Sebelum en suami balik home trip last month, we already discussed to buy all baby's baju, mandian n etc lucky for us.he arrived on saturday and that weekend got pureen warehouse baju2 baby adalah murah..kalau x mau 3kali ganda beli baju kat jusco or any kedai kan..
But murah2 pn..we spent more than RM500 for that least we got 4packs of diapers (4*66pcs) doa baby xallergic la yer.. :) ..toiletries baby(berbotol2)..napkin..towels..powders (berbotol2)..compared ngan abis RM500 utk GAP n Guess nyer baju ari this warehouse sale sgt berbaloi la..
But murah2 pn..we spent more than RM500 for that least we got 4packs of diapers (4*66pcs) doa baby xallergic la yer.. :) ..toiletries baby(berbotol2)..napkin..towels..powders (berbotol2)..compared ngan abis RM500 utk GAP n Guess nyer baju ari this warehouse sale sgt berbaloi la..
After that we stopped by at midV and grabbed some other things like pants for all clothes that we took from the warehouse which dont have the match pants..n took another 2 3 pairs more.. :) and also bought storage box for d baby..mana nk ltk kn brg2 baby tu..
once we arrived, semangat nyer buang harga..simpan yg nk guna dlm storage box.yang lain dlm box lain as stock..n esoknya semangat basuh smua baju bsama napkin+towels..giler penat!!! n paksa hubby tolong hang kan smua..xlarat sangat nk menyidai sbb sangat banyak!! me hang baju n hubby sidai towels + napkin.. :)
once we arrived, semangat nyer buang harga..simpan yg nk guna dlm storage box.yang lain dlm box lain as stock..n esoknya semangat basuh smua baju bsama napkin+towels..giler penat!!! n paksa hubby tolong hang kan smua..xlarat sangat nk menyidai sbb sangat banyak!! me hang baju n hubby sidai towels + napkin.. :)
and just to inform, baby nyer bag nk bawak ke spital dh now ready kan bag untuk mama je.. :)

so cute la baju2 baru separuh still rasa xckup.. :)
p/s : Sapa2 nk hadiahkan baju baby sangat dperlukan..hehehe..nnti akan update apa yang abah nya shoppin kat Brunei utk baby lak..abah nyer lagi semangat!!! hehehe..
nak lagi baju????
tamak aa mak dia ni.
aku belikan. tapi umur setahun!!!
aku lepas packing2 rasa xckup la budak sehari pki baju brapa banyak kan..
tu tunggu birthday dia la tu..kedekut la aunty ni!! ahaks..
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