3 different countries..yes 3 of us were seperated and i was very sad before leaving my house and my lil boy...to KL sentral..kalau travel with en suami mayb terubat sket or xde la sedey sgt melampau ..
Babah : Brunei
Me : Jakarta, Indonesia
Farouq : Gombak, Malaysia
My 1st experience travelling without my boy..my 1st time sleeping without my liltle boy by my side...it was 1st but TAK jamin it will be the LAST one..sbb he behaved so well :) mama n babah leh g honeymoon
As im leaving him for 3D2N..from sunday to tuesday (03/06/2012 - 05/06/2012) ..and as he is still fully breastfeed..so how to handle the EBM? from jakarta to KL..and for the long stay in Jakarta..and my mum need to handle the EBM and send to nursery...and at night smua..erkkk...so I will story mory on how i prepared the EBM for my mum to handle without me...
Sunday : As i went to the kl sentral at 3am..i thawed 3 bags (consist of 3 * 2 feedings = 6feedings) and 1 xtra from bottle storage..total = 7 feedings..
After thaw - 3 feedings i transferred to the avent storage..1 in the avent bottle *for my mum to use this instantly* and 2 feedings remains in the plastic storage and 1 in the storage bottle.
Monday : I kept the EBM in the fridge..and my mum will thaw it early in the morning before off to the office and send my lil boy to the nursery..as i alwiz sent to the nursery the thawed EBM in an avent storage..so i have to frozen it in the avent storage jgk..so i prepared 4 avent storage...2 in the bottle storage..
Tuesday : Same thing as per Monday :)
Beside the frozen EBM..i wat spare fresh EBM as well..as i know yang monday n selasa tu mesti xkan cukup..hehehe..mmg betul pn..bcoz my lil boy akan minum 3 feedings at the nursery..and 1 mayb before my mum perform magrib prayer..mana cukup 2 botol lagi kan..so the fresh EBM i pumped on friday..so 4 ari la sblm di frozen if xhabis..i prepared dalam 5 bottles and 3 bottles left..so smpi2 trus masukkn dalm freezer :)
Alhamdulillah la..yang si kecik xmeragam nk tido..n if tbangun just panaskan susu n tido balik..my mum ckp senang je jaga..tukarkan pampers tgh malam smua pn ok je..and on sunday tu my mum siap bawak si kecik g kenduri kawin ok..bukan dekat tau..kat BANTING lagi..so what my mum did..kasi minum susu sebotol..and bawak yang dh panaskan sebotol..so dlm 1hr++ la br sikecik tu mnum susu tu..n that was the 3rd botol..n smpi kul 10 dia baru minum 3 botol sbb kejenya makan n minum plain water je..but i siapkan 7 botol..so by time dia nak tido..my mum mmg kasi susu je..hehehe..smpi tgh2 malam dia xbangun pn my mum panaskn susu n sua n dia bangun n hisap n sambung tido :)
So i tau akan duduk kat budget hotel for my stay at Jakarta..and for sure xkan ada fridge..n i was right! mmg takde pun!! hahaha...so mmg dah plan untuk bawak cooler box..and remember how i test the cooler box? read it here...
things that need to bring to Jakarta... |
so ada berita sedey..as my production merudum..y merudum? becoz of below factors :
1) Pumping sessions not as per schedule/frequent..
2) Makan xmenentu n xckup and kurang minum air *sbb minum banyak g toilet kerap*.. :(
3) Penat + Letih
My lil boy minum 21 feedings = 2.1 Liters but i dapat recover dlm 1L je kot...ok la dari xde..but now pn production tgh merudum..trus makan sawi smlm and dah nak order habbatussauda...
My pumping sessions spatutnya as below :
1) Morning before start shopping : 7am
2) Kat tmpt shopping : 1pm
3) After done shopping @ hotel : 6pm
4) Before bedtime : 11pm
So kat sini dh nmpk gap compared with my daily pumping sessions..sbb slalu kt opis akan pump at 8am, 1230pm and 5pm...and bcoz i xkan bawak cooler box while shopping..so i harus budget la time pump kt Tanah Abang or mana2 msti i smpt balik untuk simpan dlm cooler box which i simpan dalam bilik hotel..room temperature can last for 5hrs rite?
And ada masa i tlepas pump before tido n terbangun kul 3pg..so dh mmg la masa kt stimulation xde..so mmg kurang la jawabnya after that...and on 2nd day pulak..i breakfast nasi goreng..xmakan lunch..n lunch cum dinner around 6pm..so penat campur lapar..2nd day n 3rd day mmg dpt sket..dlm 2oz je kot per session..so for me kurang xpe la..xde rezeki but i kena pump as konon2 stimulate sbb ada demand lagi..
So before leaving my baby, i direct feed dulu..n cium2..sbb kalau dh ttido xmo dh cium2 sbb tkt dia terbangun..so take the chance by bfeed him n cium puas2..so it was 2.30am in ther morning..so i knew my next session should be dlm pukul 7am++..ada few times je amik pic..and i smpt pump ok kt TANAH ABANG..time tu yang lain nk g toilet..and i n cousin n aunt jaga bag..n ktrg tduduk je..n i amik nursing cover and pump..pedulikan orang lalu lalang :) hahaha..it was on 2nd day for session tgari..dlm pukul 1pm++ :)
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1st session of the trip - 8am in plane :) |
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2nd session - dlm mobil :) |
Sila abaikan muka..tp fokuskan botol susu yang berisi susu yang baru di pam :) @ Tanah Abang |
Tak mo amik gmbr lelain sbb dh dpt kurang...slalu mmg 1 session i pump dpt 100ml mcm tu je..but biler dh xfrequent n xckup makan plus penat..dpt sket so xsemangat nk amik gmbr..wakaka
At jakarta pulak..on 1st day kami makan nasi padang n i keluarkan cooler bag from luggage n suruh kedai isi separuh bekas ngan ais ketul..hehehe..amik kesempatan..and smpi hotel ada yang still ketul so i biarkan smpi morning on 2nd day..xpe kot kan xde ais ketul as long air tu sejuk..so ibarat susu tu dlm fridge je la..hehehe..tp bley plk yang 1st session tu dia tkeras plk..terfrozen sbb ais ketul kedai tu bagi besar2..
Then on 2nd day, before start shopping kt tanah abang, i requested ais ketul dari hotel..mntk 2 bekas..ttiba pekerja dia datang and said it cost me 10,000IDR (RM6.80)..i mcm owhh kena bayar ke? tp bayarkan je..hehehe..selalunya ais tu i akan biarkan smpi ke pagi esoknya..
So on 3rd day..i buang sket air sejuk n requested again ais ketul..then pekerja dia kasi 1 bekas je..but TAK KENA bayar pun..so nmpk sangat org smlm tu amik as tips..cit!
So before balik..i suruh pak supir singgah 7 Eleven..nak buang semua air sejuk n ganti with ais yang baru..so below la my last cooler bag looked..but kt 7 E tu xjual ais..so i amik bekas slurpee and amik ais as dr air mesin je..and it cost me 9,000IDR per cup!! and i filled it wit 4cups k..lagi mahal compare ngan dari hotel punya..
From wat i can see..ais yang hotel bagi adalah ais ketuk..so ada kecik n ada besar2..xde la besar mana pun..n ais from 7 E mcm gmbr bawah..kecik2 n nipis2..so bila dia kecik n nipis..adalah cepat cair..huhu..time i testing kt rumah kan ais ring tu yang 12jam pn still ketul..and ais from kedai nasi padang pn ais ketuk tp besar2 ketul dia..n sbb tu lama jgk btahan...
so selain garam..ketebalan n ais punya bentuk pn are part of how long it will last in the cooler box..but as long still sejuk..should be ok! :p And bila smpi rumah mahu tfer...susu2 tu smua dh mgeras ok!! yeaaa best..tp sbb susu dlm botol tu penah cair..i kasi kat my lil boy esoknya..sepatutnya kena buang je kan..but xpe kot..and si kecik pn xsakit perut..ahakss..just nutrien je la kot yang dh xde..
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Lastly..before heading to the airport..owhh itu adalah ais+garam :) |
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@ home before transfer to deep freezer..hasil tuaian selama 3D2N.. Ais sudah cair but susu sudah keras :) |
So pengalaman membawa cooler box @ Susu Ibu? EBM naik flight? by the time masuk airport..need to pass by custom..so bila masuk dlm scanner..harus la drg tanya..ada apa buk dlm bekas ini? so i told them ada susu..susu apa? susu badan..babynya mana? babynya tinggal so susu nya harus di bawa pulang..hehehe..so i offer nk tgk ke? n drg ckp xpayah..n ada 1 lady tu yang macma ok2 lepas...n other guys pn i dgr2 with that lady mcm susu khasiat..enggak apa..khasiat punya barang..bla bla bla..ok ni baru masuk airport..
So after pass by immigration..kan akan lalu scanner n kastam lagi..so this time smua laki plk jaga..so soalan yang sama ditanya n jawapan yang sama di beri..but i malas offer nk bukak sbb i dh sealed with "FRAGILE"..hehehe...so ada sorang tu pn cakap...owhh ASI...leh lupa plk indon cakap susu ibu tu ASI..hehehe
FRAGILE la sangat :) |
and bila nk masuk plane..i asked the steward, whether they will keep the box or i keep it at my seat ke kan..but dia cakap bisa simpan sndr..so i ltk kt seat i saja..
So itulah sedikit sebanyak my story how i travelled without my baby and hav to pump la jadinya..
Di akhiri dengan kesedihan as production agak merudum :(
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Yesterday's afternoon session :( |
Need to be strong and hope kerunduman ni for few days je..insyaAllah..5 more months to go before he turns 2 years old!
travel without baby.. mmg kene semangat kuat.. semangat nk pump... hehehe.. anyway...good tips!
boleh gune nnt bebile travel without kiddos... hehehe..:) :)
happy happy, nnt baru production bertambah!
bile nak order habbatus sauda?
sabar ye..lepas ni insya Allah banyak balik tu :-)
bibi : nk g honey the moon ek? tu la dah try skali ni leh try lagi..hehehe..
order ek..nk try jus tu dl..leh x? :)
syana: tu la..tgh pk positive ni..xleh pressure2 sgt..
alhamdulillah... nak seribu daya... tak nak seribu dalih...
nk tnye u pump dlm flight jgk eh? Pkai pump brand ape ye? Bsing x?
a'aa...i pakai freestyle..xbising n pakai bateri so xyah nk cari plug kan..
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