My lil boy terpaksa la become kinda looks like a k-pop style..ber color blocking..and what so eva penangan mama yang ermmmmm xboleh nk follow the fashion due to the increased on weight tremendously*tensen*..selalunya orang update gmbr sndr kan..but me terpaksa ok...please paham ye..TERPAKSA mengupload gmbr anak yang mamanya rasa lagi comey n lawa dari upload gmbr mama yang bila pakai baju yang loose smua..currently keep on repeating wearing those tops from poplook..yang selesa n sejuk itu..*plus leh cover thighs yang besar bak juara T_____T*
and as he has lots..and when i say lots...seriously si kecik adalah sangat banyak baju yang still xpakai lagi..penangan raya shopping x hengat...*this week nk g h&m at setia mall for shopping lagi*
so because of that...i decided to berjalan to the mall ke..makan2 ke every weekend and pakai those newly clothes..pants xberapa banyak...n lately i bought pants from h&m pn yang with age 3y.o *pastikan jenis yang adjustable la waist tu kan* kasi lipat2 saja so leh pakai for 1 year..n mayb 2 years...hahahaha...n mostly his clothes yang mayb dah di pakai 3 4 kali..or smpi mama dh boring asyik baju tu je..akan di transfer jadi baju basahan/baju nursery for those round neck shirt la...*ye baju si kecik ke nursery mostly are from mothercare*
:: Penang :: 17/09/2012 :: :: Gingersnaps :: BabyGaps :: Lacoste :: |
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:: Pavillion :: 29/09/2012 :: :: Gingersnaps :: H&M :: All Star :: |
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:: Tanjung Malim :: 30/09/2012 :: :: BabyGaps :: H&M :: Lacoste :: |
Me adalah xberapa suka guys pakai round neck berjalan..mcm agak serabai unless..unless kalau baju tu fit not that kinda fit mcm melekat la..janji x mgeleber bagai..i prefer guys wear kolar t-shirt or kemeja la thats why si kecik pn mostly baju2 round neck xkan di pakai sgt unless baru n sebelum di transfer utk pakai as baju basahan...
p/s : next shopping must be his shoes takut x berbaloi sbb kaki budak cepat membesar... :(
and sorry as si kecik gambarnya banyak duduki di dalam stroller..sbb nya dia malas sng for mama sbb xde aksi kejar mengejar or dukung mendukung...hehehe...
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