i called him yesterday before 12am n reminded him that tomm(=today) is his birthday..he was surprised as he also forgot about it! but the thing is i slept early around 1145pm as tooooo tired to wait until 12am..n he called me after that as he just reached home...sian hubby keje smpi tgh2 malam n ari ni kul 8pg dh smpi opis..
So yang...Happy birthday.may god bless u..im happy as we are now husband and wife.. :)
p/s : last year i wat surprise by waiting until 12am dekat umah sewa dia..leh xcaya org ada kat bawah..kul 12tgh malam bunyikan hon..nasib baik org xmarah tau..n this year xleh la wat surprise g brunei kan..perut tgh mboyot.. :P lain kali yer...
happy birthday basiq!!!!
zurai..5 hari lg besday zurai..10.10.2010..huhuhu
switakon :
TQ on behalf of basiq..hehehe
Linda :
ya betul..101010!!basiq dh beli tiket balik..tapi xtau leh balik ke idak..
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