1) Saving (Cash & Loan & Gold/Silver)
2) Property
3) Insurance
- Duit gaji bulan2 we will allocate between liabiliti (loans i.e. car and house), expenses (fuel, tol,bills and etc), insurance then saving (cash, future house and future car)
-Beside my salary, of coz hubby kasi elaun kan..n i keep it save in my ASB akaun instead shopping sana sini and dalam ASB, duit hantaran i still tletak dalam tu..rasanya duit dalam ASB tu duit hantaran la kot yang banyak..if x..xdpt tgk 5digit pn kat situ :) *patut mintak banyak2 duit hantaran!! :)*
- Jangan lupa allocate cash saving for ur little one k (for their future lagi2 education purposes la kan)
- Hubby took ASB loan which will expired next 15years with almost 6figures nye digit la :) n mayb can reach that amount if dia xdok guna the dividend...he applied this loan when he was in qatar sbb with that big loan amount, dalam 1.5 year akan sakit sbb almost 1k monthly kot..and we plan to use the divident la nk roll for next installment..but since dia keje luar lagi..so dividend xleh usik..bayar je pakai monthly salary :)
-my plan pulak untuk amik ASB loan short term la kan..yang xamik2 lagi..sbb i decided nk ada banyakkkk cash dulu then baru amik..sbb we need liquid money 1st coz tkt jadi apa2 ke kan..

- This is new for me...i bought these items (dinar, gold and silver bullion) around last May,2011.
- As aqiqah for RF was done on february, and alhamdulillah dapat banyak gak..at 1st i letak dalam my ASB..tah macamana ttiba dok discuss ngan kengkawan n surf2 tenet n tdetik y not duit tu jadikan gold..so for his aqiqah, i sucessfully converted the cash to 2 dinar emas :) and akan pass to him after dia abis blaja n nk masuk uni.. so next 18years..adakah dinar itu akan naik habis2an :D
- And as for me, i bought another 2 dinars, 20g of gold and 250g of silver...so cash sudah almost nak habis..hehehe..
- but for only 3months, let me tell u..dinar increased 10%, gold 11% and silver 9%...

mengigil jgk nk bayar this amount :)

- as hubby keje luar..so we decided to maintain my car only..no 2nd car..no motor..and 2nd car should be either sedan or mpv..as current kete, myvi as everybody knows..bonet kan ke kecik..hehehe..but we agreed that the 2nd car hanya akan terlaksana once myvi's loan is finish..xlama pn lagi...dalam 2thn lagi je..but if tetiba my hubby kena keje kat msia..plan akan berubah :) and if lg 2tahun dia still keje @ brunei..so maybe we plan to buy our 2nd car from there la kot..as murah compared ngan sini..
- have our very 1st home..maybe la it just a condo..and can consider far from my parent's house..as both my sisters stay nearby kan..but we decided to proceed to buy as no down payment is needed..sbb dapat discount 11% for bumi... (we bought the house time we were single - not married..confident bakal kawin ni :D )

- currently we only took retirement plan and critical illness for insurance as im fully covered with unlimited coverage as an employee of STMB *delivery limited!!! huh!*
- As hubby also got medical coverage under his company and indirectly me also being covered as well our little one BUT with annual limit..
- plan to take education plan for my little baby..sangat xsempat sbb nk compare n find the best coverage with the lower amount. And i already set in my mind that this insurance is totally for coverage and not for saving...please bear in mind on that..coz sometimes orang expect something in return...and please all parents out there, add a waiver in ur little one's insurance as if jadi apa2 kat contributer (parents), the insurance still continue...
- As dah ada rumah..of coz la need mortgage rite..but since installment umah payable by my hubby..so insurance pun under him la jgk..but i plan to make sure my insurance (life insurance) coverage is up to the initial housing loan. so if jadi apa2 kat me..so hubby ada jgk backup nya..

Note :
1) Why i need future cash for house and car?
- Car is for our next car la of coz..the down payment...
- House is for renovation and at the same time to pay the loan in advance..to reduce the principal earlier than schedule..if you guys know how the interest of housing loan being calculated..than u know la kot...it is diff compared with car loan ok..
2) Bukan nak menjaga kewangan my hubby...but recently..last 2months everything started..all the monthly saving that i planned, i asked my hubby to transfer all the allocated money to me..and i will manage it for him..as every 2months dia punya hometrip..mesti xdapat wat saving..kemana2 tah duit tu..memang xleh jadi..so i have to!!!hehehe
3) Now im happy to tell that im free from debt..credit card debt!! *ptptn tggl lagi 5.5k* i tell u k..dulu i was bad..shopping xhingat dunia..but i boros dari segi beli kain..buat baju..dulu layan jakel..n tau la jakel tu macamana k..almost 3 years gak la duit bonus habis sbb bayar hutang je..n skrg i manage my financial properly...xmo dah utang2 ni..owhh lupa..sbb ada installment gym n spa..n thank god gym will finish this month and spa this november...
4) yup...jangan la amik installment2 ni ok..if ada duit bayar trus..if not it will burden u in future!!! :)
5) As our both medical coverage under companies have limited coverage and we decided to deliver our 1st son at private hospital..everything was planned smoothly..as total coverage only can cover for normal delivery w/o complications (total coverage RM4,500)..and if operate can up to 10k..so hubby need to put aside at least 7k..and thank god he managed to do that and double enjoy as i had a normal delivery!! yuuhuuuu.....so where does the money goes? entah la..ttiba 7k tu xtau kemana..hahahah...sbb tu i hav to take an action to do his monthly saving.. :)
6) this is extra info la..my son was admitted a week after he was born..and the bills was around 3k ok..xmasuk jaundice aritu 1k++..since child covered under my husband's company..quite kelamkabut gak la nk update his details yang xde nama lagi kat HR and ING..memang klaka time tu..hehehe..so make sure u know ur company policy and if possible insured ur child even when they are still in ur tummy k..i will do that for my next pregnancy!!!
Maybe got some more tapi malas mengarang....
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