So agak lama diriku menghilang..sbb apa?
1) admitted to hospital bcoz hydrated..
2) On MC for a week after discharged..
So entry pusrawi was my last entry and also I had my last dinner..after that dari sabtu ke ari khamis before admitted adalah muntah yang sangat truk..minum plain water kuar..buah pun kuar blk..makan apatah lagi...
Rabu went to d opis but half day jek..kat umah blk terlentang..and esok nya khamis tggu ayah n lepas zohor g klinik...but doc suruh g hospital je..so p la hospital Ampang Puteri..at first hospital penuh..after waiting for 20mins ada gk kosong..if not g damai hospital kat melawati la...
So i was admitted on thursday, and datang la all of my families...dok blek bdua but dok n tdo sorang2 je...coz makcik kat sblh tu kena suspect H1N1..so dia kena transfer g blek sorang...
p/s : Sampai darah kuar ni ha!
And on friday, went to see doctor and did the scan..so still the EDC on mid of Nov..And on 09/04/2010 (8weeks and 4days)..the baby was 2.02cm ..and doctor gave me xperience to hear the heart beat and compared with mine..laju nyer baby nyer heart beat kan? so cute....
Patut leh balik ari sabtu..but doctor suruh stay for 1 day..sian my husband..klu dia tau ahad baru leh kuar spital..dia leh blk dh..but coz we tot can discharge on saturday..xyah la dia balik as when he checked the ticket for 1 way pn dh almost RM2k..mmg company tanggung, but dont know up to brapa their limit kan...lgpun awak dh nak balik pun.. :)
So ni ada a few foods yang i smpt nk captured...leh x dia kasi makan spaghetti carbonara la..drummet la..bubur la..mmg xlalu la..coz they said i cannot eat oily n spicy food...tp bila mak datang suruh bawak sambal cili api..hehehe...

So on sunday baru leh kuar n mak tam yang bawak balik..coz ayah n mak g wedding..menunggu bill sangat lambat..mayb sbb insurance kan..so lambat sket la..tp more than 3hrs la..but the good new..fully covered!! yea yea...
TQ Doctor!
p/s : Lupa nak bgtau..ari tu masuk air 10.5 botol k..mak pn dulu 8 je...waaaaaa...
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