Monday, February 25, 2013

Difference Between Measles and Chickenpox and RF

There are similarities and differences between measles and chickenpox. They originate from two separate viruses, but can cause a few similar symptoms. Many people worry they won’t be able to tell the two apart because both diseases have rashes, but rash appearance and behavior are very dissimilar. Generally, most people are sicker with measles than with chickenpox, have a higher fever, and have greater risk for complications.

Some similarities between measles and chickenpox are noted in the first days of illness. Both diseases share early symptoms like slight fever, runny nose, and cough. Measles sufferers might report sore throat as a symptom, but occasionally pox can form in the throat, causing irritation.

Some differences in these early days include that measles sufferers may have light sensitivity, and about two to three days into the illness, the fever with measles greatly increases to about 104-105 degrees F (40-40.56 degrees C). In contrast, chickenpox tends to continue to run a lower grade fever, though a few people who are really ill, either babies or teens and adults, may have a higher fever.

The measles rash begins in earnest with increased fever. Usually, chickenpox rash occurs a little earlier and doesn’t follow very high fever. At first, measles and chickenpox rash could look slightly similar. Pox bumps tend to be larger and appear more like bug bites, and then they fill with fluid. Measles rash is usually comprised of smaller bumps that ultimately blend together to create single patches of the rash all over the body.

A measles rash often begins on the face, whereas chickenpox rash can occur anywhere, and doesn’t flow together. Pox rash continues to change too, moving from blister state to open sores before crusting over. The rash associated with measles moves from pinpoint to single rash state. Skin may be dry or flake, but open sores are not present.

It’s true that both measles and chickenpox rashes can be itchy, but typically, pox rashes are itchier. Another way to distinguish these illnesses is that after a few days into chickenpox, many people — especially kids — don’t feel all that ill. They may have mild stomach discomfort, be a little cranky, or have trouble with itching, but fever usually decreases. Kids or adults with measles are sicker. Although both conditions require about the same recovery period, those afflicted with the measles may be sicker for a longer portion of that time.

There are a few complications of chickenpox. Most often, the biggest risk is getting a bacterial infection in one or more of the pox. For measles, there’s a strong risk of developing bacterial infections of many different kinds. Ear infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, or even swelling of the brain can occur.

One important similarity between measles and chickenpox is they can be dangerous for pregnant women and unborn children. Due to potential for complication, all people with either virus should seek medical care. Doctor care is also advised because people shouldn’t self-diagnose illnesses.

Based on the highlighted facts in yellow color, i tend to believe that my lil boy is having chicken pox..measles is demam campak right? coz i know demam campak xkan ada blister...but alhamdulillah doctor provided ubat gatal to stop him from menggaru...

Last weekend we seek an opinion from doctor and the doctor confirmed its a chicken pox..provide us ubat demam, ubat tahan gata, antibiotic and as well calamine lotion..

Started last wednesday, as usual before off to bed i will change his diaper and go to toilet and brush teeth bila took off his shirt, i found 3 red spots...then saja tanya...

something bite u farouq?

dia plk pandai jawab...a'aa..ants..

and sikecik plk xde demam selsema batuk ke apa...esok nya anta to nursery as usual...then my blk my mom told me farouq kena chicken pox..ada few kids pn kena...since xbyk jumaat anta jgk g nursery...then jumaat ptg nmpk the red spots dh turned into blister..meaning dh berair..ok confirmed chicken pox! 

so i told my brother to standby la if by monday xleh anta nursery...went to clinic on saturday, and doctor told few kids pn dh dtg..i was asking whether boleh anta nursery or doc said it will took about 10 to 14days...time blister tu berair mmg xleh anta..sbb kalau pecah ke apa tu yang berjangkit...but bila dh kering leh je anta to the me dlm hati dh "alamak"....

think positive and xpk banyak...doc pn cakap eventho xdemam but still kena makan ubat...furthermore kalau nmpk dia pasif jgn anta nursery sbb his body kinda weak and takut sng selsema n i just give him all kind of medicines and sapu that lotion...sangat senang skrg since my lil boy willingly nk makan ubat and sng je sapu that lotion..

so yesterday ahad...there is no new pox..yg sedia ada pn dh kering n dh bkudis...and si kecik pn tido sng..khamis n jumaat agak crancky..bukan menangis tp sangat lama berpusing atas katil n cari position yang paling since he is ok...pox pn tgk dh im sending him to the nursery today...

Smlm jgk kami kasi air kelapa to him..pure without adding mom told me to give him air kelapa biler banyak pox nya keluar...doc pn advise suruh minum air kelapa since kena kasi makan/minum benda yang sejuk and air kelapa is one of it...xperlu tggu keluar banyak or mnum pakai cawan buat kasi thru syringe and said it is ubat..laju je nganga... :)

In Sha Allah semuanya ok...mayb mmg rezeki dia pox xkeluar banyak..or mayb later baru keluar..but who knows and thanks sbb bukan skrg since mama xleh cuti..after 28hb good k farouq...


Just merah before berair..and only those spots je yang naik
RF with calamine lotion

Cheeky boy...ada few kt bawah mulut 1 kt hidung n 1 bwh mata..

Hopefully mederma can reduce/remove the scar

I read few items can be used to remove the chicken pox scar...i bought mederma and will try it first..

1 comment:

bibi yusof said...

ade scar ke zurai? budak budak kalau ade scar cepat je hilang.. dont worry.. ali yg kene molluscum pon scar die slowly hilang..

berapa hari ni kene c.pox ni.. kejap sgt ni farouq!.. hehehehe..
tak thrill la mama... :)