18days kot saya menghilang..kemana?
On 27th of June...my lil boy had his 3rd operation (1st stage)..which supposed to be the 2nd stage la..but due to ada incomplete as i believed incomplete tu bukan sbb doctor buat xbetul..but once dh recover baru nmpk ada lagi yang xcomplete..during his 1st and 2nd operation rasanya doc pn xmo take the risk la buat for the things yang drg xnampak kan..
Sepatutnya stat cuti on 25th sbb kena admit a day before for anesthetist check dulu kan..but on thursday a week before that..i brought him sbb dada dia wheezing..and mmg kalau bawak akan kena admit punya la..sbb a month before that pn dh kena but recovered as i kasi antibiotic je...doc suruh admit i xmo..hehehe..
so sbb gap sebulan dtg balik wheezing..so i decided better i g kamis so that leh stat cuti trus la..so on thursday tu..kemas2 bilik dulu..lawakan n wangikan..sbb i knew babah akan straight datang hospital and we will go home sama2..so kalau xkemas dulu mau pengsan babah balik tgh bilik..hahaha...so lps lunch baru kami melawat doc..and doc pn suruh admit je..so stat la hari2 ku..4D3N...and babah balik on saturday and smpi pun kul 11pm..so can consider babah balik ari ahad la kan..hehehe.
So during his stays due to bronchitis ni..mama la jaga farouq sorang2..dah la kena puasa kan..and nasib baik si kecik nak duduk dlam stroller..and satu hospital ktrg pusing..puasa and kena wat physio + suction..twice per day..so in total he had around 5 times kot..kamis tu xsempat rasanya..hehehe..xingat dah..but as next tuesday nk operate..and his paed pn dh aware..so ubat smua kasi ikut drip and during last day tangan dh bengkak so kasi cucuk kat peha je..ye la si kecik ni kan susah makan ubat! hehehehe..kena sihat if not mmg opera
Moody xmo stay in his baby cot |
Happy dpt main kt play area.. |
Process tawaf bmula.. |
Happy opah came and suap makan |
After 2 hours of fasting..excited makan roti! :p |
Yeaaa...babah is here... |
So tugas babah la showerkan..basuh poopoo.. |
Then after that..discharged on sunday..lepak2 dulu, basuh baju..and malam esoknya trus packing balik..untuk di admit for operation plk..owhh btw bronchitis tu kt ampang puteri and operation tu kt hukm...and since nothing to be monitored and recovery pn leh wat kat rumah..so kami bmalam 1 hari je..and a few hours after the op..kami pn mahu keluar and pulang ke rumah..hehehe..
btw pity si kecik...last minum SI, 4am..kalau minum formula 2am last..sbb formula milk kan lambat hadam...and last minum plain water kul 6am...the operation scheduled at 10am...but then op tu at 1pm..uwaaa....mmg both of us bgilir makan breakfast..and we brought him to the play area je la..pusing2 naik stroller smpi tertido pn ada...biler i dukung2 pusing wad and that time was lunch meals time..so ada air atas meja other patients..the word that he keep on saying was?? "Nakkk..Air...."
Sedey but when i said NO..*lemah lembut*..dia dh stat meraung..so kena pujuk2 balik..so when they call to get him ready..owhh mama harus dh sedih..babah yang siapkan smua..but mama dukung and then babah yang sent to the OT and tunggu in the recovery room..and once dia sudah bangun..mmg i dah bawak sebotol plain water..and kasi sket..but nurse suruh puasa sekejap sbb dia muntah once dia sedar tu..but dia asyik menangis mntk air.. T_T
so mama pun kasi la jgk sket..and bila dh smpi kat katil..babah yang comfort kan and tepuk2 nk kasi tido..and nurse kasi drip air je la kasi badan jgn dihydrate..but still mintak air n babah said yang kena drip tu air la..but sbb sedey kasi air jgk dalam sudu..bagi 1 n nk lagi..and 30mins after that doc dh dtg wat visit n cakap leh je kasi air..n kasi susu pn xpe..so kasi air dlm botol minum xmo lepas...sian anak mama...
Play area sgt best! smpi verangan nk ada play area kt rumah nnti..hahaha |
even 1 tgn pn bjaya! |
while waiting for the operation..fasting but still nk main..but bila boring mula dtg kt mama mintak susu... |
my heroes! |
Mama sayangggg farouq! be strong.... menangis |
so how was the recovery? alhamdulillah..babah was around..babah la yang taking care of him a lot..mandi..merawat n memantau tmpt operation..TQ yang :)
And now he is doing well...and 1st day tadi i sent him to the nursery..kawan2 smua dah sorak2 panggil his name..and dia xnangis pn sbb yang amik dia tadi pn "mama" dia...get well soon my lil boy..be strong k..as if 1st stage ni successful..mama n babah will alwiz by ur side and support u for ur next operation...pray for him *smbl tulis mata berair*
alololo. meh polok.
sian farouq. eh mama farouq.
insyaallah. he'll be ok :)
with lotsa love :)
Sedihnya. :'(
Poor Farouq. InshaAllah nanti dia sht & grow up to be a strong boy, kak !
Siapa 'mama' Farouq kat nursery ? Hehe. Baguslah Farouq, tadi Khayla meraung pagi2. Isk. Baru 1 week tak anta.
zurai...be strong k... U are very strong mom to face all these... Semoga future operations will be successful.. Tgk ank dmm pon dh sedih apath lg ank kene operate..be strong mama
switakon : meh polok plus belanja aku makan meh :)
doakan farouq sihat selalu ye..
Melissa :
hopefully farouq akan mbesar n mdengar kata dh ckup kan..ingat parents dia ni..hehehe.
"mama" dia tu cikgu sue :) kenal x? yang rambut panjang tu..
Bibi Yusof :
tu la..doa sangat biar la next tu the last one..doakan the best utk farouq k..
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