I dont know how you treat urself or families when it comes to any medical/health conditions...
Coz example if someone been diagnosed with this this this...u cannot refer n stick to that particular doctor only..especially when it keep on repeating..and if the Doctor A said if things getting worse, you should go for an operation..walla....there u go..operate tu..huhuhu..
So if things x recover, and u keep on ngan that Doctor A, that doc said we will see for 2weeks time...if ok than ok la..but nk menunggu 2minggu pn u asyik MC and xsihat..kenapa nk tunggu surat referral from clinic to specialist..just go to the specialist la..bayar sendiri..bukan mahal sangat pun..maybe 200 kot paling mahal...bukan nk suruh go for other opt means ready for operation..just to get the 2nd opinion...seriously, u cannot take things for granted la..kalau setakat sakit perut period or muntah2 for few days tu xpe la...
Same goes to my baby when we checked on his conditions :
1) Asthma
- As he was admitted just after a week he was born with pneumonia..and then keep on repeating got wheezing..then admitted again bcoz of bronchitis when he was 7MO...
- Doctor at A.P.S.H suspected he has asthma...and was given a chamber + ventolin + budesonide...
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ventolin |
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busesonide - ni yang xpatut ni!! |
- then we decided to get the 2nd opinion and went to a "Klinik Pakar Kanak-Kanak"..and luckily, i bring both inhaler...and doctor confirmed he has asthma..but the inhaler xbetul..he should be given a seretide instead the budesonide...doc said the budesonide tu from India and kat malaysia xguna sangat ke x medically approved ke apa..so we changed to seretide.. *padanla time upload pic tu drg cakap drg guna ventolin + seretide utk anak2 drg yang ada asthma*
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ni baru betul...twice per day :) |
- then last week..admitted again because of broncholitis..yang best nya paed dia cuti..so we went to see diff paed..discharged on Saturday and the followup next Saturday (after 1 week) but since last monday his paed dah masuk keje..so we went to bring him to his paed..this is not consider followup just to get 2nd opinion..
- all above covered under my husband's insurance but pay n claim..n encik suami xreti2 nk claim..simpan je resit2 tu..dh dekat seribu jgk kot..
2) CA
- this one is referring to his birth defect..which need to go for an operation...huhu..and as u know, congenital anomalies ni insurance xcover..so smua bayar sndr ok!
- As A.P.S.H xde paed surgeon..so his paed suggested that we can go to tawakal..so doc siapkan referral letter with my son's conditions smua..then off we go..yezza..swasta kan..of coz la berpuluh ribu costnya..but we didn't agree that time..so we decided to have 2nd opinion from other doc/diff hospital...
- we chose HUKM local goverment and once there, the doc was good despite tunggu lama sket..tp xde la lama sangat kot..n doc mentioned the only local gomen hospital yg ada good paed surgeon ada kat HKL, HUKM and PPUM kot..so we decided maintain je kat HUKM...after discussion, and the approach between tawakal n HUKM lain..n we prefer HUKM since doc pn citer ada complication la..and if i ikut cara tawakal ada this issue and this la..so ok..kita ikut option from HUKM
- As HUKM ada local and specialist, there you go...i jmp pulak doc kt HUKM specialist...and tanya all the differences between local and specialist n procedure smua..n i tell u..lagi ramai doc u jmp..u will know ur or ur kid's conditions very well..as u tau nk tanya apa smua..
- my son already had his 1st operation at gov hospital and next december is his 2nd operation..and still my husband wanted to go to HUKM specialist..but since i have no issue with local gomen except the doctor is not that specialist but the procedure/operation will be monitored by the specialist...and bukan doc yg baru kuar medical skool yang akan operate pn..ni doc yang dh ada pengalaman yang tgh menimba ilmu nk jadi specialist pn..and the doc was nice...im happy with their services..
So kesimpulannya...if you guys out there rasa not feeling good..n things x recover or getting worse...y not go n get 2nd opinion k..
1 comment:
benda2 camni la bagus.
kau tulis. dan orang boleh share kan?
hang in there!
u and RF :)
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