I was wearing long skirt + maternity blouse to has's wed on last month..me dlm 6bln dh..last minit cari baju..n nasib baik jmp..at 1st nk pakai suar je..but not nice la plk kan..
Btw, has was wearing silver during her nikah n putih during reception..the dais n hall sgt cantik after the deco..
n me looked so chubby on that day..hehehe..enjois the pic je la..nothing much to say pun..btw, sg gurls xckup sorg..miss yantie yang ke bangkok bsama rakan2 opis nyer...

sedey kerana saya tiada :(
kalau tak mesti sure lagi gedik.
eh mana maria n ina masa nikah
ye la..and g bsronok kan..
maria n ina ada je..xupload je.. :)
btw..aku sudah upload..tertinggal gmbr tu..hehehe
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