG Juniors sgt behaved...xde kekecohan berlaku....kelakar ada la..Rafel yg obsess ngan tarian naga nya...n siap wat demo td menari smbl goyang2 kepala...mmg ktrg gelak x hengat punya la...farouq as usual...malu and bkepit je..kt dlm rumah je layan tab ngan rafel...lily dh besar...nak main tp smua abang2...garang seperti mamanya..hehehe...and the babies...Rif Rafiq (ina's new born son) yg pn behave....suka gelak..n the pengantin azalea yg tido je sbb kena kacau time orf bermaharban...

But naufal xsmpt bergurau senda sbb he came late with the parents...len kali lepak lagi k...

TQ aze for having and invited us...luv u all!!!

Top Clock Wise : Zarith Dalily, Rif Rafiq, Nur Azalae Ayesha, Rifqi Farouq and Rif Rafel

SG Gurls reunited :D

US...ina n heroes xsmpi lagi

with Rif Rafiq & Azalea
me n maria....ayat ktrg biler dukung these babies..."rindunya nak ada anak kan"..n me mcm a'aa...trus smgt maria lps tu.."aku nk try taun depan" aku mek...ermmm kena diskusi la dl..hehehhe

Sempat berposing dl sbb smpi awal..
n me in Radiusite Paddle Pop Shawl *muka bulat T__T*

Door Gift : Mini muffins (vanilla & Chocolate), Customized Yassin and Telur Rebus

Friday, March 8, 2013

COACH sale for 24hrs

Top Clock Wise :
  1. Coach Bleecker Suede Messenger Bag for En Suami
  2. Coach Leather Pieced Duffle - di reject oleh en Suami sbb i have 1 in Mustard color..baru beli raya aritu with the price of RM 2k..hubby cakap jangan sama pattern tp lain kaler..n this one zip aritu button je.. T__T
  3. Coach Ashley Leather Shoulder Bag - best nya ada beg kaler merah/cherry :)
  4. Coach Ashley Leather Swingpack - New slingbag for me..saja tambah koleksi :)
All of these i bought from coach factory online...xkan semua pn nak beli dari boutique kan...x mampu lagi...ada 50% discount and opened for sale for 24hrs je..maybe becoz ada a few are latest models kot...sbb duffle tu i beli from butik baru last raya...n during raya dia mmg new arrival pn...

So lepas ni mencari bagpack..and another handbag(s) and wristlet kot...wristlet kot kena cari dl..mine dh 3 tahun usianya...dh buruk benor....hahahaha...

Anyone nak order anything...bley thru i kot..harga murah pya kita quote :)

OK xsabar nk pakai sling bag i nak order few items lagi..mostly untuk farouq la baru suruh my sis post kan smua...

TQ kak yong...orang kasi upah ok! n kalau ada apa2 murah...meh orang blanja 1 :D less than 50..rm50...


SELAMAT HARI WANITA kepada semua wanita di luar sana!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


09/02/2013 - 20/02/2013

We had a wonderful 12days together..since no tiring travelling aka holiday this time! eventho last minute plan jgk..since i took 1 day off on friday, so kepala masing2 dh..jom g jenjalan dekat2..xyah dh pk langkawi...on cny we spent our time at hubby's house, on d way to melaka kepala dh..ok smpi rumah nnti kita tgk flite tiket g langkawi..pastu dh smpi rumah dh penat smua...trus memasing ckp xyah la..kita rehat la..spend our time kt kl je la..since penat brunei-miri-brunei on weekend cuti wilayah xhabis lagi....hehehe

If nak summarize activities selama 12 hari...phewww...banyakk...

Since hubby balik dpt 2 kali agak sronok la di situ...and the best thing bila hubby was around....MAKAN sedap2....yeeehaaaa...nak highlight apa makanan je leh x?

From airport n direct from there n dinner trus..x myabar kan...

Left : Willy Satay..and by 615pm dh abis stok ayam.. T__T
Right : Burger Bakar...

From top clock wise :
  • Coconut shake melaka from batu berendam n not from pantai klebang
  • Crazy potato...ttiba gila kentang n everytime dtg gardens/midV akan cari benda ni :) u should try their honey mustard...
  • hi-tea set at delicious...and we were looking for this at alexis, gardens restaurant..and almost give up n baru teringat ada delicious kt midV...not bad to try...
  • Dinner at secret recipe, Wangsa Maju lepas babah belikan farouq toy...excavator to be exact..dh nak ajar anak jadi engineer ke? T__T
  • our 1st moo i makan sesuap je..hubby finished all of it

Breakfast at La Bodega, Pavillion...from top clock wise :
  • "Big" Breakfast inclusive Fresh juice and coffee
  • Omelette
  • Eggs Benedict
  • Portobello Mushroom Sandwich
  • and a Pot of Tea *not in picture*

Left : Breakfast at cititel...suka suka sangat dapat breakfast kt hotel..heheheh *checked-in on friday for 1 nite*
Right : Lunch at Tony Roma's..tujuan utama makan kt sini sbb nk kasi farouq rasa kickin shrimp since he luvs shrimp!! and half of it mmg dia makan kot...nnti mama bwk dtg sini lagi ek..

Top : breakfast at Coffee Bean, KL sentral..sending babah to ERL je..since hubby checked in kat situ jgk...
Bottom : Lunch at Kenny Rogers, Viva Home...usha barangan2 rumah..mmg bleh bikin gaduh kan kalau nk beli barang rumah ni :D

We had BBQ session at Melaka as well...tgk la mcmana bsepahnya farouq makan...suka benor ngan chicken wing...

OK and now no more about foods! :)

Managed to spend time with farouq at Yukids, The curve..seronok btul dia melompat2..nanti kita upload video...last entry k..

i took leave on friday..and dapat la tgk movie ngan en suami...after 5 years kot..hahaha..skali mntk trus nk GOLD CLASS...breakfast kat pavillion n berdesup trus ke MidV afterward...n sebab tu sng check in kat cititel je since banyak aktiviti leh wat kat situ...dekat ngan gardens n midV...

Rambut panjangnya selamat di potong....and boleh baca di sini...

Babah spent a LOT for his new glasses....ala2 harry potter tu dh rm1k...and bila nk pick up yang tu..ttiba balik with new one yang i pakai..should be i xsuka pakai sunglass dlm mall or en suami keluarkan cermin n suruh i pakai la frame tu T___T banyak kali i wat2 malas pki *on purpose* tp nanti dia akan tanya..."mana spek"...tu dh habis nak letak balik cermin tu babah cakap kena g kedai n suruh drg panaskan ke apa tah..apa2 la yang...zurai nak new rayban yg xjadi beli kat jakarta tu k...

the one yg i pakai tu ..konon2 limited edition and mmg review ada 100 je kat worldwide..tu yg en suami smgt beli...btw the brand is masunaga..from japan i guess...

Managed to go to kami melawat zoo melaka...and time CNY..harusla melaka itu jammed kan...we went there quite tgk la gmbr top left yg mcmana rmi nya orang nk beli tiket...but we had fun!! farouq msti suka sbb slalu tgk gmbr binatang je..either kt buku or nmpk real mmg tgamam jgk la...hehehe

Last but not least...babah pasang new tinted...sepatutnya i suruh pasang cermin depan since lepas i claim since ada retakan n makin membesar...i never knew yang once u claim windsreen, u can claim the tinted as well...rugi siut! so i suruh en suami pasang yang dpn..dh bgtau "silver blue" suruh sama ngan other windows la..then en suami cakap 4 jam utk pasang tinted...asal lama sgt...rupanya en suami nk tukar for the whole nk bukak yang lama tu la yang amik masa...

TQ yang...sronok bila mntk betis...orang tu offer kasi peha...wakakaka...

owhh we changed all tyres as well...and as usual en suami akan kasi yang the best meaning trus tanya mana yg mahal :( ...dh lepas tukar baru plan nk tukar sport rim....xyah la yang oit...en suami adalah membebel sbb tgh tayar dpn dh half botak..hehehe..sorry yang..xde masa la.. :D

So there are few things la yang x sempat buat yang i agak sedey :
  1. tak dapat breakfast kt Levain
  2. tak sempat dinner kat Las Vacas
  3. and tak LARAT nk g Aquaria...penat sgt rasanya that duduk rumah n masak utk en suami

so next time kita g holiday plk ek...see u soon babah...miss u! and tq for everything...mmuahh mmuahhhh

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


His current favourite cartoon is Octonauts, channel 613..beside doc mcstuffins of dh boring sbb repeated je :(

Its started this week..coz usually at night akan jadi channel atok n opah..or mama or paksu...but around 10.30pm akan ada la this cartoon...

He luvs it...because mainly akan ada banyak animals aka sea creatures...the stories are different everyday...mostly on how to rescue other creatures...

The Octonauts Explore the Great Big Ocean!
Join the Octonauts on their BIGGEST adventure yet - packed with interesting sea creatures, special Glow-in-the-Dark surprise, and large fold-out Octopod feature!

last night ada electric ray and turtle and shark...x habis2 cakap tortoise T___T dl tnjk tortoise xhabis2 sebut turtle....susah btul nak differentiate n ajar budak ni kan :)

kelmarin ada star fish and apa tah...hehehe..mama pn jadi excited tgk cartoon ni....

i try to find the best cartoon series for him but the same time can educate him as well..nasib la farouq kurang layan upin ipin layan ultraman..hahaha..suka tgk benda lawan2 ni :(

from left to right : Tweak Bunny, Tuni The Vegimal, Dashi (Sauci) Dog, Peso Penguin, CAPTAIN BARNACLES BEAR, Kwazii Kitten, Shellington Sea Otter and Professor Inkling Octopus

and you can read here the description of these little heroes :)

 Ok farouq...malam ni kita layan lagi k...

Surprise tak jadi

Jumaat : Hubby confirmed to attend course in KL on Wednesday (06/03/2013)

Weekend : Plan mcmana nk suprise kan wife

Monday : Reconfirmed n HR dh beli tiket..akan balik selasa tgari and balik ke brunei khamis pagi...since course sehari je..and still xbagitau puan isteri

Selasa : by 10am dpt emel..ckp course to postpone...HAHAHA...

kesimpulannya...tiket burn *company bayar*....surprise to isteri konon2 nk call by the time smpi KL pn xjadi....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RRF #2

Kesinambungan dari RRF #1

Ragam #1

Sangat sibuk tanya "wat apa"...n skrg ada penambahan..

RF : cheeepah wat apa..
Opah : Potong bawang...
RF : Ciannn cheepahhh

Ragam #2

Sambil makan karipap

RF : mama..nak? *sambil tangan hulu karipap*
Mama : *sambil nganga ke arah karipap*
RF : tak yeyeh   *refer to tak boleh and tarik tangan belakang badan*
Mama : T___T

Monday, March 4, 2013


Impetigo is a common skin infection.

Impetigo is caused by streptococcus (strep) or staphylococcus (staph) bacteria. Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA) is becoming a common cause.

The skin normally has many types of bacteria on it. When there is a break in the skin, bacteria can enter the body and grow there. This causes inflammation and infection.

Info from here.

So si kecik itu bukan la kena chicken pox...after a visit to a SP...Klinik wanita dan kanak-kanak desa melawati, paed confirmed that it wasnt a chicken pox...its a skin infection or to be specific "impetigo"...

At 1st mmg telinga dia mcm terbelah terluka...dlm 2cm mcm tu je..then we applied cream..from SP aka from normal clinic...then ttiba badan dia naik mcm chicken pox..and doc at the same clinic, bukak je baju trus cakap.."chicken pox" me as mama yang baru 1st time anak kena mcm tu..and nursery pn ckp ada few kids kena mcm tu..n tgk mmg ala2 iyerkan..and since chicken pox xyah la smpi nk jumpa specialist...

But last week...his telinga became worst...n last friday tgk dh bernanah..ada few tompok2 n dh pk sabtu kena bwk jmp specialist..either his paed kt APSH or paed kt specialist clinic je...and sabtu pagi ada dlm 2 tompok kat pipi dia pn i thought chicken pox dia baru nk agak pelik di situ...

by the time we met the doctor and doc trus tanya la "apa sakit" *as usual obviously*..i prefer to go here since the doctor tu perempuan and kalau x ramai patient mmg dia akan explain kat kita..but she advise dont come on saturday la since akan ramai orang...and yesss mmg ramai orang! tunggu dalam sejam je pn..i g klinik tu pn sejam gak tu..cisss!!! so sbb i thought akan lamaaaa mmg dh bwk 2 buku n prepare ipod siap2... :)

So i pn tnjk la telinga n citer pasal dia kena chicken pox tp sket je yang keluar n sekejap je...n doc pn cakap it is not chicken pox...sbb kalau chicken pox dia nya blister akan lagi clear...yang ni dia mcm kuning its a pus..nanah dlm lain..its skin infection...and keliling blister tu pn chicken pox xkan merah so tu smua tanda-tanda impetigo la...

So doc prescribed antibotik, ubat tahan sakit and cream utk sapu..and alhamdulillah...dah kering dh semua nanah2 ada luka sket sbb sikecik ni garu time tido...ishhhh!!!!

Pic kanan tu sbb cream from previous clinic tu dh kering2 sket..but u can see ada nanah2 tu..

Seronok baca buku...n bila g timbang ada orang amik buku dia trus muka sedey..
and bila budak tu tinggalkan atas kerusi dgn lajunya amik balik....hehehe

Budak konon2 baik dpt sticker from doctor.. pffttttt

Disadvantage between GP and SP...between normal clinic and specialist clinic...dah 2 kali terkena...dl penah skali time farouq kena bronchitis yang lastly admitted 2nd time sbb ingat blister je trus cakap chicken pox....lagipun slalu pergi after work kan...SP mana bkk..

Get well soon RIFQI FAROUQ!!!

Mothercare Sale : March 2013

Sale Sale Sale

Mothercare, ELC and Gingersnap are having Sale from 1-24 of March...

but from 1st of March till 3rd of March...VIP members enjoyed additional 10% from the nett purchase...

I went to their store in MidValley...but heard there were lot of choices and sizes in KLCC..

Its ok...farouq pn dh ada banyak jgk shirt *sedapkan hati*...i aimed for all those 40% discounted items for his tops...and for pants and shoes tu just have 20% discount...sbb red sneakers mmg sudah lama ku cari..hehehe...*pengaruh anak nora danish*... :)

Top Clock Wise :
1) Pack of 3 shortsleeve shirts (n.p. RM 88)
2) Skinny pants (n.p. RM 104)
3) Red Sneakers (n.p. RM 80) agak murah kasut kt mothercare ni
4.i) Pack for 2 of longsleeve shirts (n.p. RM80)
4.ii) Longsleeve shirt (n.p. RM 31)

Total Damaged : RM 261 je....hehehe...

KLCC...nak pergi to check on the ELC items...maybe this week of bebiler during lunch hour :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Before his sleep time : Al Fatihah

Yesterday was my 1st time...recited Al Fatihah together with my lil boy...dengan niat nak membiasakan dia dengan surah itu....

Im not sure..but someone shared with me yang otak kanak2 sangat berkembang just before time dia nak tido tu...bukan yang tgh mamai tu..the process prior to that...

so as usual...made him a bottle of milk...but naik atas baca buku kejap...then he climbed the bed and i switched off the light...then called hubby (not everyday)...and smlm while he drinks his i mula bacakan al fatihah...n bila dia dh puas lil boy started to follow me..eventho hujung2 ayat je..and kadang2 i baca satu2 kalimah slowly and louder....ada la 10x jgk baca smpi dia mmg dh ngantuk giler *plus me pn dh menguap*.....

and he asked for another bottle of milk..i made the new one by using the smallest avent bottle...then off we ZZZzzzzzzzz....

In Sha Allah kita slow2 k farouq....