My medele freestyle ni dh bjasa since my lil boy 3 DAYS old..skrg dia dh almost 20months..lama xlama kan..but tq to my beloved hubby la of coz suprised me with the pump..before delivered lagi dh smpi..that time seriously mcm.."ha? apakah?? nk handbag coach!"..*dlm hati* :p
So apa jadi skrg? last week the pump started making a weird thing..suction dh tak function very well...masa or time berjalan/berdetik..but suction xjalan..last week mcm for few seconds je..then lately smpi seminit pun ada...medele freestyle suction tak function very well.
Like yesterday..time showed 10mins..but i rasa suction tu jalan ada la 8mins je in total..dgn terstop2 nya..and paling best..pagi ni mmg rasa dh x function la..uwaaaa....n thank god my colleague dh UPGRADE her pump to freestyle and bawak for 1st time td to the skrg i meminjam body dia for this if xfunction jgk lagi..while at the office, harusla meminjam body my fren..and terpikir nak beli manual avent..standby la kan..
Last friday, i went to medela service centre at Bangsar..tot suction je problem kan..but that lady pun cakap suction dh kurang..and i cakap la suction leh she told me there are 2 possibilities je..either :
1) battery problem or ; but when she had a look at the battery she said mayb battery ok..sbb slalunya battery if problem akan keluar karbon kt tepi2 tu..sbb selalunya bukak2 cover akan nmpk hitam2...
2) motor problem :
So on that day..that kakak tu leh check on the suction nya functionality je..bcoz kalau motor or battery rosak ke..she need to let the engineer yang wat she did :
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How they check the suction.. |
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Testing 1 2 3.. |
Since suction tu bkait ngan that lady akan mntk the whole things la..especially body and membrane 1 set if you girls are coming..bawak la the whole set k..senang nak mayb bukan motor yang problem..but mayb breastshield or membrane ke apa ke.. :)
So as the engineer yang kena harus la kena tinggal but they can give u a loan la..another freestyle as exchange..but since they have 4 of freestyle and smua pun dh kena orang pinjam..and i pn xde extra pump at i have to wait their calls if anyone yang pinjam dh pulangkan balik as that lady told me la yang ada 2 body dh siap but the owner x datang once drg dah dtg means i dah leh hantar mine la..
Basically i asked what will be the cost la if any problem happens the cost of changing the medela :
1) Battery : RM399
2) Motor : RM 300
so belum masuk labour charge smua la kot kan..but they will call us dulu kot before they started to change anything..
And me n hubby x rasa la ralat sangat if motor kena tkr..and x rasa ralat sbb xde warranty malaysia since we bought it from US kan..since problem ni happended after the warranty period > 1 year pn..hehehe..
Service Centre ni only have 3 je kt malaysia as below :
Office Suite A-18-3 & A-18-3A
Level 18, Menara UOA Bangsar
N0. 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1
5900 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-2284 6388
Email :
Lot B2-G, Jalan Selaman 1,
Dataran Palma Off Jalan Ampang
68000 Ampang Selangor
Tel : 03-4270 1128
9-12-22, Taman Kheng Tian
Jalan Van Praagh
11600 Pulau Pinang
Tel : 04-282 7278
Email :
I went yang kt Bangsar as i called ampang n bangsar and they didnt open during paling nearby of coz la bangsar located at menara tu dataran maybank..dekat ngan midValley and kalau nak naik public transport naik putra LRT and turun dekat Bangsar..rasanya mmg ada bridge masuk dlm UOA nye building pun :) akan nampak ada Old Town White Coffe..kalau dh nampak tu kira betul la tu..
Just go to 1st level n go to Tower A..and register there..give them ur IC as they will registered ur info to their system together with phone number...
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I dah registered! :) |
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Nice... |
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Choose Low Zone as they are located at 18th Floor |
Medela Ampang pulak is located blkg bangunan Hotel De Palma..nearby Ampang Point n Ampang Puteri..
So at servis centre pn they sell varities of spare parts..breastpump..siap ada standby for demo..ada stroller and mostly overseas nye brand..*kenapa la dulu tubing rosak x g cari kat sini kan*..harga sama je ngan i beli kt lunatots tu..tak terpikir as i ada baca yang drg cakap if bukan warranty malaysia harga smua akan jadi double..i rasa spare part dah ada tulis harga..mcmana plk kena tgk warrant baru price tu goes to double plk kan..
Based on apa that lady tu cakap..xde istilah double charge if u beli mana2 pun..its just whether its under warranty or not je..if beli overseas and beli kat malaysia yang more than 1 year..sama je treatment n ok la kan :) so those yang beli overseas medela..doa yang its ok for 1st year..hehehe..
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Banyaknya...rambang mata! :) |
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For demo.. |
best kan medela service center ni.. that lady yg zurai crop kepala die tu very friendly..
tapi patot kene ade freestyle nye demo/trial set... so boleh la test!!
aah, mitos je yg kalo beli sparepart byr double.. mane de... just the service charge je double
crop kepala? hahaha..
tu la kat ampang leh plk try kan? entah kt bangsar yg xleh..
xpe bb..xyah trial set dah..dah ada pun :)
Tgk tak harga botol yg ko beli hr tu? How much kat situ? Mana murah?
How much it cost for service ye. Mine is medela fs from u.s as well. problem occur-battery cannot charge. if too expensive i'm considering to get new one....
hai...they said the battery will cost u RM399...
medela ai screen yg tomorrow anta medela ampang
i punya us set, beli kat sana masa holiday with my husband. beli2, terus rosak battery & lcd not working. they charged me RM 700 for the lcd & RM 499 for the battery instead of RM 399. i have emailed medela US to lodge the report. they are not suppose to charge double for spare parts, but unfortunately, yes the do. i dont mind if double charge is for the service fees but not spare parts. sometimes the staff are so arrogant. hvng d same problem but mine sad case sbb baru beli 2bulan (US).mine suction prob sbb motor katanya.i pegi kat ampang.die kate service charge 350 n parts kira lain.i xbg sbb i xde replacemnt pump.
Hws yo pump nw?n berapa u bayar kesrluruhan.can u share me the breakdown?
hai ano..
with the price almost rm 1200..phewww...i msti xnak proceed...huhu..
hai junaidah
bila not under warranty..the are not going to change ur motor with a new one..but they will replace with 2nd hand motor..yang orang lain pya set yang mayb lcd pecah but motor they will take that and replace to urs..
i was asking there any warranty for that? since no i im not agree on that..they didnt charge me at all on the motor replacement :) but only charge rm100+ if im not mistaken as service charge..
btw..i tot they will loan u same pump if available..or if not available..they will call u once any of their customer return the loan pump and will let u to use that while ur pump is with them..
salam, need suggestion @ opinion, i dah guna FS almost 4 months, then br ni rosak, x on with battery& direct plug. i dah check dkt ampang svs center-motor problm. They ask me to pay RM380 & trade in the set of my FS that i bought fr US, then they will replace the new 1. should i do that.
Thanks for this post so tha i find the bangsar service centre..
Mine was US set..elok2 warranty 1yr habis, my fs mula problem..x charging batt..masa rosak tu i juat continue dgn pakai power supply je since i contact dist dia ckp no replacament for me sbb i amek us warranty..
After 3 months i preggy for 2nd bb so i stop dah masuk 33rd week pregnant i sent the fs set to centre at bangsar..
Yes the gurl really help but it cost me rm8++ to repair since she said that it was motor problem..
As for me rm8++ very costly so i try to find other solution..i find other online seller who sell lactaequip warranty n now i understand..
If u bought US / UK specs n warranty by that country, lactaequip will charge double if they know that is not from lactaequip warranty..such as service rm300, battery rm499 instead service rm150 n battery rm399 if u buy from lactaequip, that seller said that it isthe way how lactaequip to control the price since they got license from medela swiss n too many seller sell with much2 lower price if buy us or uk spec..
With discussion with that seller, i think i will buy new body pump since mine already rosak..that body might cost me rm800-1k with new warranty by lactaequip..its more worth since lactaequip said that there is no warranty if i repair mine..
i pye almost 11yrs n pumped dah 4 child ..just i nak tye klu htr utk servis coz pump mcm dah slow but still function.. how much eh for srvice?
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